OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN By way or re-arr1risafAoe, Rlllmgelnquota ycu the Ciroct holding qzithe polnt of the Supram Ceurt oi Pou6 'Y'horule hw btaosropwtedly anaouneed that, la the absenoo of fIroudor ilhgulity, the motion or a board of aqiralisation upoa a partiouiar8eswm- ZLwlt16 fltml~ and, rurth4rw8r0,tbst rush value- tlon will not be set amide wroly upan % shmiag tiletthe oQT4 16 lc feat exw6uioo. If th6 board fairly and honeatly ondeetors to fix a fair and juet valuation for taring puqiomes, a idetfa4ro on it0 prt, uador au& oircuw6tanao8,Is sot sub mt ta review by the oourts. Tex5.6 Q Paaifla 4-y. 4 0. v, City of a Ywo (Tax. Sup.) 85 8. B. (s4, e4q Rcwlaad V. cjityof Tyler (To%. Cm. App.) b 9. U. (eQ) 9561 Bruewlow'I,Baker (20% Corn.App,) S%O 8. 1. 4931 Duok I, Ponler, 94 Tex. SW, 11 8. 'I*ll&l~ Stnt4 v. Chiuago, 8. I. & 8. ity,Co. (Tar, Cw. App.) INS3S. U. St%* %cntbiyLairsIren Co. ?a Rbko- field, E49 0. 8. S& SS 8. Qt. 4%X5,68 L, Ed. WM.' In the abwe.qiaotud dam the Supreso Court 18 eaylng that the faot that LCIaxaeeaire raluation ww pla44d on ro- perty does ;sot0s itsalr outbariso a rearaerwont of 8o.fd property. You are aeooi-dlngly no aaviaod. Pour4 r4ry tzury 0 APPROVED OPm4lON cmMMn-rEB ByceJ~
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
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