OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN Mr. t. A. Tarlor Auditor of Brazori4 Angloton, Toxar Dear Sir: y BraZOria COtWy, letter 0r su.ly15, ues.tlon; alaim with srlon ror the ro- yard on A6udShall he oonstruotion or authority or Art. lar rrsrrlonor the hapter 161. hat jou give ma your ruling IV@will harm to wait nntll tha , or oan they pay the now." Aft$ol#i053d, Vemon~r Revised civil Statutrr, readsiaa r0iidt *The oasa, Ssh and Optar Comlssioner by and with the approval or tb Governor, may ml.1 tilemarl, gravel, sana, shall or mudehell inoluded witMri thiirAot, upon ruoh term.8and Mr. t. A. Rylor, Faga B oondltiona as ho may daaa proper, but for not 1088 than rour (4$) oenta per ton, and paysnt tharoror shall bo mada to aald COi~~lsaloner. Tha prooseda arlelng rroai suoh sale shall be trrnaiiilttsd to ths State Troasuror and bo. oreditod to a special tuna brebp oreated to be known as tho sand, gray.1 and shell ruAa 0r the Stato, and say be expended by tho raid Com- mlaaloAor in the snforoeijentor the provisions ot the sand, shell and gravel law and in tha: astebllahmont and kIISiAtclAaAO* Of fish hatoherlaa, WhaA proridod by lag~alatfva lpproprlrtion,'SAd iA tho prIU3At Or rSfUAd8 provided tar iA BOO- tlon 7, Chaptar 151, oi tho Genoral~Laws of the Regular 8osalon of the Thirty-aighth kgialaturo, to oouotlaa, altlea or towns or 84 plltloal aubdlvlalon oi a oounty, city or town, as pro- vldod ror iA 8OOtiOA 7, Chapter 1e1, 0r the WA- oral Lawa of tha Ragular SOSalOA of tho Thirty- eighth Lagl6laturo. And also providing that tha authorlaatlon of refunda on 8aAd. gratol and rho11 Shall k artended to IAOlude rrrttAd8to the Stats Highway COt?MIkSiOAof moary paid tha Stato through the Cama, ?lah and Oyster Conzala- aion for aaAd, groral md ah011 urod by the 8tato Slghway Commlaalon on pub110 roads up~n application ror 8uOh r0rutta8 in tho matmar p.ra- oorlbod ior oitlea and ooimtlsa. Provldad rttr- thar that Aot lose thaa sevantp-five par oaat or tha proceeds derlvad thorarron, attor rarunda abova reterred to hats bean oar06 ror, Shall go tar tho ratabllahtmnt SAd ltL4int~ASAOO Oi fish hatohariraI aad the lead, gravel, and shell fund is hereby appropriated ior the purpose at oarry- Ing out the provialona Of thla AOt. Said hatoh- arira to be established from tlm to time la the Stat. of TotaS by tho Plah, Gama aAd Oyster Com- m.iSalon, WhSA iA their ~tld&zaAta suitable lo6o- tlon is secured and arrangarasotathoreror hare been ooitiplotod.’ Artiolo 4054, Reriae& Civil Statutor, 1925, tho OOdiriOatiOA 0r sootlon 7, Chaptor 161, hot6 Regular saa- SiOA, 3Bt.hLaglslaturo, reads 86 r0ii0w8r 688 Mr. Fr A. Taylor, Page 3 *It any oouaty, or aubdlvlsloa of a oouaty, olty or towA should desire any 5sr1, gravel, 6aA6, ahsll or mudshell lnoludod in this ohaptar.ior us0 1~ the buildiag 0r any road or atrast, whloh work is dons by said oouAt.y,or any aubdlrlalon or a oounty, olty or town, suah 5unlolpallty may be grant06 a permit without ohargo and shall have tho right to take, sarry eway or operate in any waters or upon any islands, reefa or bars lnoludad heroin; auah eunloiplllltyto a0 the work under its own aUpe17lBiOA, but ah411 rirat obtain rrom tha coamiasloner a permit to a0 80, aAd the grantin oi aame for the operation IA tha terrltory-doaig- Aate& by auoh munlolp6lltp shall be.subjsot to the aam ruled, regulstlona aAd llfiltationsand dlacrotlon ot the Comalaa~onor a8 are othsr appll- oanta aca permits. when luoh building or roads or takicg 0r suah produots la to be dOA by oon- tract, thon ths oald munlolpality may obtain a reru5a rrom the c06d3810nar 0r the tax id06 and oolleatsd OA said produata as rixea by the Commlssionar at the tlce of the taking thereot, by warrant drawn by the Comptroller upon itSAh lc o o unt sworn to by the proper ofilorr representing auoh xunloipalitp 4Ad approroa by the co5miaaloAer, 4Aa unaar such other rules 4Ad rogulatlona a8 may ba prrsarlbed by the Oomaiaalonor.