912 ’
Konorablo D. ElOhard Pogetrr
County Attornrr
Mlroll aoullty
Plorortills, Tens
n64r sir;
In 7our lotter
OPT opinion in msponm
ml Co& read8 4s followa:
0 Stat6 or any ottiosr
aity, prooinet sohool
hpal subdlriolor: of
rlnitp or ulthin the third degree by oonaxn-
gulnlty to the person 60 appointing or EO rot-
lng, or to 44 other rsrilbar OS any such board,
Honorable D. Bfohard VOgeS, F464 2
the Legial4ture, or OOUZ% Or whloh mUOh psr-
son so appointing or voting may be 4 mmber,
when the 8414ry, reoa, or oonipensatioa0r euoh
appointee is to be pal& ror, direotly or ln-
afreotly, out 0r or from pubm funds 0r ms
0r 0rri00 0r any kind or oheraotsr whatsoever.-
Article8 2603 and 2750, Revlard Cloil Statutes,
provfde for the approval of teaohers' oontraote by the
county. 8uperlntendent. For the reaeoM given below, it
18 uunrcessary her UB to daterdne rrhetbftr the approval
oi teaohbra' oontraot8 by the superlntendsat constitutes
4 Ooeilrnation of the appofntnent or employmnt OS suoh
From 4 oareful reqdlng of raid Art1010 4SZ, it
appears that the prohibition of the statute 1s not against
the employauent0r pareons related to the orricer who oon-
firm the l mploymeat but msrely prohibits the appolntumt
or oonflrmation of prrtsona related wlthln certain degrees
to the Ofilcbra appointing or Voting for the appointniant
or unploynmnt:
In 4 latter opinion, dated Ootober 8, 1935, to
J. E. Frle8trri44County Attorney, Joe 5. Alsup, Aeslstant
Attornrx con& lx p r emw l
4 oontrery flew. i:ea&r44 with
the lottar opinlom Or Scott Oblnbs, AEslst4nt Attorney
General, to zoo Eocasland, County Attorney, dated Deotimber
15, 193l, and Fi.8. AndtJrBon, Asalrtant Attorney &metal,
to Pona J. Jaobon, Goantp Attornq, dated Catober 15, 193s.
holding that nlatlonehlps suoh an Is involved ln the present
lrutanor do not fall within the nepotism rtatutse.
In our opinion Art1018 432, Fen41 Code does not
apply to .thlr ultuatlon and your queatlon is theretore an-
4mma Im the 4rrwatiy0.
Yours very truly
BYkg@-+Glenn E. L4wls
GRLtr Assistant
APPROVEDbfAY 2, 1940