Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

16Y OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TRXAR AUSTIN Eonorable George H. Bhemsr4 coaptrollerof Publlo Amounts Auetin, Texar Dear sir: apinion HO. 040 Rsr F?aymentof warrant8 in the order o In yous letter OS ya the dairy Sor the,Auatin state LherarmW 0 of any other Artlola 4586,,Ve~mnta OlrU~Statutea, read0 aa follwzrt "All warrants on the Stat0 Trmwmy ahall be genema warranw, an4 aihaldbe on an aqml bsels with oaoh other Oacaspt that in the event Honorable George H. Sheppard, Page 2 of 0 question an4 the neaeasity arlslng a6 to the priority of meat of any suoh uar- rant, they&all be EL in order of'their aerfal number auoh ruTrant to be numbered at all timer In the orber of reoelving the acoounto in the Cozptrollar'eotfiae. . . .I Under pour statesent of fmts, in thla situatton there aan be no question and neaesaity arising 88 to the priority of payment? of warrantrr,for the righta 0r no par- son6 othemise entitle4 ta priority of paymnt of warrant0 held by then OILIbe in any aa::nerprejudloed by euoh a tram- aotlon. You are therefore advlae4 that, fn our opin5.on.you may aooept this warrant for deposit, and the Treemaser ~111 be authorized to "pay" the same "ahead of call" by edjusting aocountta aaaordlngly. ix&f3 Thltropinion, or oourse, is not to be oonetrued am approving such a transaotionin any situationother than one of the i4entloal type pre8ented for examinationla your let- ter. Ycure very truly Al’T3RRFX GENlPZALOF TEXAS AppROVEi;~~ 2, 1940 RwFrGa .u A~~~~EY GENERAL 0" WXAS