etafS to serve 8s dIrector or, iS 8 am&w of the,
preeont faculty is dos%gnateddiroctor, to t&e
ov6r tlm work lef3iby the dlroator In the dl~s-
Ion of Ill8dutlos~
e(e) That the al.l~nteOS the 6lirdC be
only suah pm-sons a8 fannot aSPor& to fxql0y P
lawyer and imvo oases not subjost to be&q handled
On t3GOtlt+'$U3t?&3traeiIJ;
l(T) That for the Fesent the Clienta CT
the altalc be person0 liv%ng in Trsvb Couuty snd
bs SdYieed or repuent4d plMwnt to p4roonal
Coneultati~m~~ly and thework uf the alMo
shell 35OtQXt4Xhd t0 th0 aOZX%UCtoi liti#&iOa
wt6lde hwl4 C4unty~
m (8) mat upon the a84vo prlmlples tha
alxnia detm the cl&mts tb8t will be mrvell.,
by nz+aansOS sdvlos fro61uuah ~w.wl&t u6 the 0~
manAty Ohast, esployeee of the munty or crity,
tho salvvotlon Arary,the ahurahee, ate., and attur
Snreot~atlun 8s etuaunts or other0 QonnM
tith the 01ini0 a%¶ q#prooalby a WSeidttse of
tho a1zc and a QOmnrdttOOOf'th0 %raP%e ~ulxty
Dar &bsocibbti,4n
9 (9) That for the present, the buaiumba t4
be atfended to b7 f&am3 of th4 t1irrio,@la11 ss
tlude czvki litigN.ori ttxaorptlngdltoree bat-
fera, and oth4r 4xo*ptl.onsthat my be mad4 du
. Criadlw%lCaseeand O?f%Ce
experl~noe aarnands
praetiae are InaltIdad~
l(io) That the stpdsnto 8hC may pwtkI.WC
in th:,work,CS tlteclin%C shall bC SaIzioI9~
this Law scaool and shall be s4letSi4d
by the
DireCtor f'rcmt&o top half of the Oless ritb
e$ercnCe aea0rdW.g to fbtankbggtaat Qaah msj
rw&a a IZISXI~ of SIX hours a weak to the mm;
*(ii] Thhotm oredlt 80 given in the atudubtt4*
g;ruBosfor this workt
l( w)T h e
Ifo il1
b enu08l”4 t4
*pin the afIb& that #4 rtubnt iu alea owm-
l(zs) That the ~siataI quetore of the
i%l~c be set up itlthe baseamrnt