Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY G AUSTIN. TEXAS TQuwxebloB. Y. cauuliltgb*r a0wy AudStqr xevsrxocouatiy Coralaam, Taxaa opinionHo. o-2565 Daex ~“iX, R*: S*larfaa,o? afflaer881 mvanc afnintyee aHoat- ed br dxop M po@crtlaa oi salt3oounty kleu 60,000 aad amp rd rslttrr tloa below $2O,OOO,OOCLOO. m;aed apon thase iirate, geu a&k how tha salariescb the aountyeftlaaxlrtwill bm tifeattdb xemma of the &Qg la populstioa of nmarro aoturty to b&m 80,000 oaa drop In oulsop valuetlentw balm $2O,OoO,ooO.CO. Ed.exlarr et youx eountg 0trc2e3-8 Isma haretettwa been psldin 86aorduneenpth th8 toX.lfmine provisionor Artiale3891, VemQn'% Anaetatedai7il statuteaof !raxa8,aa oaaatudbJ Aat 1935, 44th l~s;ialaturs, p. 52, ah. 327, PaO. 1% 9fn 6ouatierP aontcaialng mirty thswdaadand one (bS,OOl)aad not ma% then on* hundred thousand(100,000)inhabitsateaistrlatand aountyoitioarsaaaacd herein fak8l.l mtilln 001- third of sluohexoese~raea until suah ax&o-M : tQ@bX dth the 8mOLUit ap0aitiei: ia m’bhti 3$83, amouatetw Irorty “e9er. &uxc¶risd and Fifty i-mllara (%750.00).* Pectiwn13 of iartIcsle 3912e provldaain parts ~uthorlzw!! cmntl It ahsll be Its duty to fix the salasiead ell the fo1laringnewd oiiiaare,to- nit: alwrlff,asaemaw and 8ollootm of team8, ooultt judge,oolllrtyattwrwy, InoltadIllg er&llIml 4Iet rIat ottornapaand oountpattoPrma rho fora tha &tie8 of Olatxletrttornegrr, di%tx2"" 6t alark,owaty cl.ark, treama-er,hIdeaa~b~nIml Inapratmr. Eaoh of se14 0tr106x*Jr 1 uaid In mosey en mumal 6alwy In Wmlva lquel l* Tll1936shaa~tioaQT ulariubar the oftIa8x6Maad In 8eotIon13 oi hrt1sl.a )plaa aa*8 wu* .fixad .and :awd pprrokn exist& on&t& 2br 1935, ritlirefamuw to t&o maximm meow& ellwd ursh ettioarr aid aaid lrfiolo prcmI6ed thart; the mIdmar& akoul4notk law Wantha totaluaaarrrb ~rsoqouatI6nby awh ofCIoff~fathaIr affI8i81oapmItIas its the fiubmlIOU 19 . . * We rn oi thu opininnthat thu uUr r*; fox tha oftlaaxawnad In 8astIon13, hrtiala 39m, aupxll In coantIrsk87Ixlg m pulation of 20 000 inlLb Ita nt6 wx wua ,lu!lr*esth a n 190,& Inhebiteatr,Rooaw4ingto the lent lnaanuohas lFaverroCoutg dms not now huva a In exosm of @2O,O000OO.OOthet pert oi Scratian vrjluetior: 13 or ArticleB12a *hioh pxwidms for 6 l$ inonerie In tha e salcwieaof of~ioer~ terreach $1,00O,O00,00value tion in mxaw4s of $20,0OO,OOO.0O,in aountieshaving a popa- Ietieabotwaan37,500 sad 60,000would not be npplIaablr. It ia 0~1‘opinion,therefore,that the oalariao to be psid affiaersoi'Niavarrw County unt?erthe ebws quoted provisionof section13 of Article3912a 1~ unaffectedby Ita changein pogmletioafron above60,000 to belw 60,000 popu- Fxon.E. T. cululln&harn, PlJ@ 3