Hon. Dan W. Jackson Opinion No. O-2418 Criminal District Rer Interpretation of Article Attorney 32718 Vernon’s Annotated Civil Houston, Texas Statutes, relating to the prac- tice of professional englneer- Attentlont Mr. Palmer lng . Hutcheson, Jr. Dear Sir: This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of May 27,lw, requesting the opinion of this department lnterpret- lng Article 3271A, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, relating to the practice of professional englneerlng. Your questions are as follows: “Bearing In mind the definition of professional engineering as given In Sect Ion 2 of Article 32718, and the penal provision ln Section 23, would an archl- tect be liable, under the penal provision, If he builds a store, an office building or a public bulld- lng with plumbing and lighting and provision for the usual utllltles, without hiring the services of a professional engineer? 8,. . . would a sales and service representative (not a registered engineer) of an air conditioning equlp- ment company be guilty, under Section 23 of Article 32718, If he Installed an air conditioning system in a hospital without employing a registered engineer? 1’. . . “The third question arises from the practice, which is especially prevalent where large office buildings are concerned, of having plans prepared out of the State, with or without the advice of profes- sional engineers in other states, none of whom are registered In Texas, and sent into the state and used In construction of these buildings without the seal or approval of any engineer registered under the laws of the State of Texas. In this situation, 1s it the opinion of your honorable offlce that the penal pro- Hon. Dan W. Jackson, page 2 (O-2418) to any of the persons engaged ln the constructlon of such a building In Texas?” In answer to your first question we call, your atten- tion to Section 11 of Article 249a, VernonIs hnnotated Civil Statutes, creating the Board of Architectural Zxamlners and regu- Iatlng the practice of architecture. This section reads as fol- lowsr *Inny person, or firm, who for a fee or other direct compensation therefor, shall engage In the planning, or designing, or supervising the construc- tion of buildings to be erected or altered In this State, by or for other persons than themselves, as a profession or business, and shall represent or advertise themselves as architects, architectural designers, or other titI,e of profession or business using some form cf the word ‘architect,’ shall be considered as practicing the profession of architec- ture ln this State, and shall be required to comply with the provisions of this &t; and no person or firm shall engage In or conduct the practice of architecture as aforesaid ln this State unless a reg- istration certificate or certificates therefor have been duly Issued to such person or the members of such partnership shall engage In, or conduct, the practice of architecture as aforesaid within this State except by and through persons to whom registration certlfl- cates have been duly Issued, and which certificates are In full effect; but nothing In thls Act shall pre- vent draftsmen, students, clerks or works, superln- t endent s, or other employees or assistants of those legally practicing architecture under registration certq’ i’ates “A.-r- as herein provided for, from acting un- der the Instruction, control, or supervision of such registered architects. “Nothing ln this Act shall preve~nt qualified pro- fessional engineers from planning and supervising work, such as railroads, hydro-electric work, Industrial plants, or other construction primarily intended for engineering use of structures incidental thereto, nor prevent said engFneers from planning, deSignIt%, or supervising the structural features of any bulldlng, but such engineers shall not employ the title ‘archi- tect’ In any way, nor represent themselves as such, nor shall any engineer practice the profession of archltec- ture as defined herein, unless he or she be registered as an architect under the provisions of this Act. Hon. Dan W. Jackson, page 3 (o-2418) An architect building or supervlslng the construction of a “store, an office building or a public building with plumb- ing and lighting and provision for the usual utilitles’1 falls squarely within the regulatory provisions of Article 249a, Ver- non’s Annotated Civil Statutes, and Is not required to comply with Article 32718, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, regulat- ing the practice of professional engineering. Nor Is such archl- tect required to employ the services of a professional engineer. This for the reason that the act regulating the practice of pro- fessional engineering 1s aimed at those l~supervIslng~’ engineering work, “In responsible charge of such work*‘, or those holding themselves out as a professional engineer by offering their serv- ices for consultation, or by preparing plans, estimates and evaluations. “The mere execution, as a contractor, or work de- signed by a professional engineer, or the supervision of the construction of such work as foreman or superintendent” is not enga lng ln the practice of professional engineering. Sect Ion 12(ff Article 32718. See also State Board of Examiners Etc., vs. Siandara Engineering Company (S.Ct. Term.), 7 S.W. (2j 47, holding that plumbers are not englneers under the provisions of a slmllar statute. The only prohibition In Section 23 of Article 32714, Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, Is against one practicing or offering to practice the profession of engineering without being registered or exempted in accordance with the terms of the Act, using the registration of another or giving false or forged evidence to the Board of Registration for Professional Engineers. Wile the Act (Art. 32718, Vernon’s Winnotated Civil Statutes) requires an architect to hire no one, we do call your attention to Section 19 which requires the State, its political subdivisions, and any county, city, or town to employ a regis- tered professional engineer when It engages in the construction of public works under certain circumstances. This section reads as follows: “After the first day of January, 1933, it shall be unltiiful for this State, or for any of its politi- cal subdivisions, for any county, city, or town, to en- gage In the construction of any public work involving professional engineering, where public health, public welfare or public safety is involved, unless the engl- neerlng plans and specifications and estimates have been prepared by, and the engineering construction Is to be executed under the direct supervision of a reg- istered professional engineer; provided, that nothing in this Act shall be held to apply to any public work wherein the contemplated expenditure for the completed project does not exceed Three Thousand ($3,000.00) Dollars. Provided, that thls Act shall not apply to Hon. Dan W. Jackson, page 4 (O-241b) any road maintenance or betterment work undertaken by the County Commlssloners~ Court .‘I It Is therefore the oplnlon of this department, in answer to your first question that an architect duly registered under the provisions of Article 249a Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes ~111 not be amenable to Sec
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion