OFFICE OF THE A’lTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonoxablr Charlay ~oomrt State Traasurar Amtin, Taxar Dear Slrt In your lattar r~qurrt 0112oplnlon ln ALL mm BY z%a?sE EMTS: II, or th0 00unCy xaa* ror all6 in \uytm$)f $500 00 l;awh rsoalp_t r hlo Is erebyo~knaWedge4'arnd eon the further aousldsrstlon that th & '*(I taroim taka8diid property sabjact/to, but in 1i0 tiisr asn&~i& that oerbaln lndsbtsdnww due thorron to ROY Rutlend, Jr., of *XoLannea County, Texak, th6 bal.anos POWdue 011 46i.6 indabtednass b.eing the earn or &$ooo.oo -------------. Honorabls Charlry Lockhart, page 2 2. Would state note etalaps be ra- qulred on a dard where the grantee aaeumed pra-existing lnUabtednaaa, whloh lndabtad- ~86 wee eaourad by a prior lien wNoh had been stamped when it wee riled ror raoord? 3. Would a chattel morteaga be aubjeot to stat* nota ataz~pawh%oh 15 glr*n on psr- so-1 property as rurthar aaourlty ror the aarga lmdabtodneaa, between the aama partlea thvt Is aaouroa by a randox*a ,llan-and deed or trust lien on real e~atet4’;‘on whloh state note stamps had bwn paid. In other words, the obligation la the aaieo between the aean pertioa but the property eoverad by the ohat- tel nortgsgr la not the aamo,p~oprrty oov- era6 by the vandor’a lien and/or deed of trust lien; kc. The deed to real 56tet0, looat*d orlglnelly In cX* County, was duly raoordad in “X” County in the yaar.1927. Later the county boundary llnae ware,’ changed, oetulng the property to ba Sn ‘P' Cogaty. wou&a the raoordl of the deed with rendb@Ta lien in WY 2 cnmty be ~~aubja8t to balag, rta=paQ tmd~r Artlola 7017a3 Art&l8 7017r, Vernon's Retleod Clvll: Statutes, resde in part 88 follmwa: “(a) Zxcapt es herein otherwise pro- vlded there is hereby lavle4 and eaaaaaad (I tax or Ten (lO$) Cants on leeh One Hundred ($100.00) Dollera or traction thereor, over the rlrst Two Hundred ($2fM..OO) Dollars, oa all notae and obligetlona 684urad by ahattrl mortgage, deed or trmt, p(lohanSo*a lien oontrgot, vendor16 lien, Uom3Itlo~l ealae aontraot and 611 lnatrm~ta of a alailar nature wNab are Silad or raecwded lh the orfloe ot the County Clerk uader the Ragia- tretlon Laws or this Stetei provide4 that no tax shall be levied on inatrtinta, aeonring an umoaat or mo Eundrod ($ioO.oO) D~llara, or lass. After the 6fr40tir4 data I’onorabla Chnrley Lockhart, pay-:8 4 Clearly the tax is not au+3 upon the InstrUment ,~en~ionaa In your first question. Such inetrurnent la zeroly one of conveyance and is not one creative of eecurity for tho imlebtedness OS $4000 nentioned therein. V:e also wmw! your sscond and third que~stiona in the neC:ntlva. In our oonrai-enca opinion x0. 3051 aa- CrensUl t0 YOU, wf3 axpress6d the view that the tax levied by thin StStUtS is Upon the J?riVilc?~e of’ US?..?~ the office of the county clerk, for tha recording of certain instru- -xats. hoc’ever, >?e beli?:ve that a readin&: of the statute e~ Q vbole iii~cloaes an intent on the part of the Legfa- lature n@t to ps-wit Q pgranidins of’ this tax. The firat FentGnCa in the 0Ot \-c~ld indicate that the t0.x should be collected only once w!ith referance to any particular indebtedness. Further in the statute we find renewals sr!d refundinfis of the original ~rincipsll indebtedness :~rotcctecS fron havim; euch auboequent lnstrmonta t.o be rt!;v;~xd, where the tm. ~?as paid on the oriE,ffiel instru- annat of security. Lt lo also provided that ljfhare several instrcmnts are conteaporenscualy cxecutec? to recuze one obllrction, the tax ohs11 apply to only one instrument. I’l!rthar?1Qs6) sn instrument once atmIed .my bs rooordcd lu other counties in, the Ct%te wit.hout ar.cin being sub- ,fCCt6t?. to the t-Z. Fe dn not mgard OUT nmncr to your second Question as being in confiict with otm oplnicn !:a. c-l j2E rjddsusca d to Iionornble E. 2. %3otcl;riFnc;;, County ;.ttoim3g, Eaaunont, Taxm. In that opinfon w3 Ccld t!mt a dcsd :vould he required to bee: the stamps rhera the nurch.aser was tlereio rsqtiired to assum a pm-mist& indebtedness, but the prior deed fn which the vendor’s lien was ori::inally craated bad been re- m-de& dthout ppmt of tile ty.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion