I8 tha .uo ot Atlanta f#a Stoker Wltfeh vu oitm,
tbo Bvprom Oowt at Our&a hrld Ohat u&r the pnnirionr
of ula aration 484 nalty urohwd with w.rb nomy uaa
lx u g iron
t tautloa bf l lPty s That eplni;; waa$l$p--
d on July JIO,19% EOWOYU', on Prbrua
tEa uu of 90atr ~8. Blair, M 9. W. (6f 486, th&i\lprsam
Court 41 TUUiOrtee held that 8Wh propor ir not lrorrpt
iron tuaion byshr stasr. Thi8 4480 148 appOd.6 to th@
8aopr.m Goart of tho Unitob St&o@, rhioh oa 9444mb4r 4,
lass zU8tiOa oUdOW,
fa UI OPirit?~bT J<. 4.ffiXVU6tbr
Wlspmt cad OpfBba of the SaxwomoCouxt oi Twnouoo,
bol&fne rash pro&mrtl to ba tax&lo bl tb Btrta u4 lx-
bhpp~~ln( th0 &i&kg
Of th4 f&Or& f3&~84
E.z Y n %haAtlanta vs. aLok
lw*r ‘hotter V8. mnn-
l4u0 a00 0. 8. au4, 84 8, ct. us, w L. tdr 568. m40,
yog dll uo that *ho Suprw Court of the Uaitod Strtrr
hu wttfod th q&t)l$iOQ&n8ut tha rxe~tion.
Jurtharamr on &ugwt U USS, 00 488 -0tab
srotion 4546, 2% tfait*datutor Gob Annatato
Dgr, sa fOllOW8~
"It464ar A88+4biuty sod rxempt
atrtw of gqamtr of bomfito - my-
ment# or bmofltr Aw or to booom au@
shall not bs lrrigaabl6r, aa4 suoh py-
rats a a 4 0t6, o r a wooant o f,l beno-
il414Py a a 6erl Of tbr trW8 r Oh tb l6
: to *4 twa B l a la b elXo m,p fma8 tulm-
tio n, rhall bo ox-t iron the 4I.d~
of orodltor~, an& &all not br liable to
lttwharnt, la *ro lr llr um b lo r Ona er
say la& or oqdtrblo proooea whatever,
either boioro or attor nootgt bl t&o
boaofleiu~. Saeh prtwirioar &all not
attaoh to olab~8 of tha Udtob. 8tatm8
ad8 UuMr wuh hws nor rhal1 tha
9 on h4rdn 40ntaln46 48 to 04x4-
tion oxtend to any pfogmrt~ purehwod in
ut 6r wh6lly w&t of ouah wylWBt#.
PAu&. 18, lQSS, 4. 510, I:8, 49 mat.
IOU Will thW #a0 that in th18 AotthO haCr48@ hW
lxgrauly denlad tha ccamption tb prowrtr pu~ohaaed out of
8UOh paflpCntOe
Sl.aao@our atat. c6S8titUti4E sontdJu an autboritf
lbnor4blr ullnt A. BurEun, P4. 8
for ita lx*~tIoa, Art1410 8, Wtioa I, theroof nqulnr.
thrt lt br turQ. TOW qU48tiOB th4NfOn mU8t n44.88-117
bo anmar. in tb Wg8tiVO.
Tour0 rrry truly