OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Banorablo 6. F. Hlokerson County Auditor E!ontgomeryCounty Conroe, '=0X80 Tour reqwet ror n reoeiredbl owe- runy conaldered by this da uots froulyour ra- quest as rouow8: _ reed by me, an to dfsagree wl th8t the diSr the di8trfot OOUTt8 Of th opinion it wtm not u88 set up to fur- rry on the work. thi8 VieUpOint, uh8t WOUid r the legality of supplying thle srred to in your letter. ion la oorreot. A oopy of this opfn- &bnorsble A. F, ~OkOC80~, P8m 2 It is therefore our opinion that the Commia8loner8* Court ha8 no ruthorlty to expend County funds for SUpp11CrS and stationery for a Qiatrlot oourt raportw. Ve.ritruly your8 ,!
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion