4% OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GRNRRAL OF TRXAR AUSTIN maorablo Char1.yl,dchart stat. Trsasurer mlstlB*Tex8a Dbar sir; hl8,1940 yourubmlt d, the r&doc; ~tur- erte4 bt thr CountyClark 8 rullBg rroa roll l No te Stb r @ s be roqulrrb OB ho grantee amme a pm- bte4nrssI ruoh pm-exlstiag in- lng sroure4 by a llea on rhioh state Wote stamps were not aid *hen It raw ills4 ror feoor4,bsoaum t ti l lien was In retor of .anlnstrumentnllt~ of the Podoral dorernumnt that was oxen@ from the paymat of suoh tax"i' Eonorablo m our opinionNo. O-132& it was held that en asaumptlonand pronlso to pa7 b7 the vendee In n deed of a pro-etirtlngl&m In4rbtodaem not therotoforostamped wuld be subjectto tho oxolaestamp tax levied by Artloio 70470,Vbrnoah maotatod ClrIl Statutes,upon the theory that UQOLIthe as tlon b7 the vendee in a deed o? a o- ezilstlng ob lgatlono? the mnd+n, equityImp1p" debt or""p es a lien to sooure the ptIr?ormaBoo o? the assumption. 30 think the holding a? the oltod o~lnlon *ould be ontlrolyepplloabloto the Instantquestion despltmthe faot that the or&&al fadebtedaor8, paymento# vhloh 18 aesuamdIn the doe4 lnv&lved,vns not aubjeot,upon reoorda- tion to tbo exolno starap tar levied by Article70470,v.A.C.S., booausethe lnetrment etidonoIngsuoh Indebtedness ran In iavor of M idstrumentrllty o? th,eFOderal Government vhloh enjoyedand odmltto4Imnunlty?rou state taxation. T&e equitablelien obl&atIon oroatedby the oxeoutlono? tbe deed in question,aontalningthe express assumptionoxid prom- ise to pap doe8 not run Ia istor o? this lnstruzmntallty a? the Federai Government,but rather In iarm o? the Vendor In the Instrument, ~aprivate IndIvIdual,sub oot in all tb 8 to the tar laws of Texas. Iionoe, the exeiso tax In quos % on aocrue6In cotieotlonrlth the reoordlng OS the deed oon- taIn* the assumptionagreement,but ltsazount1s dotemIned and measuredby the-amount o? the pro-exlatlnglndsbtedness. The ?acrtthat suoh pro-exI6tingIndebtedness, or rather the instrumentovidenolngsaam,was not 6ubJootto this tar, does not, ln our oplnlon, destroy the applloatlono? OpinionNo. O-1328 to thla question. we aooordlnglyansweryour questionIn the arrlr- matlvo and onolosefor UT oonrenIono~and lnionnatlona COPY Ot OUT OpinlOA BO. r-1320, ro?orrod to In the above dli?loU6SLOn. Yours vex-ytruly C333iULOF TXxS tWl'O~ESEY APPROVEDMY 2, 1940 , ATTORNEY GENEHAL 03 i’iX4S