Bon. aert Ford, ~dnini8trrt~
Tcxs8 Uquor'Control Wu'd
Au8tln, TSXIU
Dear Sir:
w&rt10101,Ta8m uquor bxltrol
kor Botrilo?'~ Lloenso ppa*ldod maoh bw%aman am
Corrplrt8ly Rnd VhOlly 8Ogn(ptSd ~'FoROROh OthW.
Th. BMpb i8 RUthOl%Md to RdSPt Z’Ul.8 ud ?S@StiOm
to 8nf0W8 thl8 pWV18iOR. It 18 fk&hSC prorided
'Aiaa~ to il2W8tiLptiOZl b7 on8 Of our ?vpX'e-
8entstite8, the JSwok Ballov Oolf Club la it8 rla
btildlngloa~ted on the pr8mi808 vhenl~ltalntdn8
s g0ir OOU~YO, m3 8 budbg at rhi0h they rlnt.m
RDd 8OrVO ?O@lbl’ mOa1.r t0 th DI&Wrr Uhd $Wf8tS,
lnrwh the 8ame mannecu bay other atie, ?8omui-i-t,
oc ootseo8hOP. IR t&t bulldhq ttuy have three
wm8 fuml8t#drithb4~da,vbleh8re &*rlhble Sor
Vi8iti.4 m&IWO m in to*tl Wd Out Of tWa, ?Or
vhiah it ahmg88 m&em 42.00 per alght, vhioh
wan, woovdisag to lnfomatlon waelved from the
nwger et the Rmak 8ollwOol.f Cb&,*ma not
oaaupledduriag taomRthOf July. TheClub
PintdlU OR0 aid rho -08 fOl' tb8TOOI, fiVS
port-8 @OJW! OBthO ~8U,bU? OoOk8,Ubd
8OfPO8 8Ub UIit;l 9 O'OlOOk t.& uoh d&y.'
Youde8in tobe Lntorwdvbsthe? ths &oak Kollav
GoIf Club carutituwa a bcm fUl0 hoteltitWn t&o hmaiq~
of Seotion 23 (S), Artlo18 1, Texu X.iquw ControlAot.
OXiS Of th0 dl8till@Abhin( OhU'WtOFi8tia8 Of S
hot01 18 tbrtitholddr itSOlt OUt UrilliZ@ tOpWrid0 SOOCW-
d8tioR8 to8nthooo of the publlovho ohooseto tioltit, upon
PbmRt, Of COU?U, Of 8Uitrbb OOEpUiUtiOL x hl"pU8 &IF18
531r Kouth f. nunklin, 20 Tex. 798.
seat1eR 23 (s), Art1010 1, T*%aa LlquaFOautrolAat,
dOe8 not Spplr,in our apiaion,to the &wok EooUa 0oli Club.
T h slxsqstiao tb8wSn ackntahied $8 ocmferwd slpos “Ray bums fide
Boo. Ml-t ?erd, tags3
hotel: Th6 &OOk!bllW~~chb i8 miItth6 di8-
tingrl8hi.R$ ChUWtWt8tiO Of th6 hOtO ~tiUROd &bOVO, in
tkStitdOO8 ROthOu it6Olf OUtW VilkiIl$ t0 pOTid WOOR-
aodatloa toall thou of the publio rho chooooto ririt St.
Th6 ura~tlan8 of the olub are not oonduated w ti Wail-
able for tho coavenian8e at th6 tMWllng publlo, but are
$;~Vfllabh fOP Vi8itw DMb6l’l fPO8 in tOWB Sd Out
You uk the 8am~ Qu6rtlon in nfersne6 to the Dalla8
CouJlt~Club. The fkOt8 ia n(prd to thr -lb8 Country Club,
pu rtrto, an ttnt the clxb rrlntrinr in s bull- leatod
upoa itr preratasr lppwxlmtely twenty-sir @e8t FOCUB, vhfoh
0~ wailrbh to nsmberr and their yOrt8, 4 rm 0f vhloh
or6 oocupled p6rmsn6nt ruldmter
M by wrabem of t&o alub,
ttm other@ helng Mnted out br tho tight to WRk#M of tbo
club rho are in tom for orilr
titw &y8; th8t the alub al80
OmYnt.8 a M8tS#Ult Ad will 8OMi06.
$0 iU M bm tror th6 fWt8 StStOd in Jaw lOtt6C,
the 8ltu8tion of tho Dallu Count.&7Club f8 not abstorirlly
diftersnt tror t&t of the Bwok Bolla~ OoV Club. You are
th6MfOM rdo18OdtbtO~~ialOllUtO th6 8tOtW Of th0
Kallu Country Club u l “bfma fidr hotel’ I.# th8 suw cu
tlat lxprea8ed with rrfereaae to tha 8tatu8 of t&a Brook
Hollw Golf Club, lmwdl8tol.y rboro.
Tl’U8till6 thOt th18 18 the &8il'Od hfOl%btfOn, Y6 U-6
YOUl'8 very truly