OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Uotwrable Jaok Viooh County Attorney caneron county ~roml8Tillo, roxno Deal' Yr. ViOabr opinio_q, No. o-am of your letter *The insodlate ~obltm fa(rin~ h%m ia one in rhlah an indopondant oohOO1 fxistriot filed suit agd.nst X, tho lnnd owner, for tams aad a foroolomure of its tar 1lon lqoinet tho ~oport7 In- voltocl* Judgment was onterd, fOroOlOfP iion. Jaok Wiech - page 2 ix&g thet6x1ien a& under order of solo, the property was bougbf in by X. X now ~xo~wsos to pay the delinquent taxes due other t6xS.n~ agoncioe, ia~- cladin& the 8toto a&l COuntX, but de- *ire@ iiret the amaranoe that, should X attorjpt within tu0 years to re&eem the snid property, he, X, will bo re- pald the tasoo that he ham tolmtarily pld to thf3 other ttuing tmlttt. .P l 0 ‘In r ieu Of tb o fo r e g o ing, ma y il0 be favored with your opMon upon the folloving queries. to-uitt O1. Does the ri&t of rodeaqticm exist in a lani owner where his property la foroolosed upon and nold out unclor court jud,gnontt '2. Under tho fact situation hora- lnabovo outlIned, could I rccwer taxes voluntarily paE to tlshg wnciefi other tlxm the indapon&nt school diatrict7 .3. Utxior the fact sltuatim horeln- above outlined, would X, the land owner, durini; tho first year of redemption, be required to pay an additional ton p3r cant as p-widti in &thls 7283, or 011 6dditional twenty-fire per cent as pro- ddod In Article 734gb, Section 12, or double tho amunt paid by the purchaser at Lli9 sale, as prorided in Artlola 72S4b? n4. Shrruld the Tax Colloator of Camron County, Texas, he called upon to nccopt redoaption wmcy under Artiole 72S4, u:~ich of tin mvarol mdo~ytlon statut2s SilOUld ho fc.llOWip* Senate hill So. 477, 45th Logislaturo, Ch. em, hef;ular Scsfiion, p. 1404-n known 80 the *Taxing Units Act. is the 1atc.d logislativo enaciment touckins the quas- tious ~X-OFOllnd~Xi by YOU. don. Jaak weah - page a 88ect+nA12 or that Act 26 M followor 'In all suits horotofom or hem- Adtar f:.lod to c011oct da1inqucmf &&r&y a@ixlst property, judgul0nt. in sdd 8ust lm3.l.lprovida for i66uanco of urit Qf pcM3508610n rithln tll3nty (20) ay8 ae0r the period af rode&on shall hare ex- pired to the ptrohruer at foroo10mm3 Sal0 or us aooipno; but UheneTer land io 8Olcl under judgmnt ln mob mitfer torsr, t&a ovtm of snob propert9, or anyone tming an lntorest thamia, or tbcir heirs, as&no or lb@ reprboanto- t.t~aa, my, within to0 (2) fears from the date of wch so&a, ham the right to ce- doco said property on the follouing basip, to-vit: (1) vithin tll* first year of tha r3doqtion pe.riod, upon the papmlt of the ar~unt bid for the progKwty by the prc- chnscr at mob sale, Including a One ($1.00) Dollar tax de& rocorilin,~foe ati all taxes, penaltieS, intorl3st and costs thQmafter d thurson, plus tacnty-flm 25$) of the wegate p" total 1 s"z; z?iLn the last year of t&3 redmpt cm pzrlod, uson t.1ro pysA3nt Of the amount bid for the property by the pixrchaser at Ruth sale, incluliq a Urn ($1.00) Dollar tax do3d rooording foo aaQ all tams, penal- SOS, intcrost an8 cO6ts thCPerrftOr pt4.d thoreon, plus fifty par Cent (a@$) of the aggrogata total. *ln ad&It&on to redomdng cliroot from the prchssor 88 aforesaid, rc&mptlop my U160 be v&e upon the basic hereinabove de- finad, a8 ;;rovldfxl Ln Articles 7a84 and 7285 Of the h3VifiWd c%Vil ~tiltUt3S O? !i'oMS of l(t26." This l%3ctico Will ful7lisb tll3 bzlsin for khhoreply to your rcspctivu questions, vhich m sill zrmvm categoriml- 1st 3. i-OS. wLbonover lur? is mid utior jud:,gsmt ill such suit for tams, the ovncr of suoh property or myoxie Imting Hon. Jack Wiech - page 4 au interest thereia or thslr heirs, as- signs or legal repesentstlreo, suy uithh two year* from the dote of smh ssle,has the right to r%d%ePssid pv- party l l l 8. 2. xos . &atloa 12 requires the owner, in order to rodeem his propsrfp, to ~7 ia sddAt&on to the bUL'by the purchaser sad the $l.OOtoxdsedreymdiag fee 'all fates, peaaltie8, interest sad costs thereafter paid th3moa, plus 26% o? the aggregate totals 2.fredeems ed dnring the first yea- of the redemption period md plus 60'3 of the cygre~ate total it the redetq&Aoa Is de- femedaatil the seeoad~eu of the redesapfioa period. If, therefore, .P, the Fallwhneer, pays taxes to other taring agencies, such taxes will be sddea to the amouat of mXws* bid, and nxmf be psid by sXs, the omr, as a oomlitlon precedent to the ovaer*s right of redemption. Section 12, of dFticl% 7345b, herein quoted governs th~.smount and chsraotor of psyments the redenpto; is required to tie to the gxamhaser. This conclusion is not thought to be in COIzflict With Our Opinion So. O-643, in which we reluctautl~ followed Binkson vs. Lorenso Itie- peadent School District, 109 S. 1. (2) 1008. Arti 7346b, S. B. Ho. 477, 46th Legislature, which T'B here follow, has been easoted sinob the decision of the abwe 0880, anilwe are no loag0r ooasksiae~ to follow its maso*. (floe our Opiaioa So. O-lw6). 4. ubere the oamr finds thst it is aea%sssry, user the provisions of Article 7284, to mike redemption by psysunt to tho t&u collector, the collector, in resjwct to the terms of the redemption vi11 be governed by Seation 12 of S. B. Ho. 477, heretofore quoted in this opinion. The validity of this Act hss boon upheld by the Supreme Court An Uesia Inaepexsient Sohool Distrlot TS. City of U%Xizl, 133 8. u. (2) 118. Very truly pours
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion