Hon. R. A. Hodgo
County Auditor
w1111ams0n county
Dear Sin
Opinion Re. o-so
Rel Does thr la
of the Road
of your letter or
noent~ date r*que hi8 department on the
Red and Rriuge com-
Cloenma Pea8 vvhioh
iP(~sConmen hil, bo-
Preoinat 4008 the
at a Regular sen~ion
or may it br lr@U
dietributlon of tams en4 lioanae
r I ehall be ~p2Wss4 to have row opia-
The County Road an4 Bidgo Fund propsr iL 4mfve4
from two eouroa81 County taxeD and automobil regi6tretion
&on. IL A. Bodg~, Page &
AS for that portion of the County Road and Bridge
mnd ccnsistingof aounty taxes, Artiole 6940, Reriaed Civil
Statute8, provides:
Vbe commissiunare*oourt ahall sea that the
road r:rxl bridge fund of their county is ju4iaious-
ly and er,uitebly expended on the roads and bridges
of their county, and, aa nearly as the condition
and the necaeoltyof'the road8 will permit, it will
be expended in eaah county aosmlesfoner~8pmalhet
in proportionto the mount oollaetad in auoh pra-
cinct. Koney use4 in builalng pexmansnt roads
ahall first be 1~34 only on iirat or seaand-ola8a
roads, an4 on those which rhall hare the right of
way turnlshadfree of dolt to make am 8traight a
roab as Is praotloableand hariagthe qeateat bomas
‘orfwed by the altleons of money, labor 00 other
Dispwition of that portion of the Od'ty Road aad
Bridge IFun&consistingof autcmobila rsgirtratloa;.ioa8 $8
governed by Seotion 10 of Artiale 6698a, Vernon's'CIvilAaao-
tated Statutes, the pertinant proviefon of emld motion reads
as follewnr
T!one of the mohl~a so plaeml to the aradit
of the Road aail Rrldge Fund at a soimty shall be
used to pay the salary or aclrpeamt~on of any
County Jwlgs or County Cmb#i~a@r, but all Or
6aid mrmimv oh811 be used for the aanstsuotionaltd
neiatehanaoof bt8ral roads in suoh aouaty under
the supenlsioa of the County Angineas, If thmro '
be one, and f? there ir no mmh l giltoer:, then'tha
County Cozmisslonem* Coart ehall ha9a av&hority
to tmmmfmd the servioos of the Di*l*ion ItngFnesr
of the State Highway Dapartmtvnt for th?,pvirpo80 of
rrupenlsingthe acnstrnationmd eumiyiag of
latsral roads in their reopeotive oounties. All
funds allooatsd to the oowltisr by the prcniaionr
of thla kot (iirtloles 8658a-1 to 669Sa-14)vmy be
used by the oouatlss in the payment of obligations,
if any, lsaued an4 incurred in the aonetrustionor
the improvementof all reada, inaludlng State Rlgh-
ways of euoh aouatisa end oletriato thsmfbinior
Eon. Ii. A. BObgdB, Fags 8
ths improvaaentof the roads aomprleiagthe County
Article B?)M, Vernon~~ Ciril &inotat*d Btatutaa,
provl4sa eat:
*lVo aountp tax ahall,bi laviad axaopt at a
regular term of the mint, and when all membora
oi a&U oourt arq premnt.’
irtlole sSrL8, Vernoa*a Civil hmotatad etduwa,
read8 aa followaa
lTh8 rqular t8ma o? the eomlaaiono~#~
aoust shall be ao~~&onoadand ba hold at the @aurt
kouae oa tha 88atmd !EonQara? saoh month through-
out the mar and my oontfaw in aaaaion ODO W&J
prari4ed the smut nerd not hold mom than em
a~+rfon aaoh qwrter ii the bwuinoaa 0r the aoort
daea not %mkkd a aseaion. m aaaalon mar ad-
jcmra at a4 ttu tilebuai8msa 0r tha'oourt f8
diapoaad of. iQaoia1 torlp may ba aallad by the
oounty jmtgo OP thraa af the ~ooaelsaioaar8, aad
rnr oontlntae in aoaaion urti1 lb buabena ~38oom-
I T!hoditiai#n Of the Rope ad Ebrit6.Fund ad tb
lufmobila Liaenae laaa uhioh ara plaoed in th8 Baad ad &id&a
Fund doe8 mt invol~s tha lm'giag at a tax by tha 8~~Iaalow~a*
6ourt, but Is merely a dlatributionof tax+a 5114 liaoaaa iaaL,
Thaaa atatute8 do not reqtirs the 'di~iaionand 41at+ibut¶oa~of
1,. tha Road and Erl4ge fua4 ta be mada at a regialtir term 6f t&o
e0w-t. !Phere~ore,you are respaathrll~adviaa4 that It la the
opinion cf thla depertmnt that the dirlsion cf t~hoFad and
EriAge Fua% as between the various oommisaiowra~ preainata
r&g be dons either at a radular tsw cw a rpeaialtorr of the
Our opiaioa Ro. G-1091, airwsa~a the dlatributicm
.or aouaty fund8 derived frum autcrrebih rq$istratioa toes.
I,_ _.~.
HOHe H. A. Elodees, Page 4
We are enaloefng herswlth a aopy of said @pinion for your In-
foneetfan and convenience.