qonorable Roy L.
County Attorney
Runnels County
Rallingsr, Texas
8, 1940, submit-
above captioned.
stter from the Deputy
anies your request,
re of the inquiry. That
fund8 which may be ex-
-labor are lfmited hy law to
onth, and as the State aver-
ojecte approximates this figure
which garments will be avail-
destitute and the extent to
ent may be given to women in
ma will depend upon the cooperation
of sponsors of sewing projects, ainae the
responsibility of supplying the additional
textilga will rest with them.
*Sponsors may purchase these textiles
Honorable Roy L. Hill, Rage 2
locally or they may secure them through the
Rrouurement Division of the Treasury Depart-
ment by sending the funds to the State Die-
buralng mice. Details of prooeedure for
purohaae through the Procurement Division
will be sent to the Distriot Managers by the
Din$slon of Frofessional and Service Fro-
jects within the next few days."
Your Inquiry is ruled by our Opinion No. O-1972,
which answered eaoh ob the following questions in the
vQuestlon,No. one
"Ras the Ccmmisaionere~ Court authority
to purchase or rent sewing machines for use'
In the WA sewlng room projeot?
*Question No. two
,- VIaa the Commis-sionere'Uourt authcrlty
to purohase groceries or other eupplles to be
used ror demonstration purposes in connection
with the WPA housekeeping aid project?
"Question No. three
*Has the Commissioners' Court authority to f'urn-
ish typewriters and a:.dingmachines or to re-
pair and maintain such machinae used in State
or Federal reli,efagsnciee? Aleo in this con-
nection, does the Court have the authority to
furnish to such agencies office supplies, suoh
as paper, typewriter ribbons, desks, chairs,
vQucstion No. four
Was the Commissioners Court authcrity
to employ alerioal help ror the Texas and
federal relief agencies nominated as searetar$es,
stenographers, bookkeepere, etc.?
"Question No. five
What authority, If'any, has the Co!mni8edon-
ers' Court to participate with county funds in
the oonstruotion of a building to house Federal
Honorable Roy L. Hill, Page 3
and State relief agencies?
"Question No. six
-A local aharltabld organization operat-
ing under the name of Mothers* Health Center
has for its purpose education-and the dls-
semination of contraceptive methods and sup-
pliesto the Indigent mothers of this locality.
Flasthe Commissioners1 Court authority to par-
ticipate with County funds in the carrying on
of the sork of this organ zation?*
b CV~?f.
While that opinion does not decide the ex-
press question you propound, yet those actually decided
necessarily deoide the present Inquiry in prinolple.
The opinion was based upon a oonstruction.
or Article 3372e, Vernon!s Civil Annotated Statutes,
in the light of the well-recognized rule that the
County Commiesioners~ Court pO6fieSSSA only such powers
a8 are conferred upon it b law. The Article immedia-
tely above referred to conB era oertain specific
powers with respect to projecta, such as that being
ccnaidered, but It does not incl.udethe item~or pur-
pose embraced in your inquiry and, therefore, by a
familiar rule of construction the pcwer may not be en-
larged by Implication.
Your question, therefore, should be answered
in the negative in line with your etatemsnt that you
had so advised the Ocunty Judge yourself.
Very:,truly yours
‘%oie Spew
OS-MR Aselstant
/e/ Gerald C. Mann Opinion Committee