Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

yrs. Violet S. C.scanhil.1, Chir!f 3lviaionof Child.:ielfare cnpltolmilding .:u;tin,l!oxss Ear 3%. G.roonhill: boordin hose, or child ylocin: aTemy, or other ploco for the c3ra Or OuStOdy Of chilir~en uni&r firt~sl year-cof age f or rl10f~hzllsolioiltfcnGs in this Ststc for e11ySCCllplace or institution,sli;?ll ob- ti?inan c~~vx.1lionace frostthe Statci , vhich lScnns~ Shall bo l;oord of llaalth iscu.edwithout fw?, 2~~1un~dorsuch rccson- able end uniform ruler:rrudreguLationa a3