726 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN near Zilrr 3% have yaur lo reads a6 fol.loset "The followlr.~~ this oourltyt a inacl a I mura lfke to tke Qollflt~ and , to refund ths tax*e ae ‘&lirlg Fnae L!g at page 456: *Aa aatlou vi111not IAs to reaover baok taxes paid uzldar83afatake ot fsat, a9 when zia 727 Honorable hei 3. Gilligaa, Ta&e 2 ~_ property by xlotakeimys the taxes own-e of or another',or rllena trargaay8.r In one C~istriCt voluntarilyysayoa tax ior aaother district lavisd by detake on hle lauds." Staytou, Ghief Juatiae, speaking for the SuJr;rs;ne Court of Texas in County of Oelvueton wt. Galveston Gas Co. (1869) 7Z Tax. 590, as.page 513, 10 8. W. 5S3: ;;.i Vhls actioa is for money had aad received, and tkere csn be so doubt that in order to maintain it it must appear thnt the tar em3 illegal and void and not orerelydirreguly. that it was sot voluatsrilyua . . . . TUnuerscoringour8I Critz, Juetlce, in the caue of Austin :~atlonal Bask ~8. Sheapsrd (Con, of App. 1934), l2:3Tex. 27.2, 71 S, PZ. (Zdj 243, said: *A person who voluutarilyizsysan il- lsg0l tax has no olaim for It8 repaymmt.~ as R. c. L. 455; city or Rouston VS. eeeeer, 76 Tex. 3663 Galveston city Co. 'IS.City oZ Galveston, 58 Tex. 4861 "er Soott e;Co, VS. shfinuon,115 8, V. 361, snd authorities cited on pa:e 364. Thts case was afflmad by the Ufited States Supreme Court, 223 U. S. 460.* Yiizmms thla rule nig;itat Ilrst blush seen un- neoeaaarilyhareh, ths aouud reesoa and gubllo policy be- hind It hna bsen dell stated by Cooley in the followfng passage quoted by C.i,ief Justioe Stayton in City of how&on vs. Jaaob Freeaer, 76 Tsx. 365 at gage 36'7: Yhst a tax volmtsrily paid cmnot be reoovered,though it ha4 sot the semblance or legality, Is well settled; and ae said by en olenenterywriter, 'everymn 18 su.>;msedto ksmw the law, and if he voluatflrilyamkeeaa payPent which the lsw would not co-~01 hint to make, he ca:!notrifterwnrds assign his iguorenas of the law as the reason why .tiie State should furnish his wltf;lezaf resedi68 to rtmover it back, . . . Ylstnke oi'fsot can acaraely sxlst in such a aase except in ctn- uection with neiflisoaoe, as the illc+3alities wh1e.brender suoh a derra?da nullity mst appear rro=i titoreccds, t-idthe tax payer 1s Just insmmir bound to inform h:z.welf rhsf the reoorifsshou es are the pab:ic auttiorities. The rule of law Is a rule of sowid ?ublie policy elao; it la a rule of quiet as vv3l.l. as of good faith, and proaludes the coirrtebairg ol;oupiedin undoing the arre.ageaentsof prtles rbioh they have voluntarilymade, and into. which thuy have mt beoa drawn by f,-auC:or aooidtmt, or by any exousable lr,oranoe of their 1egU rl.@ts and llabiUtlas.* Cooley on Tax 839.'@ bpplylng the rule of leu a-mozmmd by tr,tJ fors~ol3g attthor,ltlea to the situation presentedin your letter, we are o~natralnbdto answer your quaetion.lnthe negative. Yours very truly
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion