Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable Maurice P. Bullock county Attorney Peoos county F't.Stocktcn, Texts Ik2.rSir: Opinion Number O-2667 Re: Validity of road bonds voted upon the condition that they he taken ever and assmcd for paymnt by the State, :Vehave your letter in which cur opinion is requested on the folIow5r.gstate of facts: "A oonsidernSle portion of the State highwys in Peoos county ore what are generally knom as un- inprwmd dirt roads, end the citizens of Feces County are desirous of having these State highways Improved and herd surfaced. A plan h&s been suggested to the x?mnty Comnissj~oners’ Court whereby an election mey be called for the purpose,of voting bor.dsto finance this proposed highway oCnShW&iCn and imprOVement without the county actually in the long run being burdezed x%th the necessity of levying tares for the pa>mnt of such bonds. It has been suggested that the orr?ersar.dnotices for such election night bo so drwm BS to condition their issuance upon the State Iiiglx%yDepartment's using the proceeds thereof for construction, improvement, etc. of roads in Pecos county 8s State highways, and conditioned further upon Eouse El1 688 of the 46th Legislature, Regulm Session, 1X5?, being hereafter amendod in such mnnner as to enthorize the fu13 aswmption by the Strrteof Texas of the psynx%t of all bonds thus issued." Your q~uestionis: "Kill a bond j~ssuethus voted and thus limi.ted be valid, and would bonds thus voted hut issued in violation of said conditions he null and void?" Although your staterrontof facts conton;p!atesthe prepere- tion and passcge of orders and the issuance of not!ce for an election to vote road bonds conditionally, it does not disclose in ooncrete form the proposition proposed to be submitted to the oaalified voters - Honorable Maurice R. Bullook, page 2 O-2667 for their'action thereon. Under the law there is no inherent right in the people to hold eleotions. Sea ~~llliamsvs. Glove=, 259 S. W. 957. Eleotions may be held only where authorized by law. In tho voting of road bonds we must look to Article 752a, et seq., Title 22, Chaper 3, of Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, for the specific au- thorityto vote and issue them. It will be noted that Article 762b provides that the election order and notioe of election shall state, first, the purpose for which the bonds are to be issued: seoond, the amount thereof; third, the rate of interest; and, fourth, that ad valorem taxes are to be levied annually on all taxable property within said issuing subdivision to pay the annual interest and provide a sinking fund to pay the bonds at maturity. Subsequent articles detail the steps that must be taken preparatory to voting at this election, and, likewise, prescribes the manner of holding same. Other articles under this title prescribe the maturity dates, interest rate and de- nQnination to which bonds issued thereunder must conform. We call your attention to the following language appear- ing in Artiole 762b: "Upon the petition of fifty resident property taxpaying voters of any county, the Conrmissionersl Court of suoh county. at any regular or special session thereof, shall order an election to be held in suah oountv to determine whether or not the bonda of suah county shall be issued -- for the purpose -- of the oonstruo- & operation of macadamieed , $ravei;ed -ore roads and turnpikes, --- -- or% aid thereof * * * In our opinion the underscored language in the above ar- ticle establishes what may be considered the statutory purpose for whioh road bonds may be issued'and that the use of such language tends to exclude other purposes, even though related. In other words, the underscored portion of the above quoted statute appears to be the pur- pose that the Legislature intended having submitted to the property taxpaying voters of any county whenever the proposition for the issuance of road bonds is subnitted to them for their action thereon. For purposes of this opinion we must assume that it is your intention to subnit a proposition to the voters of your county containing a purpose phrased at set forth in Article 752b, hereinabove underscored, and in addition thereto it is planned that the orders and notices, as well as the petition, shall provide that in the event the bonds are authorized the proceeds thereof shall be used only for the oonetruation and improvement of State highways within the county and then only in the event that House Bill 666, Forty-sixth Legislature, Regular Session, 1939, is so amended as to make such bonds 10% eligible for partiaipation in the State gasoline tax fund allocated to the Board of County and District Road Indebtedness. Re feel it necessary to restate your proposition in order that our answer shall - - Honorable Maurice R. Bullock, page~3 O-2667 be deer. This question differs from the problem presented in the Moore VS. Coffman case, 200 S. A. 374, wherein the general rule is stated that the purposes for issuing bonds stated in the petition, order and notice of the election determines for what purposes the bonds were,issued, and that the voters have no right to rely upon any other state@nt or order for ascertaining the purposes for which bonds are to be issued. In the instant matter theconditions are made a part of the petition, ordar and,notice,.,and,therefore, become without question a part of the election proceedings, and ,inview of the language used by the Supreme Court in.the above,.mentionedMoore vs. ?Xffman ease, we think,that a c;on