Eon. Coorgr n. 5hopgor4
caaptr022er 0r Fubrio AeOeUat8
Austla, Tox8nrr
Sbbr Far
oplntoa 80. C-ZOIN?
IOCS in tke
learriithat 5 altg
tr ISty b0 %!I;0*8r68-
cay be able tc lwsu
lie phoaer tt8
t* the prlacnor, Collvet
he td22 pay hln a certain
Avleo. Yh,r olty acarrhal
ant of ray natvln 8aeuz-o tho
z&phi% to the oherirf*s Jail &s&4
roooivor tkio sgreml OLTQunt. cm
2rga227 02afr. 1y an4 30# a rile
frcm tho State aa ~rovl404 1x1Lrtiale 1020
c m? ?O?y o urfUr th o iShfGR
r E.ntiO3 I. UlttaCh-
lnq 8 rtateeeat ic a cboyth er h r r lfi
out tvotr la ttitr case.*
The stotmotit efiaeby filmohorltiasttlng cut
the facts la the abavo zentlctaed Csto I8 a8 tollwrr
Thla 10 to certify that tt.4 fccta la the
Tad:0116 C660 I?O. 2254, ~toraUa~~ CO., an
ca fol'lomt
“To6 tco:1e sss inllloteu for alliaQlIag In
staneue11 co. Feb. Z&d, 1939. EIs orItias2
arrest was at I?oustcaoa zopt. %2, 1939. ?ro
oxaainlngtrail was held. I barned that
%012a W&I at Lubbock about Eept. 24th or lsth,
want to Lubbaok, them learned that im was in
Tl@lta ?alle; arriving: at ZloFAtn ?a218 f
wao tclU that Ze h&4 zcne to Ft. Ycrthr I weat on
to Ft.‘Tort& and t&or0 wbt3tol4,tbat he &d Just
hit ror Jsokrboro. At Jackaboro I rent to blr
eottor*rtmss an.6at4 tclc 20 t&it to ba left .
elphor !Ioulrton OT 0k1ah0f.a city, 3 t!ion went
to Yogas@, Arohsr Co. trylag to oaoure a&$1-
tloEa1 Infazmtlon. Tlzero f r;st irr 15 l’ocre, Cfty
L!aratahel,Yegargel, m& he etated that hb wea ao-
quainted with ‘IreUs ea4 thcught ho cculd loo&to
hfo: ia 8 SW aaps; I tien oi?~e baok home. &bout
twc. days after ICborocelled DEB on4 oaid thet ha
t!zcuJht ho hid Xells locatsd atL 1. asde a trade
with mot-o to pay blm &%&COto b&g X4118. to
sy fatl. 5% w41uUs2IvcreU Prlt?.cut warrant.
*Cn Sept. he axrusted X4128 In
22, 1939
Scaton end brau~hs bin to r;r ;ail. I tllad
ior ~3lsogo ?:a4in ay Stste account In ay
~~cvaaber ‘39 aooauttt, cla$iclag ~iloago froin
drpemcnt to Lubbook, tbbn to Sict?lta Zalla,
theo to ,pt. n‘orth as4 to I;owtol at =Q For
$q&yG” to Aapcrrront at 30# par Eila~#&ow-
A traveled tho ontlre dlatanos.
IPI 8tato aaoount ma approved c’ld warrant A-
oolved Z pal4 ~oora t&a apead saouat of &Pi.OO.
Ii 3 an duo any rm.tta 0~ this account ta the
Stat0 I wx Toady tc aettlo saze but Law Ealil
\2core In full.*
A0 wo un4erst5il4 YGUT tlxt qleatl0n, It la whoth-
er or not d rk;erfffIS entItle tc zsl2tage tcr uns~ooeesrul
mr.18 IIL)9rot181Oa iB OUT 8ttitUt88rhloh
autherbo* the to ao3leot .A 811iwp :f ea tar UI un-
8oooerofml a*rve
atta6pt to
prraorrs or e xrrreat of arrobt,
4JUt thi8 4r3.Wrt!w!t t!a# Te~e4teC!fy hdd th&t’A aher:t’ C Or
oocsetable 18 not enfitled to mile8gC Seer for ruab ~n8uoooa6-
fill Attaplpt8.
h 8tAtd ill JOUl’ lettOT, th4 8hriff Atte6Qt6d
to arrart l tsa andat ,la41otmat ior a ialoay ok.arga.an4
trersled 8We?C11 hWrr4 Cih8 end fells4 Co Scant+ tha
defs;?rrmt, an4 tbq~ sheriff rsturned hose withOut u&
Roll. Gbceg0 I!. Sheppard, Pago 4
eQ- arrQBt* CnCer this 5tatcnsnt ai Saat8, scur first
questton Is respocti3llg kxmorod :a tbo nogatlvo.
;Titb l%~O~O%YO t0 pc,GC S+OCUd t@WtiCU, it i8
stated in ycur letter tb?. tb3 therlit leame that a
0it.r EarSbal ti fmCt.kor OOuUnty d&t be kl ~3OS8etSionof
lntormtlca ant wculd p0babl~ be able to looote tbo
detendcnt under ind:ctmcut;tberutoro,the sberiSf phcnod
the city rAre!ia;Rr to kcate tr;e priecaor and deliver Euah
prlocr~er to tba Jail la the county of the nherl:f~arual-
dO3CI. ??a tthbrifr ~ga~oa to pay the altf arrshall oer-
tcia '&sunt Sor this nervlao. Xlth tkls UndentanUlng
bot%ve*atke sherfiS cad tbe altp mmihal, thrr oity Earshal,
withcut a %varmat, secured the prlsazor and brou.:,ht hla
to the da11 irr tko oounf$- ci the shazlff*u ns.~aenae and
wan raid the &mm. tCrssd upon betmen the hbriff dn4‘ ’
city rAmha icr suob zservMf. Th0raior0, the quattioa
arias5 wbethr or nat tha sheriti CAU lc~p4lg clcls~ S5$
OzC 30$ per tile trcz the Stet.8as jmvidbd ia Artlole
1030, Code of Srin;fr&l TTcobdure.
Artiolo>%Q?%; Code of Crimlael Froaedure, expross-
1y prOYh?b8 CO&~iti~ roe3 iO+ .ahOriffU Or OWAUtAble8 by the
mq of ocu~oncttlon for uwh sborlffaor ocxxstablee perrozn-
lnc the dUtie8 equrcsratou therein. &tic10 .lG31, Code of
C~lszir-a: Prooedure, prdvldos in offeat that When serrloes
kave been randored bbyany pwos oifber othac than a sheriff,
YUC!:aa anuraretod in Art.~:cla 102% e;ld krtlole 1030, Code
cf Crlr,lnal iwebdure, such atficer.~ shell recalro the aazr.0
roes th0w0r A8 are allowad tie dlmritt. The see r.ha.ll
be tsxctl la tha sheriff's bill ci oasts and aoted therein
as costs 633 etch paae crtlaer~ an4 wbea re0efred bg suoh
e.kerlft, he akcill yeg the mz.6 to au& paeoc effioor.
After a aar6ful eecrah of the atstuteo and *ny
OSSOB,we AGO Ururbh to find A.- eUthOriti68 that hUtkOriZ0
t%e skerlff to dtreot u city m~rshslto perfarm: the duties
as bp6o:fiec 13 yc'ur latter. Clearly,the ahrrfft haa
r;of complle4 with ;stla~e 1030, !:cvlb cf Criminal Proc64uro,
a3 it ia waersary thct we bear In xdnd the hat that th.0
fee ststutoo am strictly ccnotrucd and tees by kWpllcatlon
. ’
tar*aot pemlttcb. T$fc# JulPprudence, 701. 34, yaga 46$;
racs11o vs. City ot ~oo!Cdale, 46 m 654.
Thardore, your 8QUOza quQ8tioa ia rQopeatfully
the Cl(t@l:l?8.
28, 1940