OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AlJ8TlN ._ ,;,. EtonQrab&8 John .R. Taylor, Piage 8. Xt 18 8Via8nt fmm Ar6ia1~.6008 that the Legielature zeg8r4eU the u8e et ga6 for Ught or rue1 a8 bsiq it8 hl&est or most valuable use fm@ the 8ooial point of view and that the Legl8lature fur this reman 608b 5everely restrlotwl the U80 ror light So0 ~3. b. Esi3, gas may be eubio fee* Ilatural gam- 11~8 8~4 the reoibtie.burns& for oar@on blaak * the Legislature maa nerely prOWlding that ia thl8 ewoptiona i inrrtan~, the rrddue, even In t&e &tee, of ass8 gas, oauld be btxrnea for oarbon-blaok, lrmtead of being retnrned~to the hor%zan CLOSE rhioh it 18 preduami, wh$oh wUul& opbi.nrrrilybe the ml8 as to 8weet @8 tuuler t& ~rovirricn8 of &abaeotion l(,ti),Seotion 7, ~&?tlol* 6608. In other WO&'#8, tie latentlolsof the %.4@8htlW APPROVEDmY 18, 1940 ATTQRNEY GENERAL OB !f.E%Ag
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion