OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lbnambl8L.A.vood 8Uta 8uporintoadollt of rubllo lMtrwt1oa Awtda, Toxu In Uw ouo ooaaldor- io uld r tlll - tvo Rwton,rouldheYo 0 irsd lzll942. m-8.Ievtm vu appolntod by thm“EIluionora* bourt to ill1 thr -y orutod by the bath ot br husband. “Al ths abow wntioMa 0piPlon holdr tbt the vill~pworof the pwplomuatpw8lltozam Bononblo L. A. voQd8, Paw 2 m iaambelltat the next g*no?81 *lootIon, vlll the person rloeted to the pm. of oount7 *upor- bttmdent rt the forthoomlag gonon llootlon *orve for a four-par ponrlod, or vi11 rueh l p er - *on **mm until 1942, vhIoh 18 th* tlm tha COUP- - ter m, to vttIonrh.o u y T nevto . nvul18Qt- ed, vi11 WY* rxplnd?a Our opinion Ho. O-1664, roforred to In rour lottor, hold8 that one &ppoInted to the offlcr of aounty ruprlnton- dent tq the coPrmi88Io~rs'oourt tills rush vrcmcy only until the next gene-1 lleotIon. The only question vlth vhloh ve are concerned In thU oplnlon I8 IJ *t&ted above. ~tu Conrtltution of TO-*, ktlole 16, Section 27, proYlde8I _- *In all eleotIon* to fill vao8ncler of of- floe in thlr 3tbte1 I 8hl.l W to fill the un- expllwd term OnlJ. The Lcglmlature, to give effect to Art1018 16, SOO- ti0n 27 0s t.h0 c0mtitUtioD, 8~ emoted Article 20, Ver- non** Clrll Btatuter, vbioh rd?' 8 88 r0ih8t 'All eleotloru to fill vrcmcler in otflce *h&l be to fill the unexpired tenu only.' Also see mckm 08. curl, 38 Clr. A&. 445, 86 3v 368. In vIev of the foregoing ruthorltler, JOU me nrpoct- fully rdrI*ed tht lt I8 the opinion OS thlr department t&t the peruon elrcted to county rchool 8uperIateulsnt at the torth- oomiag genenl election, under the oiroua8tumer art out In your letter, vi11 be lleot8d to further till the v*ornoy In 0rrm ometed by the death of Mr. fevton, that IS, until the gensnl , Bononblr L. A. Cods, Page J llootlon In 1942, vhon e. Revton's ter m vouid have lxpirw.l. Trusting that this rrtIrf8otorll~ dlrporsr of your inquiry, ve rewin
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion