Honorable H. D. Crawford
County Attorney
Burnet County
Burnet, Texas
Dear Sir:
Opinion NO. o-1966
Re: Whether or not the County Tax
Assessor-Collectorcan now
change the precinct number
appearing on poll tax receipt3
in order .thatthe receipts may
reflect the correct precinct
number as existing at the time,
of the Issuance of said re-
ceipts and related questions.
Weereceived your letter3 dated February 12 and 14,
1940, requestingour qplnion on certain questions based upon
certain facts whFch are contained in a letter written by the
Tax Ass.essor-Collectorand addressed to you. We quote the
facts from said letter as follows:
.' "It has developed that in one part of the
county, and the same situatFon may exist in other
parts .ofthe county, that there have been a number
of resident property taxpaying voters who have been
customarilyvoting In one voting precinct and pay-
ing their poll tax in such precinct, when Ln truth
and in fact they resided within the boundaries of
another voting precinct. This was a result of
misunderstandingson the part of the individuals
as to the exaat voting precinot in which they re-
sided, and they were-sunderthe Impressionand
believ that they were paying their poll tax and
voting In the correct precinct. However, a deline-
ation of the lines of the various precincts shows
that In these particular case3 the parties are Fn-
eluded or their place of residence Included, within
the boundaries of the other voting precincts."
The questions are as follows:
Honorable H. D. Crawford, Page 2 (o-1966)
1. What is the proper method of correcting
the matter so that these voters can vote in the
precinct of their residence?
2. What Is the proper method of showing the
same on the poll tax records.of this county?
3. "Under the circumstancesabove detailed,
may I, as.Assessor-Collectorof Burnet C,ountg,
Texas, take up the poll tax receipt Issued to
these parties for the year of 1939 and in lieu
of the previouslyissued receipt issue a new
receipt in the proper voting precinct and show
such payment In the proper precinct on the list
of qualified voters of the county.
4~. "Under the circumstances13 It necessary
that any action be taken oroan these particular
voters having paid their 1939~poll tax, even
though paid Inthe. wrong precinct through mutual
mistake vote in.the'oorrectpreolnot upon dia-
playing their poll tax receipt.
5. "In one instance a young man who had not
voted prior to this year sent in a sIgned-order
.authcrlsingthe payment of his poll tax .byanother
and designated In such order that he voted in one '.:
precinct when in truth and In fact, he,should .have
voted in an adjoining preolnot. May 1'ta~k.eup
this receipt and issue's new one or is Ft necessary
-todo so?”
Article 2936, Revised Clvll Statutes; reads as
follows: .,
"All voters shall'votein the election pre-
It follows from the above &atute.that a qualified
voter can only vote :inthe preoinot where he.or she resides.
Slnoe we find nothing in the statutea~or Ln.the Constdtutlon
rendering a poll tax reoe~iptvoid ordisqualifying a person
from voting because,an incorrect,precinotnumber Was placed
on.his or her receipt, the person, having,otherwisequalified,
Is entitled to vote inthe precinctof his or her residence.
We are of theop~nion~that the County Tax Assessor-
Collector should correcCthe reoelpts in question when the
matter Is called to hisattention. This correction can-be
ma4 on the oriiilnel poll tax reeeipt by drawing 8 line
through the i5cormot nuder a5a i5esrting the oormat
nwber thereon.
set am alao or the oplnlon thet th4 duplioet4
copy 0r rrald poll tex noaipt, whioh is kept in the Orrio
or the Tex Assessor-Collsetor, should be 00rm0t4a iA ths
ama4 pB554r. in this *rap, the poll tar raoelpt w1l.lm-
ri40t th4 tru4 reot8 es th4y 4xist4u et the tla4 or th4
pyltsnt 0r 13eia p0u tax.
i;e aall your ettentlon to Art1014 ?i975, vornon's
Annotated Civil statutea, whlah Made, In pert, ae fOll0wst
*mror4 the rlrat day 0r April etery y4ar', the
County Tax Goll4otor ahall ffslirsr t4 the Board
that 1% charged with th4 duty 0r furnlshlng 4140.
tlon 8upp1143 ssp4nt4 oertiriea lists 0r olti54nr
ln 4eoh precluot ohs have pal6 their poll tex 0r
reoelv4d their O4rtIifoat4s or 424iiiptlim,th4
nun348 being arranged la rlphebrtloal otider snd to
4eOh nem4 Zts appropriate n4mb4r a8 ahown by th4
dUDmat rbt4in4d in hl4 off104 with 4 tl4sorlr8-
ti& of tha vot4r ei to hi8 &'1913id4nO4, hiii VO&&
precinot. . . .a (una4rsoorlag oura.)
Th4 above ArtlO provlff48 tbot the osrtffl4d lists
of pall tax payera sh431 aontela 0 d4earlptlon of th4 rot-
lag preolnot or the qptim4d vot4r. It 6-e ohtar rr0R
the lan&a(fs In the above Artlule that th4 L~glslatum @on-
templahd that the 04rtirt6d list4 &0ud oontela the pm-
oinot number in whlah e per&ma mey lewSully vot4 sad not th4
nuaber'~r th4 prsclnot eppoarm o& a pol.1 tear reo4lpt whsre-
in tb4 water oannot lawfolly v0k. This will tsntl to r6v4nt
tn4 votsrrr in quest&m ml0 voting in a pr4Oinot in WdOh
they ar4 not lawfully entitled t0 vote.
In antm4r to the rourth qu44tioan, w4 ur4 or th4
oplrilon that a person having a go11 tax r444lpt aontelting
en lnoorrect gz~innat aurnb4r thereon is, nsvarth414es, a-
titlbd to vote I.5t&e preolnot or his reold4m4 and tb4
vote of Saiir per3on would be a lewful vot4. 3Mw4ve~, should
hlo mas not be on the osrtltied Ll4t corstafniag t&4 JUISM
or th4 voter3 dlllrth4 preoinot or hl4 rasidenaa, It rpap 'be
that the election judg61w0u.u r4q05ro pr00r es to hia right
to tot4 fn that patiloular precinat. ft wouUl 444~~ thet
Honorable H. D. Crawford, Page 4 (o-1966)
the Tax Assessor-Collectorwould be the only person who could
actually correct this matter.
Because of the InformatIoncontainedabove, we do
not deem It necessary to answer questions numbered 3 and 5.
Yours very truly,
By /a/ Glenn R. Lewis
Glenn R..Lewla
By /s/ Lee Shoptkxw.
Lee Shoptaw
Is:m3 rmjs
/s/ Garald C. Mann