OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN oufuulati+a 8lnkhg fund, *. . l for the nt5.rwmnt of b05iTls aridnotoe. . . .” Honorable J. yi.W,IWWI, Page 23 part of the United States to pay a llupaortain on a date sbrtain, ana for th* paymnt or au0h obligation5 a-&lag fund 1s prcwided, okiiafd~atinatlonbotwemr,the United !J!he State6 Son% and the United Btates T"raaSWy Rots seems to ba thst Treasury &wads am leeuwl far porlods in exoeaa of five y6t~a6, w&de Treasury lsotfm aire isauad for periods pf war one ysar an6 not exaeedinCj fire yeara, All of the eserntial oharrr&erietlcaof a bond are pamnmmd as,wsll by United States Treaoury Rotas aa bg United St~tas Treamry Sondo. It is our bsliof that the rramers 0r ths oonlrtitutlonal. provlslan hi using the tern “BonCs0r the Unite% StakpP, aid not k&end it in the teoh- niaal sense in whloh it ts umd by the Coqrew to %lsti&ah betmen long tbra ~bUgat%onr aud obl~tionr issued i’or period8 of fmr OR@year aad not 8xcwdkyg flrr yearae #R the oontrary wo bell~ps bt was inteldo% ta author&w the lnvamtiaoat of the Rcrrerrmrnt unitirdty Yulld in the obligxMoria 6f tha t&It-ml &V&tea Oovermnb ~oSaom of the essential 6haraotmrlstiaEof a *bond*, m the a~:~pellatLaauwd by 40rygnf8 En dmmrlblng the
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion