Yr. I. F. foanin(r
county Auditor
Hardlo county
icounts., Tenr
te ~&'tiOiF~tiOIl b
rtriot bond8 188ued ma4
lob8, vhrro only a par-
oh bOBe# i88u.d bar. bern
at. highway8 or tlb stat.
f Januarr 18, 1987, Er. wotor w. Boulein,
-ml, iB H~B80 t0 a SOQUO8t tX'OQ
Of AoOOUBtaBt 0f th0 Board Of cOUBty aBe
tOdMOB, ade~OO~d an Opinion t0 hill VhiOh,
WON th qUWtiOll 8et Out iB r'our tit&Or,
a oopr of vhioh OpiBiOB i8 tBOb8& W8 hare 08rdUll~ r*OOB-
8idCWi tbt OpiBi0~ Sod bar8 OOBOiUdOe that th# 8-W OOB-
talned therain 18 oorreot, and we are, thareioro, ldOp tiB it 6
a8 tb. OpiaiOB Of thi8 dep--tr
a fOtU 1Ott.W YOU 8tatO a8 fO11Ov8;
aHovtvtr,in rltv of the prorl8lon8 OS Roust
nil1 NO. 888, 48pdOit11f th0 188t 8tBtMlO@ Oi
Sto. 7 thartof, wt rtlt that the intention
ai th0 AOt ha8 not bean aooOzwll#hmd. Th0 par-
t-ionof 940. 7 rrrbrrae to read8 a8 folla~rr
*And ln no trmt 8ha11 8ald Board be authorized
t0 888UIW iB 4X0688 Oi tht btitBOt dU4 OB tht
bone8 for th raid bridge oonstruotion at tha
tfftotlrt dttt of thi8 Act'*.
Seotlon 7, to which you rtrer, oontclns two rather
1rngtU paragraph8, and the quotation which you bare Utbd in
your lttttr I8 the &8t ttntenat la thb 84COEd pregrap,h &
s8CtiOB 7. Upon a readlag or Ssotlon 7 ue find th3 t rartr-
tB04 18 Ipad to bond8 htretorort i8aUbd br BEligstiOn dhtriot8
of thi8 State, whloh mturb on or bfttr Jantmry 1, 19=, a& in-
rofar a8 tht amount8 0r aamt wtr8 i88Ute or the proorter there-
of aetuallr expended in the conatruotlon of bridges aoross any
rtrtalc or ttrbams or any other Wtttl’Wty8upm highmy which
oon8tltutt and tOmpri84 a part oi tlm 8pstcm OS de8igIattd
stat4 hl&hvay8 On September 17, 1932, ttO., t&$8 prOVi8iOB
tr0att only of navigation district bOLld8,and war 0m0tbe into
lav a8 StotIon8 8a and 6b of the Acts oi 1937, lrortg-fifthLtg-
18lature, paga t77, Chapter 146, SeOtlOn 1, uhioh va8 rlntlly
87prOltd OB April 14, 1937, aBd btoaw 4ffbOtite AUgUtt 1, 1937.
Thl8 bar, *B think, I8 inttndtd t0 prmit the C8zUIEQtIOB0s'
bOBd8 188Utd by ~Vi@,iOB diStriOt8 tOr the p.IrpOsa Of COB-
rtruoting bridge8 on State ettigmte highnap and, c8 suoh,
8tand8 a8 an 4Zot~tiOn to tbc gQNWd. prOti8iOli8 Or th0 Act
rhloh oonttnipls tt bnly the arsumption OS bond8 i8bUtd by ooun-
tib8 or defined road district8 iOr the OOE3tl’UotiOll Of road8
or bridgtr . At think the last rentanct of wragraph two of
8tCtiOB 7 -8 ineerts4 in ttl?Aot ror tha UQO84 or olarlS]r-
ing the intention of the Leglsleturt, and !t 1s our further
eonoluslon that tha zanner of calculating State FartloIp8tlon8,
ir adopted by the Board, 1s in liar with this deolfiratlon.
There I8 no doubt but that 8uoh a prootdurcrwould aad
dot8 work IO= iBtqUalitit8; howtvtr,Wt art BOt Oallte UpOB t0
Mr. S. F. Jtmlng8, page #3
lottrprtt th8 Itar at it should haro been written, aad vt
tiU8t t88WaO that th0 Ltgi8lttUrt wt8 8Mrt of the intquali-
tit8 that mi&t follow a8 a rtSUlt of the 8JSttE adopted.
or ntOt8tit;lthere mot bsrt beta a pbLO8 0s be&mlng and
in tb Wf8dOE Of the Ltsid.tI~t th0 iaBgU&ge US& ~0 ENst
eonoludt, wa8 adri8tdlf PIed, and It la GUToplnloa that
the OOn8tl-UOtiOnpleaad on thi8 language by 33. Bouldln, in
tht opl~lon lddre8tte to hzr. 8. R. GordoB, f8 the cornet
Your8 very truly
AT’l’C~Ff f2~TEw.L OF 'EXhS
?&d---b ‘h----
Clsrenct E. Crcwt
Jaels tant