OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN armclrl, 27, 1944, In wtioh you c sttqr prrrlour- rl Mlbc?, sao- tsl Zwaiaan. hata ooorr~~& rrrrnt tlw by thr ,n 8nd rrquret our y Mr. 3. Carl IIolder oaae, who lo @bout to 110 Date1 Lsborat@r)* in OtWB8B~ to the rublie t@ Tc- pati a platr clr dentutr Sor 8 aansldtra- tioa oi aonay. F-riois guotsd. BonorablaI?.T. Mb.?, pago 2 *Iis ha8 publlol,t bl8plSpd in 6bOU rlndow of his buainesr an array of &a- tmas or plater o? all typar or ar4t8rlal8 In whlah hw propo888 to duplleatr th8 patlenta’ old 4mtcra in 001 Of tin types that he ha8 dloplayrd iw a considrratlon or sonr7. '30 4mtlrt who 18 llcrMe6 to prao- tlor dantlatw in thr Stat. of Trr.8 18 oormcotrd or work8 la thir Bskbllahamt. Article 45518 of t&a Trxas Dental laws da- finor persons a8 r8gd8a In the praotloa or thntirtry. Vhlr dsprtaant nqcrrtr your opinion: X8 tbi6 man'8, Xr. ThoratOn, bu6iaaa8 whioh ha 1s abc& to antar upon in violationOS rstlolaUPa and 18 thim rrgard8d a8 prao- ticlag datietry a8 definea in Artlclaa 45518 an4 b? Your 4bplslon 18 ~8p0atruiif requr*tad. * Artlolr 455ls,, Vernon*8 Amotatrd Cltll statutrr or Taxae, read8 In Fart as sollows: *&r prraoa shall be rugclrira as prao- tlolng dantlrtrf within thr maaal.u&oi t&l8 chaptarr who aball otfar or undartakr . .. . to treat, opersts or prororlbe, tf%;t~;d & r&hod ror rlrg d&ea8r, p81n. irr~0~. mi0i&, a8r0titr 0~ physloslooadltionof the hoaan'taath,. slveolarproo888. auta8 or jaw8 anb oharge thrraror,dlractly or ladir8otl~,~ Boner or othrr owpmsatlon.~ FabstarlrfntarartlonalDiotloaary, Seocnd. alition, 6ailms aaltaolar proos8e” aar Vhc rldga, or raised thlokened border, of the mandlblrand supsriormaxillarybcnrr xhioh contala the 8oaket8 or tibrteeth.* 47 SIonorablo11.T. P;ab*r,paea 3 nrtlclr 752b, Vernon’s Annotated FSnal CodS of ToxSS, provider amx& othSr thingm~that~ "It Shall be UldSWfU1 ?Or any perSon, fita, or oorporatlon t0 8n~agS In 01 be aulltt of anf onprofraslonal oorduat ln the yraotioa or dSati8trfe dlrsotlyor ltxllrectl~. Any Qm~rofa88icnal oomYuot* as USad hersiD, acan and lnoluda8 any one or sore of the following acts, to-wit: =(qj Ad7ertiml~ to the public an7 dental leborato~ oolluneraial or dental cllnlo.(' It i’sen ra,tbeiciaar to us that Mr. Thornton Is adrarti8%n& to the Fob110 8 OOZ6W~OlSl U8ntal labora- tory in rlolatlon of Art1018 752b (q), Vcrnoa'8 AmotatSd Fans1 Cod8 Of hIS6. The ad+lirtl8ingof thr doing of ocrtcllnaot8 bein& an UIIpr~f88810nS1oonOuot In the praotica of ztcntlst~, tba doing of muoh sots would be the practloa of dentlst~. To duplloata, or offer to dupllcatr, a patlant~s old denture lot0 a type ot pIa to (?ndiSpl87 in a “FubliC dent81 labcsatory' SOr 03m~SMS- tlon In prascrlbing or dirlgtmtlon of a rrmaaf fbr the rltrolar pr~oSsm and has barn daflnad mm a praotloa of dentistry by Article 455lr, VSrnon'r Annotated Civil Statutes at Taxae. To our opinion iour qcrmtlon Sbmld be lamtrarrd In the aitirqatltr. Yocr6 very tnllJ ATTQR?32YORE3?X. 07 ITXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion