Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN wlthln the maw of the tern thert know- ing the ‘Bcrm4to huvo been 60 aoguired,shall ba punishedin the mae mumor as if he had etolen$ha prapsrtyo* h&lole 1481 of tha ~Ponal30% of Toxaae prOvld6sr Vhcft of propertyof the onluc of fifty. dollar8or over still brrpuninhad b aonfine- sunt la+!10 genltantlary nQt loss 5: t-al two nor mom than ten yaar5." The offeneoof theft of propertynnd reoeivinaj or oonoealingthe aam propertyare entirelyseparateand dietinotofftanaoerKaufnenV. state 70 Cr. R@ 4.38 I.59 S. 74 58; C1ark.v.Stata,0l Cr. !L 157, 194 .1*v* &37* Snidarve Btato,119 Cr. R, 635, 44 8. :'i. (26) 997. To oonetitutethe offenseof reoeivIngor oonoeal%ngstolen property,it 'isnot nooeoaargthat the defendantknow frcn whom the propertywas stolen Thn ~avamen of the offense le the re0ei~I.Wand oonooal& of the pro erty knowingit to have been~OtolenrPannollv, Gtnto,L-1 Cr. iL 516, 51 8, T4 (Ihi)39& ~e..asamefrcnnyour letterthat Carverrooalwd all Of the m+~ul'y,whioh 18 valued in 5X0986 of $60.00, all the mine tlner The ag;FISagatevalue of t!-t;o stolenprap- erty reoslwd detorminosthe grade of the of- or ooni!ssZed DrussallV* mite, a65 8, ':;.164. The fact that ~%&vxary *cuti stolenfrorstwo scparotelsaaesand that t&a leasaswere omed by two ao;?mateperoons,Boos not reduoe tha prade of the offsnaer Theft of propertyof tbo ~rrlueof #50400 ox more is credo8 felony,and reoeivim or ~onooallngetolon property of tha vnI.u.uo of ,550.COor store la 1lfCowlse made o felo!3$ . Artialea 14131an& 1430 Of the PfnlRlcode. ]tavle~ of Lho fore?oFas, nuth@tlN, gOU arta roerpeatfullyadvlaadthat is k8 %..a 2, opinioncf thie depart- mont that If &arwr reoelvedall of the mrdltr valuedat #50,00 or mm, in the ~&m trmeaotPon* whioh it3 kmmin& it to hma been stolen,ha shouldbe proaaoutedfor a f@lOnF. rzqsting t&%the foroeoing satlsfnotC&Ly dlaposas 4 D. !?uxl e DQVif36 im3intant