Board of Control
0r JUIY 12, 1940,
Article IV, Seotion 22, Constitution of Texas nmkas
it tha official duty of the Attorney Gmeral to *&ve la&.
advice to the Ccv.erno,n and othor Qxacutivc oftioorc, whon re-
quested by thea, and psrforr? such othar dufiea ss my bo ra-
qulrsd by ILIW.~’ Artlola 4399, Rsviaad Civil. Statutes, aekes
Honorable Toz~ Ds Derry, Fsce 2
it his further duty to ~lvo, upon roquoat, written leg;11
ndvloa u9on any question *‘touching the public lntorsst Or
conowning their OfriCiQl duties’~ to the haed of.sny de-
psrtmnt of ths Ststo Csvornz!ant, the baads snd boards of
the penal and eleci;lOnynary lnstltutisns, aad all other
.State bosrds, re~ento, truntoes cl” the St&to tduc:stiOaaI
inatltutloas, co.mlttaaa of either brenoh of the IQ-+&-
ture, ant! county auditors, authorlzc~ by lavs. Sold stat..
‘ute ale0 makes it the uut;lor ~the Attorney Gunerol to
advise the county md dintrict attorneya in certain in-
3taaoss cad to advlne propar lag;sl authorities 111recprd
to tho ~SICICB OS all bonds th-t the law requires s&11
be a99roved by hi=. J?OWGVOS~ t!Jcre is no authority roquir-
in5 the Attorney Germal to 9ublish a oolu~o or ~thz 9~2..
nsries of opinions rcndarod sad distribute the:2 y&s of
cost to ap9llcents rcquasting tho ss!li0. Cn the othor hmd,
thoro a9pearn in the Senaral ridor to Sens?ta i3lII ~27, Acts
46th Legislature, J?eGular :%ssion, the follu.vlnS provisiori:
Ths currant a9pro9riatlon to the Attorney Genwal’s
DaJmtzent carries ltons both for cmtln@nt exgwiae OJXI
for 9rintiuS. It is out of one or both 6: t!:am itam of
o99ro9rlntlc.x that ths cost 02 this 9uSlicetiorl v:ill be
In view of tho forc=,o!nc, you are respectfully
odvlocd thst tho i,ttornoy Gohoral is authorized to sol.1 to
my np9llcsnt a oopy of Volu~;13I of the An:luaI ~Jp'i~lionJ7o-
9ort and ddpoait tha 9rooaods oi” the mle to the credit or
the funA or fwlde n!lloh bore the oxpo::sc of the pu~llo~tlon.
, *
Honoqiblo Tm DoZerry, Fage 5
, There 15 no apeclflo provision in +A6 !pproprla-
t,ioti.‘to the f!i~hvay Dcpertmnt rOr the FWChW3 Or 5UQh
publlo3tlon) hors-aver, there 15 an approglatlon ror coa-
tinEeat oxpensos.
In ?iordsand t'hrasks(First Sari&), Vol. 2, p. ’
1502, t$tre appars the rollozlng:
VheadJectlve *coritlngent*, 53.3&ed lo
appropriation bills to qunllfy the vmrd *ax-
I penoes’, bus a tectilcal aml viell-undarstood
.. noacing. It Is usual for cm~reso to emmor-
ate, the, principal. claascs of expezxV.ture whloh
Ithey authorize, such as clerk hlrs, fuel, light,
ipostage, tolc~~ms, etc., and then to :m:‘,J a
,smll opyroprlntlon for the minor disburse.zenta
incldentel to my groat business, ybloh cannot
well b:? foraeean, and which lt woulrZ be usolesa
to npxily acrs accurately. mr suoh disburse-
mx tq-, .a round SWI is approprlstod under the
head of ‘cmtlfi:(ept expenoas.* I&hwooSy I.
vn1tsa stxteo (U.S.) 22 ct. Cl. 269, 260.” ”
The mneyn of a ccntir:genC fmd era to be UR&I’
ior yurpoaea 3%~ which the L~ginlstura did mt r0r0800 or
c.nt1clpst.e or for which s~clfic lto~?fwd yrovlalon has
not othornlse .bcan nnde. sea Opinions 0-9~64, nnd O-129,$,
In view br the ioregol.ng you me XSSpCOtrUiip ad-
vi&d that the Ifl,@~?ay Dspnrtzent may ptnchnnn for the usa
of the Fl.snnln,~ Survey Volulne I of the ?,hnuol. Opinion PO-
port or the Attornay GeneCal and pay for th;hanazia Out Of
lto contingent expense ap~roprlatlan.
YOU are further advised thnt contlngont funds ap-
propriated to FC?Yother et&e doqartG%t or board my be
USC&to purch9se such publication if Theahead of such tteimrt-
ncnt or,bonrd la the cxcraiee of SOLIII~ dlscrotion dotowlncn I I
thy-t, lt3 ma wuld el9 the dep~l*tmnt or bosrd la the per-
r0r33n00 OS kt6 OriiOl3l dytlcs.
A proved XuI 25, 191.0 Vary truly yours
Ps/ Gerald C. t:‘uln
Attorney Ganeznl 0r
BP b-4
CcorCa W. Sparks