Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Court: Texas Attorney General Reports
Date filed: 1940-07-02
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Combined Opinion
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  ET. T, E’. Trlnble,              peg% 2
._~   -.

 npoak the English lan~ue~e.     ‘i’he stntutes contain no roqui,remnt
 that a janitor secure a teachers’ or other certificate         fron: the
 Department of 4uoatio;l   und it is % nattsr tif oommn kmmledge
 that the duties of 6. janitor Bo not include teoohing uc& giving
 courses of ihstruotlon   in thb public sohoois.      Articles    2660,
 bt seq., i~cvisod CiVZi. Statutas,    1925, 8s ar;ended and Article
 266, Penal Code, as %mnded, thsrofore        ara not applicable.
           Article    2749, Revised Civil statutes,     1925, provide%
 that the board of trustees of a comon sohool district            shell
 have the n:anagmf:nt arEI control of the publia schools and publ.io
 school grounds cf their dlstriot,       slcploy toaohf:rs,  and ap,prove
 all claim     against the soho.ol funas of their district.        All
 property   of the school district     is plaoed under the control of
 tho distriot     trustees by tho provision     of Artiolc  2751; Revised
 Civil Statutes,      1925.  Section 2 of Articl.0 2627, Rcvisod Civil
 Stetutes,    1925, provldeo thet loccil school funds from district
 taxes %nd other aouroes my be used, among other things, Por
 the payment of” “janitors     %hO other ezployaes.”
              Arti ale 2690, &vised Civil Ltatutes,    1925, provides
 that      the oounty superlnten&ent  shell’ have im~?di-,te supervision
 of all      mttars   portalnlng to publio ecluoation ir? hia cou.%ty,
 confer      with tsachers %,h&trustees,   and {