OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonorabla n. 8. Coualw, Boorotary Toxar Slate Boerd cf Phumaop Inoumnoo Building LkllU8, Texas Jllll* upoa 3-t PI rol3ou8t in addition to the tla.4 rupuind to graduate from aohool or oollaga of phannaoy, clnd lrolu- sir4 o? the portion 0r tha year lp nt in ltt4 nd- 6no4 et echo01 or co?lspz, shnll hrre had at Iccist on4 of pmctlcal sx~wlanoe year in rstall phtw- ~laop under the direct 8~psr~f810n of a regirtcred plxmno:zt, whtoh oxpnrlence shall be prlnclp4lly work dlreotly reletad tc eelllng d-rug a::d ~oln~nts, otniipoual~lg cf phamaaeutlcal prcpuretlons end ghyeiolannr prcscriptlons, and kcaplr;(J cf rccordo nna xklnfl rcporte mqArod u&or the Z.tatc ma Federal 8tatutcc; knd to obtain a lfoensa shill ~555 a tJ3orcrtloal and praatloul ex~lnatlon mtle- faotory tc ttia 3mrd of Fhcrrooy . . .” Tour que8tlon lr whathal or not mm over the age oi nlnsteen ad under tmmty-one v&ooe dlaabli~tle5 of E:lnorlty hate lb&aily heon rsmovud in eooor@ccc4 with 2s );rcvi4lons of Art10108 5921-?5923,,R4rls4d Civil Ctritute8, 1925, my tak4 4xamirmtion for rsgistratlon a5 a licensed pharmol8t not- rlthotund$ngth4 r4‘equfrxnent ttft an applloant bs not 1444 than tmnty-ono year0 of ace. A lluila r queatlon wa8 before thle do&nrtmrt wh4n w4 ha& for ooiteider5tica Opinion Wo. O-1389. It CpDOSr4d that S4otlon 14 of GeUteto Bill Ho. 15, oh. 460, i&am 44th L4g. 2nd c. o., p. 1905, provided that "it shell hs unlawful for cuy pea-non rho 1s unaor th4 4g4 of twenty-one y4ar5 to drlv4 a 5wtor v4hiol.r rhll4 In ~184 a8 a aohool bu8 ior th4 transportation of pup118 to and from rchool . . . a Thor4 w hold that th4 Xsglslcture lntondcd 8uoh lot a8 5 rar4ty maasurb for ohlldr4n rldlng school SIMCS~ that Artic345 StZl- 5923, w(Iro maotea for the pux7ose of enabling a minor to transoot hla own bwin485 and mak8 vclld contrarota. V4 polnt4a out thut prov~alonn for the r5novrtl of a alaor* dimablUtler w4r4 not lntondvd to srfa~ot m45our45 enaotca by the Legislature for th4 pub110 saroty. For preol0sly the 211cI4ma&on W4 au5t IiOldand you ara n8p~otfully advlmd thut the proosdum set forth la utiolor f592149t3, ~?rovlCiy tot the moval of a mlnor'o tllsabllltle8 wa8 not lntandsd to supplant suoh r4- :ionorsble “:. Ii. Gcuolna, patqe 3 1 ~ulrenonte ma in Ax-tic10 45420, Vermn’s huotated Civil ztntutos, thet an c!rpliotint rcr llca:~se as. a rofilstered phemaciat bo mt lasa t%n twonty-one yc~r~i of age. The mnlie8t purpooe or tte LeglBlature 13 pusblng tho ,,ot re- gulatingttc practice of phemeoy in thla atiito was to go- teat the pbllo health. Taxue ?Iiancaoautloal .uo'n Y. Dcohy (C. ,'. A. 1036) 90 E. P;. (ZC) 32fL In the interest Of pub110 8afcty it FlWVlded that a~plloo:lta be not leas than twenty-one year8 of we. That roqulremnt 1s not mt by minors although their disabilities of minority have been renotsd. li~oordingly, you are adrisld t&t applicanta for lloensa aa.rogl~tcmd pharaaoiat under the aa* or twcnty- one should not be ps=ltted by the Texas &rd of ?hurmcy to take sxar?lnatloh &though thm disabilities of Elnorlty of such f3ppliCiClt6 hZvr been rercoved. BY%QUi?~q Walter 33. Koah Ussletant -