OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN --=-- Mr. Julian 150ntgolmary mate Hi wpy Bngineer Alumxt, PePse Dear sir: MI-. Julian Xont@mery - II'%%@2 mVlll you please give us the benerit OP your opinion as to uhether we dun le al- ly poet'6afe speed* signs as poposea 1&; The mrreot answer of yeur inqu3.q is contdmed in Article 827a, Sections 8 smi Pl of the Rmsl Cede, tfhlch pmYld.%r l8eo.%. It ShSll be anlevfnl for any person to oprate or drive szq motor or other vehicrle upon the p&lie M.ghx%qs of Tesas at a rate of speed ia excess of fortg-five (46) piles an hem, or drive or operate a motor or other vehiole uith- In the corporato limits of an incorporate& city ar tom, or within or t&rough any town or rillafge not incorporated, at 0 greater rate of *peed than twenty (20) miles perhour; pra~I.4e4,thutit shall be unla~l to operato upon satd pblh highwuys a wmmrdul rotor tehhle as do- f%n&I in this Aat OF either a reg%steraZ or wtual gross weight of six tboas.axl (6,000) pmmae or less IL& a rute ior spee4 3,n exww of forty (40) ndles per bour,or sWhvshi01eefeither 8I'9&stMWdS wtual grotJ% weight of OYer i&x thonsan4 (6 ,ooO) 8, at a rut63 ef speed fn ex- ww or #?- veney-rire (28) mile8 per hour, or WI- the corporate 13dts of cozy in- eorperated dlty or town er rithln er tJlrou&rrsyteRnortilagenet~~peref- eaatar8teo%speodin-sotsta;bfeea (18) dies perhdur. PraYtie mrtber,thut it aall be unlawful to opemte my m&w teh%ele engaged in this Stdte in the busi- new OS truxleportlng prrsewgerfl for WlRpw- ration or hirs on any hQ&wq, roe4 or fhareughfkre not *vateIJ ewned between cities, tmne un4 ~lllagee 8t a c&e Of npea4 in eweas Of fwty (40) ndl5s pm hour." Wear. 11. Th% Osgartwnt fs her&y authorbed to olasdfy, designate ti 319 maFlr both intrastrte,ad interstate State &&hmq~~ lying within the botisrles of this St&c and to prmide a UaFfolcn sys- tern of z4Brldng ana lidgnhg swh hlghu8ys uncler the furisdiction of this State, azt6 such systels of sarklng alla laignlng &all sorrelate dth SIXI se far &s pessib'le con- Porn to the system sdopt& in other states." Udter these Sections of the Article se think the Stats kU&htisy Departmmt aotiU¶ be author&m6 to post the rsrrkersraferrarl to in pasaga@ *la of your letter, and as to such markers our answer to you &a yes. As to the x6rkers refemwi to In the eeced paragral;h sf ysur letter, yeu zwe odrisefi that it is our opinion that the State Rlgbway Dewtmont is wltb- out wthority to post such 01 The two %+?&1ons oi Article S27a sust be eon&ma er' te6ether snd hammdse if poesiale. SW, 8 of thh dct expressly limits the speed of motor rehioles on the publie hlghrass of this Stste to (cc srllee per hour, oad other sections ef tbt let mke all tiolatlons of ehis pmmition a psnsl of- feltw ana fix a penalt.~far tam rloletica of the usm. ThesmrksrsW%%P%%%tr~MIL%%BYDdlJamitba marker~SAPI3SP%Z%M)WL%SBT PXQIW would suvelybe am open Smritatien to the gen5rfU plbiic oparrt&ng auvtor re!dcUm on stste highvop?J so masked te tio1ate the pls%n prorlsions ef 6eutiea 8 of the Act, snii eer- telrslywas nst oonteqlstod by the Mi#slature when It enaote4Sw. 11 OS the sansdct. 6egarUless ofwbst my be thha private ,odt110~1of the varleus off%dals ef thls state*bth reference to the rate of speed with which motor cars may be operatal upon the pubrio; hi@- says of this State, the,powr to ahang such rctteof spee4 remalns with the La6lslMnr6, smi 8s 10% aer.tbe statute remZns umMux,gerP the Stat% Bigbwo~ Departmeat asuld not be ~mtherized, UnUer 6ac. 11 of tie A&, to post signa for a mafc ape& .%a8xa389 of 48 Edlw par 320 Br. sIllliaR Lio3ltgoEieq - Page 4 hour. 0rovsr Sellers Asulstant APFr,3':L;MAR 23, 1940 /iiLd4*- ATTORNEY GE;hERAL OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion