I OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ret Opinirm Ito Faroh of li ooatmat 8X FaryaFh 3 of , in part, prariacrt cte frca$Our l0tt.r 88 sollowrr aaticn of the 8tlptiathmli in para- 8 ocatrsotfailedto oonre$to 4 cf Gontrcl rap cxplnrtioo4ett "1. Can the ~ceftont Boar4 of Contrd, uadar 2!11 EonoreblsRarry Xnox; P* 2 thi8 pts8Otit lXWOi80 its OptiOal8 mt OOlltfllQt, forth la yara,mqh one, lf it 80 dosire 4~14 ooa- no1 and in the futareto prohare ilquor tlnue. tu 8tacpa r0r the Tore8Liquor CoatrolMard fros the Steak Cmpoay of Au8tln at the price stlpulat- cd in the oontmot? "2. Tf your answer to the abctequr6tloa should be 'ym', please cldvlsaus lf tha bon4 attachedto thl6 Oont~Ot roll1OOntinUi!in f0m0 nad effeot aa h&aft the Rxe4 parahnses stmps under thio aon- . '3. Ir your mawer to our firstquostlonshould be *no*,plearreadvise us tb date uh.lchthis eon- tmot oxplr6s.~ A &mr?ul ooluidorationof thir oontruotloares no doubt but that It wU8 EBQO Under the ruthoritpof, end in OOLPI pllcmasrltb Tltls 20, Ctzapter 2, Vornon*mFieiiard Civil Gto- tutos, 1925, whloh aufhWit*8 t2e kxa’4 of Control ti @x&r acntmots tor printingan4 the gwohaae 02 SIBAlar8upplloa. Article806, ‘r’bmon’o Ize?Lsed Cl011 btatUtO8, 1925, which is part of Title EO, Chapter2~.aupra, in port, prorldes: Vho Bbard ahell oontraotfor 8 t&as of not etcoadlng two pm%. . . . for sugplylngto the Etdte all print&E:,birding,stationary,an4 sup- plle6 of like charaOter.a ?&era mm parson or boar4 is lgpointod'btlm a8 the aceatof the fitate for the purpcssof lettingocntraot8, the law Mdar rshlohsuoh psreon or bourd aata 18 a8 cuoh 4 Bert of the contrarat as if it were iorcallytranecribadthere- hill v. &erloan Isook Coo~any (Sup. Ct. tit: 1926) 171 %A 4272a5 88 20. 59 Corpus JUAS 171: %iObO18*;. ttato (Ct. Cir: App. cf T&c., lees) 11 mr. Clv. &p. se?, SE SE 452, writ of error refused; State T. fcrletela(Ct. MY. App. of Ter., 1924) 78 SX (a4) l.W, writ of error dl8nlssed. Since there $8 no tendnation date rtlpulntadin the ooa:raotbo- .Corous, we nust z-e&d the above quotedprotielonof Article bbc), supra, into the codzuat and hold that It ox&ad tat0 yo+?rll im the data of cxt?a~tiah. Paragraph I ot thle contract bound the Steak Corn-- pony to furnieh ttmaty-rim rilllon (~,OOO,OOO) liqucr tar: . * . .- 2.32 Eonornbh Barry Xnos, Page s stffipr.St furtherprovidedfor a?~option rshiahgaveithm :F;; the rl$stto puroh46raddition4lbtncps,if it 80 de- This optloa, balng a part OS the oontrsot, oould ha-6 kmt nothinrr smo than that the St&o E;l&t muabase &&pt In excess of the 8tlpuletsdtwsnty-five-clliion (~,OOO,OOO) (if it so dsolred) durlnz the tima that thr oOntraot was in dreot. The oostraot h4vlnu tmainrtea two vrmrs fro= the date of its ereoutlon.the o&on neosoaarlly thS OriniOn Or this manot now be pirohas- 36 am ratuminq to you harowlththe orlglanloon- tmot ou!xzlttad tc us w:t!:your lottarof hpril 25, 1940. ATTORNEY GEN%UL OB TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion