Hon. Roy Loventhal, Chairman
Livestook sanitary Comnisslonot 'rexas
eooe w. 'I;.
wageoner Bumllng
Fort worth, !&mm
Dear SLrr
the mderal gore sionerr * Courts.
the mnployou,re
adem tired by th priation ztillsr the
46th ~&tlature
atio@heroin pro~idob are to
maximma 8um8 to be appro-
the several purpeeos namd
unts are Fotonded to eowkf
shell any othax obligation6be bmarrsd by any
departmentof this State, provided howover that
nothing herein shall prevent my departmenthaad
rrom paylag lem than the maxlmrnaamount set
rorth herein for any salaried position.
Dr. George W. Co& X. D., Pags 2
~Limitatlonof Payments. E=WPt aa othsr-
wise provided, whenever, by virtue or ths pro-
YISIOM of this Aat, item are to be paidout of,fees,
reaeipts, spealal funds ox out 0r other funds
avsilcbls for use by s departmmt, it I.%the in-
tention of the Legislatureto linit expenditures
out of said fees, reaeipts, spealal fund% or
other availablefunds to the purposes and In the
amounts ltegissd herein, and lt is 50 provided.
Tt 1% provided that any nurse employed by
the state Health Department not rsaeivi $125.00
per month under this hat may have hsr s%r$p-
plementsd from Federal runds in the sum or 80
per month upon approval of the proper Federal
The Leglslnt~, in proYldlng that the lmlnrles
or auzses employe6 by the State Health Depa+mnt might be
supplementedomor Federal funds upon approval b W&PC
per redersl .authorltIes,
maniiests a leglslatlre &
prohlaft the ~sllpptementing
or the salary or ~aayothrJrrtate
j;tI5 thb opinion ot~this department thererore
that the 8alarles or the cpnplop3ea
invozveufn your lnquiw
enaaetbe.sugp,l~ented,either bg ths Federal goYeramentox
the oaaimlssi~~er~~
oourts or this state.
BY N’ Lloyd mnstronp;