OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN -C.yucW *r(arrr.mtRu Dear h’. 01 bar,refueett *,o a6on tiubtno par- eimozS*e Beased Ultil Btatutea ate for the p3nmhaseOS mater- , eqLLtpmontadl mlstenanoesor tw aball Be upon~t~tW& BS&+,.exoept as ,MwoSnaSterpz' ale .toBe expded aaitnnlt is,rfir axoBB0 or the sumof +6,0OO,OotEepurcWee aballbeasde upon eealwl oonpetitlvebiao rectelted by the Ilxulqger aster ten days eaY8rtLeement Till some paper or papere of g.3nw~,M.rcmlotioPinthie Btate. TEere~the tummnt.of tEe paroEw4eit3 lese than $6,000,0o~.tEa maxeger&all, before lettimgany oontreptfob swh parohDee,ask the for the msteriaJ5 sndinstallation sf asamiing plsntat the BtateJarmindi8strle5. The 6y5t0m,~no tlouBt, aoted %$ guru-oe of Aytisls 6lW1, abwe quoted, and the Board rhaps dsolinsd to approve the sontraat Be- oause of Ar r1015 680 of the statutes. The langmge~ot A.IWole 0188m, *all toMroot* for the purchase of ad4rlal5, sup &es, eqaipmmt 55d suste- name for the4 Prison SystenQ p'e Braod enootgb to %~5&uae the present; oontraot. mhel~ngaage ofdrtidee~4, %3.m supplies to inoluda* * e ard all othsr.tEings re@md By the iliffe~rent department5 or bmtitutions, sxsspt sb*iotly pwishable goods,* is also broad snsugb to ower the present eontraot. fhwe Is, therefore, an olmious ooafliot, and 0110 OF t,hs other OS the statutes must fall. The rule in sued a 0888 IS that ths'last Ast 'rep3515 or supereecles the prior Aot in respect to t&e OOafliOt. . Eonorable 460 ,,a. shfwgard - Ewe. 3 Article 6lflSn was enacted in IQzr. &tic18 634 was smenlefl %q 1989 by H. B. 149 (atiC. 8. 41st Leg..p. aoj C@;l+ ,‘Lbere is no 5xprees repealSng clause in H. Bi Ho. $4*. mere is alwsgs an inrpl+ation of repeal, Jwweyer, where,,.as here, the prtieions of'the lzm statutes relste".to~the asme subjeot-m&t&r, and sre,l;n such conflict 85 that both oalmot stsud at the ssme time. Furthermore, the. emergemy olauee of H. B. No. 149 la '$uite.eignifioant. ~Thtat~clause ier *The neoeseity for 0onformIng and extend- ing the e1x5roiee of the rosponsibil+ties to 1. be aee@ed by the Board Of Control to all in- stitutions of the St&e gorermo3nt, creates ane+frgemoy and an ikperatire ,plbliO.netes~ i sk*y that ,the oonstitutional rule~requjr%ng that.biil&be reed on three meteral dsye be ~usp51#%3d, an&the rule $5 hereby suep5n&&, andth%e A& shall t5ke SffeOt 8ndb5~i3l 80:.&t, you are adylsed that the. oonf+raot in question should have been let by th0 @o&d-of Contro2 rather than by the FrzLson System, Artiole 634 being the llaast Aot, ,and you should not pass the aooouut for psy- . Very bLly y0urs ATTORNEX O&aR Assistant
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion