Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TRXAG AUSTIN Bon. B. 8. Wyohe county Auditor ansg coontl Uwvlm, Terse OQlalon at thl8 II ha8 been re~elved. a& 2S25-BAppleto Oregg r ep a r lter evl4 sin the l24th lrtrlat Court an6 the SgsalalDim- triatcourt?= &Male SS25b, Yema* CM1 ¬ated ~tetutri'~ reada a8 tollm8r Vh8 i1al8~ of tha offlahl rharthud reporter ia~aohJuUloklMmtrlotl,amy Hon. RI se Wyohe, Page 2 oountyof thisStateuhlohaloneoon8tltute8 two or mom Judlalal Dlatrlots,ln addltlon to the ccapemation for tran8orlptfem a8 pra~lded by law ahall be $2,000.00 per ~IIJUUD, to be paid aa the ralary of other aourt re- porter8 are paid, out of t&s general fund or the'aountp.’ HouseBillNo. 225,Chapter 4 Aotsof the 44th amendlw Seotlon124 of Iagle&ature, 199, Retieed Artfole Civil Statute8 oreated the One Hundredand I%?enty-fourth Judlolal Dirtdot to be ooaetdtutml OS Gregg County, Texae, only. It alro oreated a dlstriot oourt to be held in Oregg County, Texas, to be oalled “the Speolal Dlrtrlot COIU’tOf Gregg COO&J',TcUa8.” The above mantloned aot oreatlne the Speolal Dletriot coort ror oregg county Texas, conferm3d upon fmld Speoial Pi&riot Court, and upon the judge theroof, all of the right& power8 prl~ileges and dutle8 thatare glmn by law to the dbtrfet oourte and the dlatrlat $~dgee of thla State, and all law8 of the State of mxaa with re- ferenor to the dlrtrlot oourto and dlatrlot j ea were deemed equally applicable to the raid Special ‘ds: D strlot Court of oregg County, Texas, and the judgethereof.The aot oreatln the above msatlonsd SpoolalDlstrlotCourt did not llmft it8 jurl8dlotlon80 aa to prevent lt rrom doinS anythfn2 whloh any otherdintrlat oourt oould do. You are respeotful.ly advieed #at it la tlm opinion of thb department that Gregg County alom ooneti- tUtO8'frro jUUiCiti df8triOt8 tiiihh the aCab& Of A&iOld 2225b, 8upz-a. end that 8ald artlole applier to C&eggCountg*r oourt roportera senlng la the One Hundredand Twenty-rot&h Jullolal DietriotCourta&l in the SpeolalDlrtrlotCourt or 8Eid oounty and the 0rriddl aborthand nporter of each aourt-la emtltlsd to the oompenoatlon protided in Artlole 2226b, aupra, Truatfng that the roregoing fully anmen your lnqulry, we remala Yel’y’ tl'tIly yOUZ’8 ATTOFEEY OENERAL OF TEXAS APPRCVSD:bfAR.l.S,194C oeraldC. Mann BP AttorneyGeneral0r,Tara8 A!!%%lUll8 h8i#taat AWaAW ApprmOd: .- Oplalon Commlttpo. mr m . . -