* Your question is construed by this DepsrWAt as proasntlng ror our dOtOrAiAatiOn ths inquiry whsthet there la preasntly available to the Galto,ylah and Oyster Comaila- aion an appropriation ror th0 paymoat or auoh rerun&. fA Senate Bill 427, AOt8 Or the ?Orty-Sixth La&a- lature, tho pepsrtnantal Appropriation Bill for the present risoal bieAAlux, under the aiva8t0n -Fish Hatahery and Sand, Shall aAd travel pi~ision* or such appropriation 5860 to tha Game, fish 4Ad Oyster commlaaloA, m ma, at tho ooAoLualoA of rarloua ltamlzed appropriations to that dlolslon of suoh dapartmsnt, the r0ii0wing rlaort "The roregolna apeOlil0 amouAt8 or so muoh thareor ea may be uasd, arc)horaby appropriated ror the purpeaoe above onumaratsd and shall ba pia out 0r the sand, Shell'and Gravel mta 3poolal ylah Propagation and 3roteotlon FunA, 4Ad ths hLOdiA4Lako yuAa. All monlaa to the orsalt of the SaAd, Shell 4Ad Graval Puna, Spe- olal tish Propagation ana Proteation ma 806 the ~~dinr Lakr fuad.on haad In the State Tr’ea&ury on Septsrcber1, 1939, together with thr ourrrnt rmmwi to bo aerir8a and plaoea to the oredit of the60 tuna8 during the next ensuing two years erialngAugust 31 1941, are heroby rpproplated; and any moun 1 speoifioal- lp appropriated that i8 not ueed for auoh pur- poorror that Is In 8xoass of tha momt required ror the purpoea for whlah it I8 herein,agpro- prlatrd, together with any sikonloe In oxoeas of the ai3ountrherein appropr:mted that are plaoed to the err&it or thsre rsaprotivr funas during the biennium eadlng Augurt 51, 1941, may be ~3rd to 8upplemsotthe ~rlor=nor o? any purpose for uhloh aonsy ir hers15 appro?rlat&d or other naoes- 8aty 0xpo5ee in OOM~OtiOll with the duties aad funotloa or the cm*, 3iah and Oyster CoxmIssIo5, It I8 prorldrd, however that no ralarles mroept extra labor rhall be paaid aroept those herein spe- olrtoa11y lts&zed, and 8uoh lta!sIzadralarisr shall not br supplsacntsd iron any source rhatso- ever .(I &-- It i8 to b6 ob8erVed that this rider appropriate8 all monies to the credit of the Sand, Shall and Were1 Lund on hand in the State Treasury on Septwbar 1, 1939, together with tha wrront revenues to be derived an4 plaoed to the or&dIt Of suoh fund3 durI5g the proseat rlsoal bls~lum and ma appropriated to the Game, Fish and Opstlsr ComdssIon. The rider luthoriz8at (1) The Use of any amount 8geoiftoally appropriated that 18 not used ror tha purpose for whloh It I8 appro- priatod or that I8 in 8xoe85 oi the a0ount required for the purpose for which it 18 ap2roprIat8d, and, (6) Th8 U80 Oi any 005ies in 8XOdss Oi the affiounts8~eoifloally appropri- ated iron the fund, in other wordl, thr rurplur plaord to the amalt o? the fund during the blennlua, tor a. Supplemant the performenoo 0r any purpose for whioh money I8 heroIn appro2rIated. or Mr. F. A. TqQm, Fqr 5 b. Its u8a to defray other aooas- 8ary lxpensma In oonaoction with the autm and ru5otIon8 0r the Cam, Fleh and Oyatsr Cormtl8sion. sinor there 18 a0 r9eoifioally ItrJaIzedappropri- ation for the I"3fWld8conteaplatsd by Artio>s 46X36, the l9propriatlon ror suoh rsfunao must bo four.&,if at all, in th8 9rOtluiOns of the 8pOiIi1 ridor above quoted. ' The qU88tiO5, tiW5, iOr OW 68terf&IUtiO5 18 A'80 8OiY86 intO thf8I Ar6 the refirad800d~put~a by Artlolr 40636 embraoed within the phrase 'other ceo18- a a ry lx)dnSe in oonasotlon with tho dude8 and :ag;;io58 of tho Ww, Pl,h and Op8ter Coti8- I Xebltar'a Nmr International DiOtiO5ary, 8ooond zaitiokt,deflnar the teni *axpe5se~ aa wan outlay or 8XpUdb turm of soneyme In Ilt0. I. at pages 17L173, we find that the tern has been under oo58idsratioa on auxerous oooa8ions in amny jur~saietiona, and ttat the oourta here, In portlou- lar oIroum6tanoes, con8trued it as manlng~ -That whloh I8 rpnt; oostei l x9eaditcros; the laying out or expending: of aon~p or other rasourors~ disburee~ent of monry; money expended! 1n05eyaotuolly paid out1 outlayt the pay&ent of a prIoe.* we thiok it olear that the Lsgielature intended, by thu 89ooIal rider, to make the sarplua in the Sand, Shall titta Oravel ma available to the JdpL(I, yirh ana oyster com- mr168lor1 for ruob outlays or diaburss;nsntsof monsy a8 stlght be neoessary to oarry out and porfors the duties and funo- tIon8 of the COmnI8sioo. me aimirsrmnt of aontos rroa the Sand, sh811 ,anb Crave1 mnd In prp3Jnt of refunda ,18 olearly 4 duty or funotloa of the Cam, ylrh and OrrNr Con- 3li88iOll. you am th8rrfom adli886 that, in the oplnlon of this Departisnt, the 0am, ylsh and Oyster ComaIsrlon may, if there 18 on hand a surplus in thr Sand, Shell and OraTe ,. 691 . rM6, 311?kethe IVdUnd ta YOU OOUntp Of the tSXSS t0 WhiQh you have rersrred in your letter. xe oxprose no opinion, or oourso, ugoon the tclidfty cl your olals; w hare oo;sidercd ocly the question aa to &u,thor or not there ie an aaproprlatisn avrilsble to the Gaze Fish and oyster Coizal~alon to ply the scm3, ii 1t 18 Vld.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion