OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable f . Y. Allm county Auditor Ruut Oount~ Orwwille, Tma8 Iv.harm girrn 0 iaemi08t to the qaortion 8tate(l above as ur moeat lottor. s rerrrenoe to 8 tfustoe or a 0 he rleotion of ruih 8 trwtw i8 45, Rsvlaed Gitil , End Celle6 Swt~on, t&ala,Artfolo 8945). vaoanoy.oooutfi.~ y the termr of lmrrral of a trustee I not poseess the event ot ouoh air- sote the sotmtr n eu0h 0rri00 br table person qualirlrd by law to not a8 truatsr until ths next regular eleeetion or echo01 truetess ror suoh dimtrlot.” ~See State ax rd.. li~tllls v. LMnd$rson (TOG Clr. App.), 86 S. W:(2d) %W+. With refqrenoe to,the rQht oi the oandldrte poll- ln& the nsit bigheat vote in the elrotfon whenln an lneliglblr permtt reooftadthe Sirs0 oholoe or the bleatore, we quote the roiiowittng rr0m 80 corpus Jurla, 9 w, pe a09 t “__^yy .._..___.__.._~^_~~^.._- ..-- .-. -- . ..-. ---.-.. __....-.. -. Honorable J. Y. Allen, Page 2 *It Is a rundamental idea in all republican iorms of gmerninent tlat no one can be declared eleoted and no maeure oan be declared oerried, unless he or it reoeires a maJority or 4 plural- ity or the legal rote6 east in the eleotion. The ract t&et a plurality or a majorlt~ of tkm votes are oast ior an inellglbla candidate at a popular eleotlon does not entitle the oandldate reoelv- ing the next highest number or rotas to be de- clared elected; in such ,caaethe eleotors have failed to make a choice and the election is a nullity.' Therefore, you are respectrully advfsed that the county board of eduoation should appoint a suitable person to ill1 the ofrloe of sahool trustee, and that in an eleotlon wherein the ilrat oholce or the voter8 is a dlsquallrled per- son, the second choice is not to be deemed as elected. It may be tlmt your qaestlon bad rererence to a member0r the oomty board of trustees. Ii 80, our answer ie the 8ame as above stated, by virtue of the language of Ar- tlole 2696, Revtised Civil Statutes, a8 amended, Aots 1934, end Called Se~slon, chapter MB to the erreot that all vacan- cies on the oountr board ehall be tilled by the remaining trustees. Yours very truly YGEiNERALOFTEXAS d+ BenlamLn Woodall Assistant APpROVE3APR 29, 1940 2W:RS ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TZXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion