OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS Bonorbblo 0. J. Wild. Couuty Auditor meter county Corpus Christi, Tsxbs ion a? this deprpt- ment on the above etated Q n reosived. Cenm~, bnd hbvm bn assessed valub- tion in lxcea11of twenty ml.llion (20,000,000.00) &~lbPs, bOOOPding t0 the lart pmoedlng approved tax roll of such oountp, the maximum amount alloved ruch officers bs sblarltts, aar be inaPeb6Od one (1s) per cent for each one million ()1,000,000.00) dollars Honorbble C. J. Wilde, Page 2 VblU&tiOn or fraotional part thereof,. in excess of said Twenty Million ()20,000,000.00) Dollar6 valuation over and bbovs the maximum mount al- loved suoh offiosr under laws existing on August 24, 1935.' 'Inasmuch as Rueces County due to an In&ease in population steps out of the class mentioned in the bbove quotbtlon, this office would liks to know on what ba8I6 a Fee Ofilcer's Sblary paid after the census had beoome offlaial. Ths vblua- tlon of lfueossCounty for 1939 and blso 1940 will be In excess of $~~,oo&:;:ooo.oo,however, in view of the fact that ths populatfon will bs approximately 93,000, could Ye after Deoelabsr 1 pby 6alari66 on the same basis as in the year 19a 0 until some offi- olbl autlon had been taken by the Legislature in the form of au Amsndment to the Artiale mentioned hereinabove," Section 13 of AFtlo 39120, Vernon's Annotated civil Statutes, reads In part as follov6r "The commIssioner6~ oourt In counties hav- ing a population of tventy thousbnd (20,000) Inhabitanta or more, blld 166s than one hundred and ninety thousand (190,000) Inhabitants bc- aording to the lbst prsaeding Federal Census, is hereby buthorleed bad it shall be its duty to fix the sblarl46 of bll the Sollovlng named officers, to-wit: sheriff, assessor and odlleotor Of tbX66, county judge, oounty attorney, lnclud- lng orlrinal district attorneys and county bt- torneys who perform the duties of distrlot attorneys, dlstriot clerk, county clerk, treb- surer, hide and bnlmrbl lnspeotor. Eaoh of said officsrs shall bs paid in mnsy an annual SbbPy in tvelvs (12) equal ln6talli66nt6of not less than the total sum ebrned bs oompen6atlon by him in his offiaisl capaolty for the fiscal year 1935, and not more than the n~xlaum amount alloved such officer under lavs existing on Augu6t 24, 1935; provfdad that In counties hbvlng b populbtlon of twenty thousbnd (20,000) and less than thirty-seven thous&d five hundred Hoaorrblo 0. J. Wilde, P8g6 3 (37,900) aoocwdiag to the last p~aedlag Federal & ~a euS, h a ti b r Vi,ng U l66.66.d~1 WtiOll ia lX- 60s~ of Fifteen clilllon(~15,000,00O.O0)~Dollmi, bIH$ord;(nltothelut~pproYed pMu6dlng tmcroll of sueb touaty the mmimimSmtxat~lloved Suah oftioom-u ula~l.8 m7 be lnorusod OM (1s) =P 6-t ra oat oa6 wiii~n (~i,ooo,boo.oo) Doll&m w.ubtion or tnatloml lxuocs of said Fifteen Nillloa (E:Oi:%%O" D@llmr mllMtioaovw8ad~bovotbBmxlmm liiff0 M iOUEt StW dhOm~OP S WA& Wk V6 l*iStiB g oa August 24, 19x1 aad rovlded that la aouatios hwing a papul8tioa of tL rty-reven t&oumDd five htmdMd 1.66 than sixty thou- sux! (60,000) to tits lbst psra#llng mlonlC#asus,mld&ving6ause6red vuwtian la OXI). of lwonty Wllioa (~20,000,000.00) Dollrrs,boo~to the lastpnowUag;p~*ad tax roll ot suoh oouaty, the mximm bV4d SW& Ofti~OPS U UbPiOS, my b we (l$) 90 ‘mat ior eMh Olw xillloa ( Dol&M va1tlbtioaO? fwotioml part th4P6of, la 0~00s of uld %!v*ntyI(illloa(~20rOOOSOO0.00) Dollms ~lJStlonovw6adbbovottbn8xlmm WUnt rlbWd SWh OffiGP tilldO? bV6 SXiStiBg a~ August 24, 1935.6 Awording to the 1930 Federr Oeasw, Bum.8 Oouaty VU w there ~~ti66 b CLp~titiC'&l Of thbtJ-SOMa thousand, iiva huad?sd bad 1686 thbn sixty thouaud (60,000) iabbitUit6, md had UI u8ess6d propex'tyvrluatloa ia lXOSSS of tvsaty milliOn dollrrm ($20,000,000.00), MooI’d- lag to thap~ooodiag8ppovodturoll8 ot the oouaty. There- to-, the aboYe quoted portifm of so0t1c’n13, Arttale 39120, SwPb, vbs rppliocrbleto 8ueoes County, wkioh provided thrt the abxlmum allow6 suoh offloor WI 8alarle8 right k lnerma- od oae (19) pes oeat for ewh oae millioa doll&r6 (~1,000,000.00) rrkntioa, or frvatioor1 thenot, ia lXOS66 & atid tvea- t millloa dollws valustioa over'md *bow. tie urximuaslloved SU6hOffi6eM Wider hV6 lx iStiS# onA~@16t 24, 1935. If the report of tbe 1940 Fedoml Oea6us is offlol8lly made beion January 1, 1941, mvl wid report Shov6 ttmt Rueees Haaorabk 0. J. WIldo,'Pqo 4 COWit b6b iahabI tMt6, then the Nwrs quo-d portion of Wotlon 13, Artlalr 39120, SUpr$ vhIah p8l’dtS Offi04PSr S&&lSi86 to b6 faa~ased oao per aent (1s) fm wh on8 mlllioa (~l,OOO,OOO.OO) Dollar8 vSlmtlon, OP fraotIorulp8rtthePoof Ia lxee66 of said tvWymW.laa(~20,000,000.00 dolti vUwtloaov8r mulaowthe maxlanm moat &llovea suah bfflaerr underlaw lXfSt~oa August 24, 19X, vi11 not bo rpplIoab1.rto Bueaes quoted seotloa of Artlo16 39l26j pcavlded, u lbw6 itated, the P66UltS of the 1940 Cen8u8 m OffIal~llymdm by tku dlreator of the Otxa8w kfon baawry l# 1941, Md that the offIoor8 who MO 00 ted aa U baa-1 salwy buie should be paid In waoy aamnue18~lmyIntlm1v.eqWl iartrlb8BtS Of IlOt 1688 t&l3 th@ tot&l Sm 6amed b8 corapoasation by them La their offlalal oapbaity for the fiscal per 1935 8nd not more than the nxlmm amount 8lloved 8uoh OffiMPS utxlor 1~8 lxlstfng A-t 2k, 1935. Tsusthgt&t the for4golag fullyumvor8 your In- Qu-Y# w rw=-
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion