OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN I 0-C.- -- 4 BY Opinion Ho, O-gllN, addressed to you, we a& vivod thdt it was FrOpUr for the QouxktyAseesso~-Oolleotor to ~~3055~ an4 OolleOt the Olt9 tares for the olt9 Of BOW Uke an4 thnt thb valuationrfOr the oity taxes should be the 88na as t&F30 rOr stM.0 aII4OOUkIt9JjIEpOOeEt mW ill@ of no reason why these olbp tams may not be prepare& UQOQ the same roll an4 the etatemaut~laadaout upon thr aam paper for both olty an& cloudy tens. Your eeoond que~$lon,as to whether tha oollootor nvlgaooept the 8tut.ea14 oounty taxer an4 lasso a moelpt the-for without, at the #am tim, oollwting the oity tuea, pseaants a more 4lttioul.tquestion, In op,LniontiBor 0-l262, we held that a Tax A8erssor-Uol.lestor may -8 a+ aept paym0nta r0r oouaty Baror uJl1sssthe atat-0tax.8 cm paid at the same t&no on tha ama pi600 or property. Au, thority ror this opinion was based upon tha 0880 or -D:-, tr,TXOXPSON, 8blS.W. 277 wharsln the Oourt of Olril Ap pels hsld.that a Oountp hia Asmswr-Oolleotor my refuw to 5000pt p0pmt or property taror unl0~~ th0 mw, who is a resident of that oountr, at tha eanw time, tmmr ptiphm 0r hi8 ~0s~ tar. The oourt in that ease rru&aImd pre;;li4it9 of a ruling or the Btate Qoniptrollu? to t&at l Clearly the clomptroller has Jurisdiotloato oaak;r riilearelative TV the etato ad wilorea taxer and polJ wuu, rinos the ooU#tion or both are put under hia ocawol urb eqmvialon by the atatutos, 'PhaState Cor@mllar hag fso jurlsdiation whatever over oity affalru or the oolkotioa 0r 0ity ta638, Any rogulatlon wiilohhe mi@t ioew per- %balningto the payaant of olty tame, oould ham no &foot. WUnon's Annotate4 Oivil Statutes, Artiola lO42b, whlah au- ttorizecl the appointmen%b9 the proper oitp autboritl;ie8 o? the County Tax Asseesor-Colleotora# the asoesW1 and ool- leotor 0r tHxu8 r0r the oity, makaa no mation of whathar the city tax should be ooll@0t84at tha scum tfiaea# the atate and oountg taxes. Artiole 73960, relating $0 thr 00mt0ti0n 0f eaxae r0r 0~ an4 indepe~4012ta00z dc8- trlota, expressly authorissa the payment of the mhool die- tri0t thxe0 aeptmte aa4 apart frf~~the pclyment 0r the rtato an4 ooulltythxar). We have no euoh ttxpresa, authoriaatlanin the instance now under oonol4erat~on, Howsrer there la Do statute or appllottb3.e admfntatratlveruling whioh requirea that the city an4 the state taxes must be pfd at the samm chief JuustibsOuseton, rrpeaking for the TextxrSugrcrme Go% in IiIcfilsY V. l&00X,840 5.W. 178 at page 174, aaid; m * 0~0 QP~LOIL, wt3w033, thalrLf 4 tiaspa~er Madem hi0 &ate and oounty tezem%nd retises to pa hia Olty of SourLake taxes, tJm oolleotor.nmstaoaept t3: 8 state an6 aoua8y taxes end iem a pro or reoqtgt thave~or, bten thoughhe does not, at t&e earpb e irr, 9olleaS t&m We@ oa the mme prolpertylevied by the @My at Bou~Saksa doni vermly, 6 taxpayg ahaul be permitted to ,my hts diOy of Sour Lake taxer, without, at the rrmaatinu* payins hi.6 Gate aad.croaatytaxes on the aam propyr Xe are aware thatthia prorredwe laagplaoe aa a44i onal btidea~upoathe Sax Amessav9olledtor, bu8 this appears to'be unavoidable- APP’ROWtDs~ 9, 1940 L.& ATTORNEYGENERAL OF Tl?XAS WXX,ob
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion