Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Hon. Dan W. Jackson Criminal Distriat Attorney Houston, T e x * 8 htt'nr Palmer Hutoheson, Jr. Daar Sir: Opinion No. O-2334 Ret IO the endorser ever liable on a hot check tider Art. 667b, Seotions 1, 2 and 3 ofthe,Penal Code? And related questions. Your recent request for an opinion of this deprrtmnt on the questions a8 are herein stated has been received. Wa quote the questions presented in your inquiry LU follows: "Under 4x%, 567b, Sections 1, 2 and 3, is the endorser ever liable? If so, is this liability limited to oases where the endorser,oan be shorn to have had a part iu the plan to pass the oheok, or may it extend to oases where no suoh proof 08x1be made, but where the check is not paid on presentation and is nwee paid, up to the time of trialY In other words, does the presentation of the check for payment, and non-payment of it, oonstituts prjma facie evidence in the aam way that it does against one who 'draw8 or gives* the check?" "Wnen a check, ðer given simultaneously with a receipt of the merchandise or other things for which it is issued, or given at a later date in payment for such things, is dated with a date subsequent to the date on which it is aotually given and where this fact is understood by %oth parties, isthe giver of the oheck criminally liable under Mt. 567b, if the check is later returned because of insufficient funds, or other similar reason?" Seations 1, 2 and 3 of Art, 567b of the Penal Coda reads as followss Ron, Dan We Jackson, page 2 (O-2334) "4x-t.567b3. OBTAIBING !dOKKY,GOODS, ETC., WITR IL TEPl'~DEFRAUD.BYGNINGORDR4RXRG Section lo It shall be unlawful for any person, with intent to defraud, to obtain any money, goods, servioe, labor, or other thing of value by giving or drawing any cheek, draft, or order upon any bwk; pereon, firm or corporation, if sv.qh@arson does not, at the time said cheek, drafh, .or order is 80 draar, have sufficient funds with such bank, person, firm or corporation to pay such oheok, draft, or ordsr, and all other oheoks, drafts, or orders upon said funds outstanding at the time such aheok, draft, or order ma8 given or dram; provided that if suoh oheok, draft, or order is not paid upon presentation, the nonpayment of 8ama shall be prima faoia evidence that such person giving or drawing snah check, draft, or order had iasuffioient funds with the dranae to pay same at the time the said oheok, draft, or order ma8 given or dram and that said person gave or drew such oheok, draft or order with intent to defrauds and provided further that proof of the dapoaritof said aheok, draft, or order with a bank for colleotion in the ordinary ohanne of trade and the return of said check, draft, or order unpid to the person mahing such deposit shall %a prima facie evidence of presentation to, and nonpayment of said ahsok, draft, or order by, the l%nk, person, firm, or oorporation upon whom it nas drawn8 and provided further that where suah ohe&, draf’t, or order has twen pmtestsd,the notioe of protest thereon shall be ad- missi%le as proof of presentation and nonpayment and shall be prima facie evidence that said obeok, draf't, or order was presented to the %ank, person, firm or corporation upon whioh it was drawn andwas not paid. "GIVING ORDRMIm CHECK, DRMTOR ORDERIIITROUTSUF- FICIEMT FUND6 sea. 2, It shall be unlawful for any person, with in- tent to defraud, to pay for any goods, servioe, labor, or other thing of value, theretofore received, by giv- ing or drawing any check, draft, or order upon any bank, person, firm, or corporation, if suoh person doesrnot, at the time said aheok, draft, or order is so given or drawn, have sufficient funds 6th such bank, pereon, firm, or corporation to pay suoh check, draft, or order, - - Hon. Dan W. Jaokson, page 3 (O-2334) and all other checks, drafts, or orders upon said funds outstanding at the time such oheok, draft, or order is notpaid upon presentation, the nonpayment of same shall be prima facie evidence that such pr- son giving or drawing such check, draft, or order had insufficient funds with the drams to pay sme at the time the check, draft, or order 1~8 given or dram and that said person gave such oheok, draft or order with intent to defraud3 and provided further that proof of the de&sit of said check, draft or order with a bank for collection in the ordinary ohan- 4lC3lS of trade and the return of said check, draft, or order unpaid to the person making such de- posit shall be prima facie evidence of presentation to, and nonpayment of said check, draft, or order by, the bank, person, firm, or corporation upon whom it uas dram; and provided further that where such check, draft, or order has been protested, the notice of pro- test thereof shall be admissible as proof of presenta- tiqu and nonpayment and shall be prima facie evidence that said aheck, draft, or order was presented to the bank, person, firm or corporation upon tiich it was dram and was not paid. "POSSESSION OF PWSONAL PROPERTY SUBJECT TO LIEN, OBTAINED BY CHECK, DPAFT OR ORDER AGAINST INSUF'FICIEN'I FUNDS sec. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person, with intent to defraud, to secure or retain possession of any personal property, to which a lien has attached, bythe drawing or giving of any check, draft, or order upon any bank, person, firm or corporation, if such person does not, at the time said check, draft, or order is so given or drawn, have suf- fioient funds with such bank, person, fim, ok corporation to pay such check, draft, or order, and all other checks, drafts, or orders upon said funds outstanding at the time such check, draft, or order so given or dram; provided that if such check, draft, or order is not paid upon presentation, the nonpayment of aame shall be prima facie evidence that such person giving or drawing such check, draft, or order hadi;iinsufficie&funda with the drawee to pay same at the time the said cheek, draft, or order was given or dram and that said peison gave such check, draft, or order with in- tent to defrauds and provided further that proof of deposit of said ohsok, draft, or order with a tank for collection in the ordinary channels of trade and the return of said check, draft, or order unpaid to the person making such deposit shall be prima facie proof of presentation to, and nonpayment of said check, draft, or order by, the kank, person, firm, or corporation upon which it was drawn3 Ron. Dan W. Jackson, page 4 (0-23;4) and provided further that where such check, draft or order has been protested, the notice of protest thereof shall be admissible as proof of presenta- tion and nonpayment end shall be prima facie evidence that said check, draft, or order was premsnted to the bank, person, firm, or oorporatidn upon which it was dram and was not paid; and provided further that the removal of such personal property from the premises upon which it was located at the time such check, draft, or order was drawn or given, shall be prima facie evidenoe that poseession of such property wae retained or secured bythe giving or drawing of said check, draft, or order." Nith reference to subdivision 4, Art. 1646, of the Penal Code, we quote frcssTax. Jur., vol. 39, p.p. 1076, 1076, as follows~ "8 26. CBECKS DRAWN BY PERSONS OTHER THAN 4CCtJSED-- INDORSERS... While a conviction will not ordinarily be sustai&d where the check was draw by some person other than the accused, it is not neoessarythatthe oheck be drawn or signed by the accused if he had guilty knowledge of its lrorthlesscharacter, It has been said that the statute, although making no.spefioio rcferenoe to an indorser, is broad enough to cover an indorser if he eas a party to the fraud by connivance, agreement or conspiraoy. Rowever this may be, it has been held that an indorser who stated in good faith that the cheek was good could not bs convicted under the statute where, on learning that the paper was worth- less, he deposited sufficient funds in the bank to meet it before it would be presented in the ordinary course of bu5inas.s~" JAMES va STATE, 257 S.We 866; MOORE vo STATE, 219 S.ll.1097; D4wBoN V* STATE, 165 S.W. 675. In answer to your first question, you arc respeotfully advised that it is the opinion of this department that the endorser is criminal- ly liable only in those oases where he was a party to the fraud by con- nivance, agreement or conspiracy and where the endorser can bs showo to have had a part in the plan to pass the check, draft, or order so dram, upon any bank, person, firm or corporation. In the case of LLOYD v. STATE, 266 S.W. 765, it was held that a party issuing a check under an agreement not to present the seme for pay- ment, where no more representations were made than implied by delivery Hon. Dan W. Jaokron, page 5 (O-2334) of the check and the request that its presentations be delayed and that there muld be no funds in the bank until that date, did not oanstitute swindling, under Vernon's Annotated Penal Code, 1916, Art. 1422, Subdivision 4, as to obtaining property upon giving e. o%ck without reason to believe that it would be paid when present- ed. It will be noted that Art. 567b, supra, speoifically pro- vides that -- 11 . it shall ba unlawful for any person with intent to d&&d . , . by giving or drawing any aheak, draft or order upon my bank, person, firm, or corporation, if such person does not at the time said ohaok, draft, or order is so dram have suffiaient funds with such bank, person, firm, or corporation to pay such chsok, draft or order, and all other checks, drafts or orders upon said funds outstanding at the time suoh ohsok, draft or order was so given or dram . . . " When any person gives a "post-dated" oheok it is evident that suoh person does not have sufficient funds on deposit with the bank, firm, parson, association or corporation at the time of giving to pay the seme. You are respeotfully advised that it is the opinion of this department that when any person gives a post-dated check, draft, or order and where this fact is understood by all parties, the person giving the check, draft, or order is not criminally liable under Art. 567b of the Penal ,mde, although the oheck, draft or order is later returned because insufficient funds, or other similar reasons. We rant to thank you for the able brief submitted with your inquiry, which has materially assisted us in answering your inquiry. Trusting that the foregoing satisfaatorily answers your questions, we are Yours very truly ATTGRXEXGERERALOFTE!XAS By s/Al-dell uilliams Ardell xilliams APPROVEDMAY 31, 1940 Assistant s/ Grover Sellers FIRST ASS&!X!ANTATTORNEY GENERAL AW: ob:e&v Approved Opinion Committee By BUB Chairman