.. ia* “ 0..,.* OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN gononblr F. 8. Oaodlo county At*mby rrallltlin county Mt. Vernon, Tour Dear SirI ad under thr dl- l o o ur t,is a to th e oourt ro- hi8 offlolal fee8 8am time llablr the rubstltute re- pfnion or thir Depart- ub8titute 8tenographor 18 U8Od under e Court, 18 a COOnty liablr t0 the for hi8 otfloial iSo8, and at tho 0 for fero to the rubetitutr Reporter? of explanation ror the above question, er hr0mfai0n. The judldal DirtriOt 18 oompored of more than one County. Tou unbrrtand that the fee ir didad tor monthly paynmt8 in pro rata ror oaoh oounty. The ofilolal Court Reporter ha8 been unable to attend the lart ternuof the Di8triot Honorable F. 8. Caudle, Page Z Court, and a rubatltute Raporter used. Both Sfle alai08 for the time. The county objeota to paying both olalms." Art1010 Z3.23,Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, reads a8 follows: *In oa8e OS Illnerr, pre88 of offlolal mrk, or rrnavOI4ableai8Sbiiity or the orrI0Ial 8hortA hand reporter to psriom~ bI8 dutlea In reporting prooea4lnga la court, the judge of the oourt may, In hlr alroretlon, authorlze a deputy 8hOrtbaDd reporter to aot during the absenoe of raid oificlal shorthand reporter and 8afa deputy 8bOrthaM report- er rball raoelve, Uurlng the tIae b e lot8 tar 8Sia offlolal shorthand reportar, the salary and fee8 a8 the oftIola1 rhorthand reporter of raid oourt, to be paid In the manner provided for the oitlolal rhorthant? rbporter; but the raid ofiIoIal rhorthand reporter shall also reetdre hi8 relary in full dur- ing raid temporary 4IrabllIty to aOt. The oeoesalty for a deputy OffIoIal rhorthand reporter shall be left entirely within the 41eoretIon of the Judge of the oourt . . Under the abort quote4 8tatute, the neoessfty for a deputy 0rrf0m 8borthand reporter I8 hit eutlraly rt?tbln the UI8oretIon oi the judge o? the oourt. :?hena deputy oourt reporter 18 appointed by the oourt 8aid depaty reporter 8hall reoelre during the time ha aotr ror 8ald ofilolal shorthand reporter thm 8eme ralary en4 fee8 a8 the OfrlOIti 8horthan4 reporter of the ooart to ba pal4 In the manner provided for the orri0i0i rhorthand reporter. Al80 the orrf0fai rhorthand reporter rhall reoelre hi8 rralary In ruii during hi8 temporam alaablllty to aot. Tharerore, you are raa?sotfully adrlaed that it Is the OpInIon Oi thI8 Dewrtmnt that your question 8bOdd be answered in the afrlznatIre end Is 80 anlrwerad. The salary of the doguty rhorthand reporter must be paid in the manner pmrlded for the ottlola 8hbrthan4 reporter. Both tha OHI- olal shorthand reporter and the deputy shorthand reporter are entitled to the oompennatlon provided by law. 371 Honorable F. 8. Caudle, Page 3 Trusting that the foregoing tally enmera your Inquiry, we remain Your8 very truly ATTCRlV3Y OFNERAL OF TEXAS By -u& Ardell WIllla~~ A88f8tCat AiT:BBB Gl’4d ATTORNEY GEl?E3ALOF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion