OFFICE OF THE ArrTomiiY GENERAL AUSTIN,TEXAS Ron. DOIID. Parker county Audltm Esrtlraa coaaty Eartlalrd,Torrr Doer f%r: cplnml x0. O-1955 Ret Doco tba OOmahsl~~rS 00tlPt OS itaatlaml Count hare the suthtx-$.ty under muso Bi!1 236 of the 46th LoglGlrturc or Taacm to allow laoh aomlasloner tha madnum ai $35.00 p ermo nth io r lx p o a a wlth a 6 wtth o f& l.ll. o fa ne x p a a raa oo o a l aaoh t Tourro~uo~lt for oplnloa upon the above question hes bean reoeivad, nad oonddorcsd by this dapertment. Art101e 235ooa,Rorirad Clvll atetutoa 0r Texas, *rtaieLng to oountios ab 3 000 to 34 200 lnbebltsats and Eouso fill 236 cU the 4 ab Leglduro of Texas roads la r o llo wll: a.& EO. 236 “Aa rot sathorld~ the owud85lonan oourt in la a h oouty la thlr, 3tate havlly 8 tioa of not loss than thirty-rour thoumad p"E"L" 3 ,000) aar )II@Q thaa thlrtpfour thoumud, two hud?od (34 200), aooordlng to tha lart rooadlag ?oder- al Lf4us, to a llo w lsoh County g drdomr mr- tan 0~ense8 rcn. trovellng 8nd la oooasotion with the Plaoof hi8 eutomoblle OSIoffloial burl- a888 only oml/or ln oversee* tba aoostruotloa hion WI repelr or suoh mhlale MO ueea by hlai without any further oxpen5a bitoeoter to the aouuty; and daolariag sa aaarean8ye HO& Doa 0. Prrkar, Pwa 2 tbr oamlrslomrr Oourt 18 hrtoby luthorlzOd to 811~ c8ah Cadsalo~r not to lxoo4d tho 4m of Th5rtpfIto Dollw4 ($35) pu math fo bo rid out of the Road rad 3rIdeo Fund of sect 8uah Coudr8lomr~8 Fmolnot tar txsrol- lm lx p 6nssaan4 4qu~oIrtlon on the rutaab bm ubI10 woa on ofiloIa1 bu8laars 0x14 and/ or ln wu46olnC: thhe4on4tnlotIon84AfdrMB- MOOI of the DUbliO road8 of said OotUItiaE. aoh suoh Cmfalssloncr shsll p4 all lxpem~r in the oparetloa of suoh autaaoL le snd k00p sama in -pair bt hu OWLLOXPOM~, it00 or t4 0th~ chug0 rrbrtsaatrr to the oouaty . ~'Soctlon2. The hot that in the oountlas srfrctod by tJ& Aot thue Is grart n8adthnt the OOUntiaS p8rtlOipeta 16 eafr8yinC fh8 at ponsr ab suoh CumIsvlonerr koclumo the grast mmmt OS road work now & on laoroam the moOsoIt~ of suoh Coanis8ionere .tr8relIn&frar pl808 to ~1800 mer400lnc the eoaetrootlon ati ~ea;nanco of suoh roods urakr sa rmsrgaasy atlro pub110 aoOOsslt tbr?tths T onal8ule roqdrl.og blJ 8 te bo .read Constltut 00.t&W SOVU81 day4 in OSCh ~OtlB~ bC BUS~Ord- 44 8513the 8eae 14 hormby suspendetl,and thI8 Aal ahell take effeot and bo In tar40 iron sad sftu 1tr p8444g4, 446 it se 4 0lMote4. 'Tlle4 without 6ommco'r 4I~nOt~n April 20, 1939. ~frootl+o April to, 1939." lhkrt&ad C@aty,Toxso,raocpaiag to tho 184% prooedlng YebrU Cansus of 1930 hrr tblrty-tour Ohm- 80ab OQ, hundrad rnd fifty-six 13w61 lnbsbitants~ Edaad County, Teas 14 the oaU oonatf in ha8 eonlng wlthln tho popuLtloa borackotr8et oat la Bow0 ml 236 or the 46th LIixislatwo ac Tam, 8b0~ qmted. At the vary outeot 0r this opinion, we an ooafrontedwith t&o qUOstlon of the ootmtltutlanallty of #a above quota& aot. ~The question lrlsos 88 to wbothu or not thb rat 14 4 laoal or 8podU law rogul8tl.w tho 8ffaIrs at aouatles 1.nvlolatlon ob Art1010 3, SootIon 56 of ttirConrtitutlon of Tom4. A reedlag of the sot uillcU8810sO #et it 14 not 4 .8poolrlroad law of the aouat Thr purpwo of the act i4 to 4utharism th4 aommi881 oaera’court ko alla aot to emed 835.00 per month toorah aoeairdonattor trsro~ uponro8 sad daprooletlon QILeutcraablk Hill. ore4 an 0ff10141 bu4lll.E~oa3J d/o illowr'cmoing tho . ’ oonst~otiion Sd QbeintOMttOO Of tb. publiorob&E Of said OOUttt~OS. The oaso or Altgoltts* Quttolt, 201 SW 400 h01d4 thrt war county mt0d x0w, pro~iditt~r0r aututd 88hr iu OOJd8~MOr8 Of OOMty tOr SOt~~ h eu o8paoi tlos, wa8 uacoastltutlanal 44 an Otk~gt0e rogu- latlon a? oountf afialrs by load and spoololti. no 0980 o? sgith 04. atsto, 49 68 (2nb 739, bold8 that the oontstltotiond prohlbltlon 8&8inot SpOOi@i lawaoamot b o l~rdodby nakl~sI lnw lp lIoabloto a pn- tendad 018GO ‘Ad that 8 Statttt,018‘Qierrp ar 4laniolp4lItIo4 by popStlon 14 n8pbolalw It p ulatlon doer not afford 8 felr b4414 for olr44lflO4tlon$1 t tho SteWtO mar01 d,S~&MtOS si&o munioIpalIt~Idor glllsoof ~olsaalfIostlon by DOJd4tiOtt. tho ebow 08808 end tmdtrthe following tlndor 8UtbmitiOSl Woo4-a XL-faIndependent SohoolDlstrlot, 12) mf WI 429; BronatlolQ YS~ Ton&o, 109 SW (2nd352 City or Fort worth to. BobbItt 36 371( Ld 1 470r Frlttor18. Wont, 65 3~ (2nd) &4r AustIaBrothers vs. Patton,288 3W 1821 on4 tmdu tho luUmltlos oltod In opt&m4 Bo4. C-16, O-364, O-462 mtd O-899 of thb dopartwat it la tha aplalon of thla doprtuwtt that Houeo BillHo* 236 ab fhr,46th 2&814tur0 of Tuss, quoted sbmo, I8 o&arU anoonititutiaul 4143tlolatm Goation 56 of Artlolo 3 ab.thO CoMtitUtiOn cb %X4‘. so ul01op~ hermdth 8 oopy oi 0Q1alon Ho. o- Of th18 dopartmant Whbh hoMe l ddler Sot UMO~- You are, thoreforo, ro4poctfully euvltmd thst it is the oplrdoa OS.this d~artmunt thrtEou4O Bill 236 or tho i,6tbfa~siaturo or %rsa is unoonstltutional. %tt S?O fUrthOr Sdli~~d that it IS th0 O&i013 Oi this doputmnt t&it ooort wouldnot hato tho oamniI48lont.rr~ outhorlty to pay tho eomdsslooers l ‘UN3 Of BOnoJ88 trarellng lxponeesunder this unooastY tut%onal lew, YUJrtrU4 yOUr8
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion