Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Iionorabronarry Knox State Boarclof Control Austin, Tcxae Dear Oenoral Knox: or emergemy And relatsd of date elature, Regular 161 of tho print& er tbo heading ~00~8~ appropriated 0.00 for oath of the and speoificatlons have boen prc- Stats Board of Control upon re-~ e Department of Public Welfare building at Camp Uabry, rqdrad and re- in a oondltion for occupancy by the said Dopartmont of Public ;Yqfaro for tho remaining portion of this biennium after tbs complation of such rqairs, and thorcaftar, Honorable siarry Knox - Page a 'Al'ticle 4361, 23vised Civil Statut36, provi.d~s for the issuance by Lho Governor of the Stat0 of Texas of deficiency warrants to cover deficiencies or emerg3ncios as therein described. lQa %stl.0nNo .1 .Are deficiency or emcrgnncy warrants Issued by tho Governor by virtue of Art1013 4261, Devised Civil Btatutos, in th3 ~1~8 Of apprOX%matQly '~6,OOO.OO to make such repairs axxl reoonstruction work at Camp habry legal and binding obligations of the State of Texas. 'Question No. 2. Assuming that there remains approximately $26OO.O0 in item 11 'con- tingent 3xpense* of the appropriation to the Department cf Publio Welfare and after the ex- penditure Oft this BUD Of ap~oximately $26OO.OO by the Dapartment of Public W3lfare in msking such ropaire, improvements, etc., then m&y the Governor of Texas issue legal and binding de- flciency or emergency warrants in the sum of approximately $25,000.00 to supplement such *oontingent expense' approprlatlon, and would such emergency and deficiency warrants be bind- lng obligations again& the Stat3 of Texas if so issued?" In Opinion Ho. O-2118 we quite reoently advised Governor O*Dan%el with respeot to his authority to grant deficiency appropriations Or approve requests for defloiewy warrants. The principles announced in that opinion am con- trolling of the questions propounded by you, and a aopy of the oDinion im enclosed herewith. Apply- tho rules and reasoning announoed in Opinion No. o-2118, we ausHer your questions as followe: 1. A request for a doficisncg warrant approved by tho Governor, acting within tho scope of his powers conferred by Article III, Section 49 of the Constitution, and Articles 4351 and 435la of Rsvis& Civil Statutes of Texas would create a binding obligation or valid liabll- itg of the 5tat3 Of Texas. This, hOiWP%*, is a goneral statement of an abstract &?roposition of law. Honorable Ear&j Knox - Page 3 It does not iOll0W that the set of the Governor in approving the epewaiiio request Pentioned by you would create such obligation or liability against the State. It would not do so unless the speoifio request or olpin is rithin the Oonstitution and statutes~authorleing de- fiolenag Rarrants to supply casual deficiencies of rwe- mle. Item 1 of the apwopriation for Uaintenanoe ah Uiwellaneouo 10, as you state , Q11.200.00 for each peer of the fisOs1 biennium. There 6 no s2ggestlon or oontention rhataosrer thrt this appropriation la not ade- quate and altogathereuf?lo&ent for offiae rent. There is, therefore, no dsticlenoy of revenues ahoxn ulth reepfmt to this Item. In Opinion Ho. O-2112 xe defined a defioienciy am la shortage or insdequaoy In a sum or thud. by xhich test there ie no shortage or inadequacy of the ap~roprlatlon for otfloe rent. 66 that, ynrr oon- creto question Bo; 1 should be ausmred *PO.@ 2. Item 11 of the general item of Xalntenanoe and h.isoellaneous ia $NJOO.OO for each year. Thle item might, in a proper ca8er be aupplowznted by a defioienay xarrant to supply e loanual deficiency in the rwenue thus appropriated.m In Opinion go. O-2132 we defined *oasual de- rlcioncys as son unforsaeen’arrdunexpeoted dofioienoy -- an tisuffioienoy or lack of funds to meet E situation which uuexpeotedly develop8 apd requires the immediate attention at a tAma when the Legislature -- the usual authority -- Is unable to aot.a There ie no much casual deficiency shovn in the situation outlined by you. Wanting that tho repalring, revamping or oon- dltioning of a building Sor oooupancy aould be within th.3 alqropriation for contingencies, this would not authorize a deficiency warrant, unlaoa such deficiency of rcvoniios VGS due to casualty. The aonditfon of this builddug, axd the consequent need of rcpairb, ooxdition- ing arul the like,are not ahOWn to hnve arisen oinoe th0 adjournment of the Legislature, and if not of such re- cent origin, the Lqislature had ample BWUM and oppor- tunity of poviding for needed repairs, remodeling, and the like, and tt has not done so. Eonarable Harry Knox - Page 4 Yoreover, In no event could a daflcieneywar- rant be authoriced or 18eued except to eupply nesded ~twemaee until the en4 oi fbe ourrent flaaal year, or the meetbg of the Legirlature,w?alehe+ersecure ?%rat. So that, your guo6fioB lo. 8 should llkewioe be amwere& III the aegatlte.