Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

665 OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable John R. Shcok Criminal Dlatrlot Attorney San Antonio, Tarar Dsar Sir: Attention8 1 ndlm~loyaar o? sngagrd for and pub110 health thr time ruoh ra abeont from f and engagad in la1 training whloh to makctham brt- to .rendir rarrlor oplnlon on the abotr rtatrd br thfr department. o thank you ior tha oitatlon OS author- your Inquiry, whioh hna aldrd u8 in -‘ram Texas Jurisprudenos, Vol. 11, page 564, M quotr as folloner Honorable John R. Shook, pega 2 %mmleslonere~ court.8 err courts 0r limited $zrledlotlon, In that their author- ity axtande only to mettere pertaining to the general WalZare of their raepeotira oountiae end that their poware are onlf thoee l rpreeely or Implladly oonierrad upon tham by law, --that 18, by the oonetl- tution and e~tatutae of the ltate.a we quote from Texee Jurieprudanoa, Vol. 34, 535, a8 r0ii0w8 t *Samante and l aployaee may be engaged upon en7 terse of pepant thet mef be ao- oaptabla to the pertlee to the contract of amployment . There must, however, ba author- ity fo rl ntorlog Into the agreamant. A ozm- traot appointing a person to perform oarta5.n eer~lc6e end to pay hIa a oomaleelon thera- for, aade by a etate officer pureuant to an tmoanetltntlonel etatute, le 0r em roroe, and the appointee 18 not entitled to the oom- ~188lOn. Again, e county ie not bound by a oontreot which has bean mede. by the oonmie- slonere~court wIthout authority3 nor la it praoluded from aeeertlng that the oontract 18 unlewfal end removering tha money wkipp hee been paid tharsundor. . . . .* Soetlo~, ,5J ~oi Article III of the Tarae Conetl- )utIon reaae 48 rollowe t me Leg~elakire ehall hare no power to grant, or to authorlee ‘any aouatf or enmlolpal euthorlty to grant, any axtra oompeneation, tea or allowance to a pub- 110 oflloer, agent, eervant or oontractor, aitar eenloa her been mmderea, or a contract has been entarad Into, and par- ionned In whole or in part; nor pay, nor authorize tha ~peymant of, any alaim orsated again8 t any ooucity or aunlcipal- Itr of the Stats, atier any agra6mant or contraot, made wffhouf authority of law.* 66 Honorable John A. Shook, page 3 Article 44181, V6rnon’e AnnOtatad Revised Civil St.attltae of T6xam, reads as follower *It shall be lawful rot the &ate Da- perWent of Haelth to eooapt donetlone and’ oontrlbutlone, to br expradea In the lntar- art of the public health and the anforea- rent of pub110 h68lth lane. The Commleeionare Court of an? County shall hate ,th6 authority to appropriate and expend money from th6 ganerel revenues of its County fir and In behalf of public health and eanltatlon within lta County.* An offloar 18 not antltlad to any oompanea- tion in addition to thet uhloh has been fixed by law for the perforaance of ths dutlae of hla offloe, oven though the, ooiupeneatlon so fixed is unreasonable or lnaarquata. He may be rsqulrad bra law to perfors epeolflo ea~lcae or dleoherga additional autlae for whleh ao SOmp8nSatiOn Is proYlded. Ths obligation to parfoxa euoh eenloae is lnpoeaa ae an lnclaant to -the office, and the offloer, by his accept&co thereof, 18 daamad to have bean 6 aged. to p6rfOrm them wlthout oompansatlon. Texas 7 urisprudence, vol. 3 , p. 531; XoCaile vs. City of Rookdale 246 5. W. 2 54; Terra11 Ye. gins, 14 8. a. (2d) 76b; Statutes preeeriblng fees for pub110 offloara are etrlotl~ oonetrued, and hence a r&?,ht to fr6e IMJ fiat raet in ,j.mplloation. Where thle right 18 itft to ‘oonetruoflon, thq language of the law must ba’oonetruad lo favor of the gorernm6nt. Where a .etatuta is capable or two ~onetructlone, one of whioh would give an orrlcar eomp&neetion’ for his ecnloos .ln addition to his salarT, and the other not, the latter oonetruotlon should be adopted. See Texas Jurleprudmde, Vol. 34, p. 508; Kedaen vs. Hardy, 50 S. PD. 926; Eastland County vs. Hecel, 288 6. F!. 518. The same reasoning as lndloatrd ln the lest two praoadlng paragraphs, where an offloar may be ra- qulrea to perform ep6olfla~aanlaee or dleoharga ad- ditional duties for tiloh no ooqlpaneatlon .I8 provided or allowed, would apply to eanente and emplop6ee who 668 Honoreble John 8. Shook, page 4 are required to perform epaolflo lanloee or dleoharga addltlonel duties without eompaneatlon~ Tharefore, ln- eprotore and amplo~aae of the oountf engaged in pub110 health work ooeld be retplred by the ragulatlone of the State Health Offloar to take spoolal tralnlng whloh 18 deelgned to make thm. batter qualifisd to render eerrloo in health work;,where such training 1s required by raguletlone of the State Officer, without oomganeatlon. We do not think that the terns of Article Ulttf, eupra , arc) broed'enough to authorize the WU- ~leelonere* Court to pay the ealar16.e of inspectors and e?&plo~eee of the oounty engaged lo public health work while euoh lnspcOtor8 or~employ6ee aka absent from the countf.and perform no dotlae~ae euoh lnepeotore and amplo~aae while taking the special tralnlw es above mentlon+d. In this oonneotlon we find no other authority that would authorize the comaleeloners* coart to pay the ealarlae to such lnepaoton an4 ~ploysae while taking the special training lndiaatad above. hyetlng that the foregoing fullr anawere your lnqali7, we rdmaln, fours very ~truly Ardell )cllllaem Aeeletent