/ OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS PCS AUSTIN f?onorabU T, E. TrinibZe ulrst A8eiatant stats S&lprlnt5ndant Auetia, TuxU if0 Or0 In ret30 whicrh ruds ao followsa awa of Uorrlr county r0r 15, but it io thought that tabulatdl Will fall bola *B, If youi- anawor is that euoh ayyGr.itee WOtia88N0 Only Ullti.3.t&O38Xt ~0J2%r~;L 0bOthl, t&In In YihQts!nnnerwotildoatd:~tca for l&o url- expired tlarcl pr0eont their oonhitiaaise far otfloe? Xn oonaeotion wirh Uris qwstiaa, your a%tentlon is oalled to the raot that it ie too late to ills one~s rbquost to bd plaaod w tii lwuooratlo yri- "5. uoeo the Conuutodonors' Court, pending th0 iiDa td%bUhhtiOII Or th0 QUIZWIt OeUSUS ( hWt0 the power to appoint aoma euitablo pwaon to ocinduotthsmaira Qi thb offimP ix4 asmcie that the scibla6tfo populetfon of iiopcld County ior the yoar 1936 w&a in ezoee8 OS WOO and the offioo of County-auperintandqt @‘o~arly eatabll&@6. Artiols 26&3, lie C* S., 1925, a8 aunmdo8, pmvifkm aa f0llcma: -Iho Ctisolanera’ court 0r wary oounty hvlng three thourand 3,000) soholmtfo Papua- tlon or more as ahown 6 p t&o preaeCing afamuo ahall at a Goner01 Elsotlan prod40 fw the oioo- tlon of a Count SuprL*ocdaz& to 60~70 ror a tern or four (4J yLuu%, who 8ball be 9 parion of eduaatlonal attainz6nta, good rsaral oharaotar, and ox8outiva abfllty, and. n&o eh& be provided by the Co*tn;Lseloner8~Co'urt with aa oriioa la ‘Qie LxoUrthou5e # am? with aQ0088aay orrios furnl- turo anfl fixtures. lie ahalA M tho holder of a teooherls flret gmata osrtiflouto or taobe4r*s permanent aartlfloato. IA ffory county that 0hal.l attain thrae thweand (3,000) doholmtlo gqmla- tion or aore the Cocoiaaslonorr* Court diallap- point awh 5upctrlntendent who ahall perioznitho duties of suoh 0m00 uriti;L tlla el~otion em! q~lifl~otl~ of hi5 ~~OWSOS, III ooultiss having leeo than three thoumnd (3,000) ooholaae- tie population whenever more than twsnty-flvo per aunt (23~4) of A0 qualiXiod votero of 0ait-t oounty as .&own by the vote for Governor lt the pood- lni; G8nerrZLi1eorian shau. pct1ticm tho coKa&a,- 0f~%rd c0urt th02aw~, ad court t3ha 0raer an eleotion for oaid oounty to drPf0milne whetha or not the offLeo OS Oounty superintendent 8hnl.l bo mwetod in eald oountyt and, If a rPajority of the :;ualliYoU pro rty tupayln~: voter8 votlag at said 0lwUor~ 5haG voto Sor tho areatUan OS the 0rr10e OS awnty S~rlntQndQll8 In UIQ ooLintg, the Coamieeianore~Court at Its nert ro after the hol4ln$ of ad JMtlon ehalez:~ the offloe ol Oounty S orlhtonded an6 neao a couaty mpwlntanaeuht 3 0 elmll Qmkfy unmr this CW~g~~~and I. ho14 euoh oft100 uatll tin mxt Gonorm . Erwlde4, that In all ooulltl~ehevlJlg a g0pulaticrnin *LOOSE or tbrrr hutma and riftp thouem (330,OCtO) inhabitanta aooomlingto tha loet avoi3sblo Yodem& O@nWe tho County i!iqWrln- tuiaeat ahell be a goint8Q by the County Boar4 of Muaation and SL 11 ho14 off100 for tuo (i!) yore, provi404 turther, that this provlelon shall not opereto so a* to aoprlvo any elo0t.d Buperlaton4ont or hle ofrloe prior to the uplm- tion of the term ior whlah ho &me km loetr4; lo population of botuoaathmo tboue an4 flvo thoueeM(b,OW) eaho&etfee, whtr:in the otiiee 0r a0uu8p mqerlsan4rpt has 000 brrn arut an6 a superiatwrbma%oleoted, than ia aueh oo#ntlce the quoetion 0r whet&u or not suah offloe 18 letabllrbrd shall be detardnrd by t&e qudifietl totOr& of oald aoutztyin a ape- olal ol6otlon odkob ti;omior by tho CombUioaoro' court or 05id 00u0ty uponpetition th5w0r as hrrdnabovo ~pfioifi~b~~ Artlolo dl780, R, &, 19U'rrdo la part a8 iollower -he offlao 0r a0mty 5uprinteatIont ai publl0 inetruotloa ir hemby o&-bate&; and Lho eom~&rlon- lref oourt of every oowtp in thic sta:e havlq tbroo thousand soholastio populationeo shown by the ~%'a- oeUFn$ eoholaaetla musue, shall provldo for tbo e~loatlcm of a oouaty lup r :Znta nOs of nt publio lnr- tmtlon at eaah &anoral ol.ootfon . . .* ~m0ie 27~1, ii. C. G., i985, prow05 in pati (U r0ii0wr *u oaah aountp having no eohool euporlntudent the oountyj&Q34-11 ba 6% ol’fioio eouaty supar- intan&4nt anti ehall periarr all tho duties roqufr*d of the away euporlntendant In this ohaptor . l .* 1.50 Honorable .-> i. L, TrlrGble, p&p 4 In sit3 cuse OS 34iller ve 3rowa, (Ta C. A. 1919) 218 2. ,x. 452, l:stiole 2750, R. &, 19U. wae 0011~trtk~tl by the oourt a6 iollowar *By the artiolea rcfarred to, othar than 2750, it olearly apprro that the 6oholartio 66nLluBof iT86ltio County takvm l.n May an6 Juh0, 1928, for the aoholaatlo year byliml,ng with siaptenber of tht yeas waQ ths n4xt preoeding eeholaatio om.m~e'takea prior to the gensti sleotion held on NWembm 3, 1928, aJ&uthe Qno oontroui.ll& the motioa OS th6 ~oairiLmrion6rB' 00ud in prwidiryi SW the oi60oi0a to th6 alrio rioi 4i0tm 0s th8 OOdr ". . . "IS vi0 are not in lTWr La our oanstru8- tiarr 0s tb0 abw8 am010 that the orrio 0s 00wy oup0~lnt~mt.tt 0s pbu0 in6wu0th d6- pcurtbts0r ita 6~irt0~0r upaa tb 00rea:tw 0s tb sohdartilo oeumur at m&oh @aeraS elootiua, than, would b6 IlO of the ohowht& OS the lohelaotio oonsua likeuleo b yreason OSth6 r h wln&OSthe lo h o la stloo a n1 1 u~, ha8 no further exiotenoe, 2otmtial or othe~~leo.. .* In that oesa the reholaatio oamua ha@ Sullea klcw 3000 on a general eleotlfnt yoaz MC although an the sow lng non-oleatlon par rhe oem1u axossded 3000 It maa held the Off la6 did not exist. da oall aPtsnttan to the faot that Lho statute them ln question Sixed two yeer terxua 80 that an eleo- t&on would be holLd at every &eneraL sleotian ai& also note the rsrisonlag OS th8 court ta the efseet that ti6 axisteuoe or eon- tlnuano@ OS the ofiioe depends upon the caoltingimoy o;bIltloned. E Eonorable Z. il;. Trimble, me 3 *tie are of the opinion that under the tcrrrrrt OS this Artiole the status of a County ia deter- nAtm&by the aoholastio ocueue next >z-cooW~& the elsotlon. In 0586 a auperintcndent4 +J sleeted in a county awl at the tl60 of olectlon said county has in excea8 OS thr60 thouBall (3,000) ooholAstioo then the Saot that ths soho&stIos fall below three thouamnu (3,000) would not esseot the etatuB of &ho County supsrhnd~t but hs nay continua until ho ha5 sex-red the remialntl~Pof the four (4) ysar tern pavvi6ed for. of oourse, at ths erplrstim of hie tea if the prsosd.lng soholastlo oensus ohows less than three thoueand (3,000) soholastlos then no county Bu~erintsndsnt should bs ei00t0a to auo- oeed the lnounbsnt." tie rem11011 ie &Won for this holding but it must hats been based upon. -die proposltlon that whm.~established, tho of- Sloe ooatfnuod for the full sour ysar te*-m 018Q we Poulc hsvs akf;nty superlntendaat entitled to houI 4~. ofSLoe uP'Soh did not . It la our opinion that the oSSioa of county suparia- tandcsit of &orrio County havfr& bosn sstabllshotl by teaa~~~ oi the soholastlo oeneus prsaediq the eeusral eleotion in 8wss1- her, lY%, being In exo~os of 3000 soholastlos, euoh OfSioe odors into exlstenae for Sow years notwltistandlng such ocnsus atight drop beluw 3000 during t&s years intsrv+nia&tbs i@neralslso- tion years at whloi~ t?re offloo woul6 re$ular~ be tilled. Ks are Surther OS the opinionthat the~death OS the inourabsntwauldnot destroy the office but oreate a raoamg to hs S5llsd as herob- aftor point& out. Pour first pueartlcm 1.e triareforo answer& in the nagtlve. rrtlole 2336, il. C. 8.. 19z35, a.0emmded, ram68 as SOllW81 "The oolirt (oor;enieaioaers' oourt) shall have pow? to fill ~aom~~lee tn the ofrice of: , l . County supcrintsnCent or Pub110 InstlWotlQn. 3uoh vuoanols~ ~ahm3.lbe Sllbff by a mijorlty vote OS the oetlbers OS said oourt, prewont azad.voting, Qnb the gareon ohoaen sbaY.1 h&I offlos until t.hs next @enoral eleotlonr" Under the uutho~iiiy of the abovs etatut; and our oplnioll HO. o-604 the fumw%rto your seeoll~ gusstion I.8 yorr Eonmable T . i;. Trtibls, pa&W 6 tour tLlr6 qwstlon 18 nnsmmd by our 0plnions::No. o-1664, 0404, unc Art10102353,a. c* .!3*, M8S. In 0gla1on Ho. 0-1664 it WeISatatodr Yihsre hem been no u~¶lola.l oaostkuotlon of Axtlols8333,oiorsnid, as to the offloe OS oounty 80ho01*U~Pln~.nt. BOWWYOP, the lAnguag0 I* oloarand not to ountraryoanstruotlon than that the cp (Ims$ be up Sm aleotloa,mid that the offloe to lleo tlenet tha nut @n- and that tit8 torn of the appolntre asulelaotlon, will oxplreon Janurrylstsollml~t~ naxtgul- an1 aeotloP.* iilth nSerenoo to four fourth qu~stloa we oaSl yout ~ttolbtl~ tQ Art1010 8973 R40*3*, 1933, wldla& for the OSSI~~L ballotwhiohmad. ia part as SO E oust ‘The name dill lppoor on th? ballotuxidor Gho hsadof ths psr%~$hatnomlnatssthsm, swat as otheawl~ protided br this tltloi MOnam aLll a~- on the offidti bal.bt US*pt that OS l 08&i- &at+ who was aotuallg aminmtotl (*itheras a party actmlnso or as a non+prblronor lndepeahat oan61- bate) In aooordanoe withthe prorlslas of thlatitle.* ArtlO& 3100 to 3l33, It. G* so, 1933~1600Aa l.lootlonoSpart~noain~rby ~rtl.8 of one h rotoe ad w4r* Artlolor3l.Mto 3133,H. C. S., 1633 goride for the selsotlon of QU%Y mmi~~eosby gaHA.8 of tan humsand and less than OROhundredthousand, and Artiole3163 B. Ce Se, 1933,prariddssthsmsthodSoraa indepsndantoan6lda~Sror~ oolortpvoffiasto havehis nam prlatod uponthe ofSiolalballot. lutilsl# 3961,8. C. S., 1933,reads as follows: *?ihsn a. voter d~slms ta rota a tloket stralght,he shallruna moilor ~nthrou&b all othertiolcets on tbo osiioia1ballot,makin a aiatlnot martid Une-thron& suoh tlo&t not fin- tondsd to be W.Od; md whsn he shall derln to vote a &ml tlokst he shal31Ldo so by m&aning a linethroughthe naraee of amh ~dldates as he shell dsalro to vats apinrtt Ui tiio tlekot !a@ is voting, and by writing the mm as tis oariaiacate for rdho?nho dealrem to vote in UN blank colU6n cm% in epEioe or&e4 for EWE offfiee~ samb to bo wrltttm with r laok ink or penail, unlees t&s xmsss OS t&o cUdMats forwhlcrh u dosl~eS t0 vote ap- piar on t&o ballet, in w&ioh evurt he shall lsav@ the sam not eoratohedc* iionoroble T. A. ‘irimble, pa@ 7 mtm is no rsQuirewxt thut a oendldate r0r 0rrio0 hiwe hit3 mite4 printed upon the 0rrlom ballot. u the mma 0r the oandLdot.8 or the votorec ohoioe la not printed upon the gcsneral eledtion ballot hs my vote for hi8 ohoico by writing the zbaa% J.n the aondldatq*o blank spume prirovit%?for that pur- p060, The raot that it i8 now too late ror a oenbidato r0r nominee or the ihmooratla party to get hie namb printml upon the primtry slootlon ballot, or an rsr t.mt matter, theraumo 0r the se8nooratioparty to rdeot a noadme, will not arhot tha tight Or t&O QeOgh to GOOt IICOUntY SUp~i~t~UttO~ lt th0 g0n- es&l elwaion in Noveabor. Yroa the anawbra to queaticxm one, two aad throw 1% r03.utw8 that your rifth qwation ohm&l ba answrr*d in tbr af- rirnrrtlv4, howevsr the appoiat&mnt would not be mmoly pcabing a mm1 tabd.atlcm or the oonmw but in ao%ordanoo with our anbuw to queotfon nunber three. 3ia efla1olle homuith eopis~ of opinlono Ho. o-604, 04604, 04.210 and 04416. Yours very truly ATTOREEY WitCEXAI.OY TUA3 A?i-'i';,:'Z:‘JLJL 8, 1940 ~lQQu.+.G ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion