OFFICE OF THE ATI’ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 5onorable George 5. Sheppard Comptroller of Public Accounts Austin, Texas Dear Sir: opinion X08-1742 We ar0 in racei 1939, which reads as r0u ection 10 bf thorized to issue claim in its present return this fils with o clearly present the facts and ques- his department, we consider it neces- material contained in the file accom- The warrants which are d to approximately one hundred ninety ate of Texas are in amounts ranging from r.warrant to in excess of $25,000.00 per warrant, totaling $1,067,915.00. Theclaims presented to ybur department are listed in the, following manner: Uonorrble “veorje H. 3heppard, @ge 2 “Transportation Ae;ort “District Ainount of ‘Narrant Anderson County County Board $17,749.00 Transportation Angellna County county Board 11,784.OO Transportation” Attached to this list, which was apprantly sub- mitted to the State Auditor, is the following certificate which has not been signed or executed. “I, Tom King, State Auditor, certify that the herein order passed by the Joint Legislative Advisory Committee directing the psymaht of #.l,o67,915.00 is a procedure which will not pre- vent a complete audit of the transportation ac- counts as provided in House Bill No. 933 berore rinalpayments are made. State AuQltOr and Brflciency Expartw There Is also attached to said list of proposed warranta the iollowlng resolution: Vu!SOLVED, that the Joint Legislative Ad- visory Committee, under authority vested in it by House Bill No. 933, Acts of the Forty-sixth Legislature, Regular Session, hereby approves for payment the sum of $1,067,915.00 for trans- portation. “The Joint Legislative Advisory Committee hereby authorizes and directs the Comptroller of Public Accounts of the State of Texas to issue his warrants against the State Treasury made to the respective county boards or education listed herein against appropriation A 786 and deliver same to the Director of Equallzation for trans- mittal to the various county depositories.” Konorable George H. Shapprd, Fage 3 This resolution is signed by Olan i?. Van Zandt, Chairman, Joint Legislative Advisory Committee. The correspondence in the file submitted discloses that on Nov-mber 7, 1939, State Superintendent L. A. Woods transmitted the foregoing list of warrants to fronorable George H. Sheppard, State Comptroller, stating that on Oct- ober 10; 1939, %ransportation aid was granted to the county boards of education whose names appear bn the attached list in amounts sat opposite the names ,* by the Joint Legislative Advisory Committee. The following resolution passed by the Joint Legislative Advisory Committee on said date is set out in the letter: vb?r. Smith moved that the Committee author- ize the Department of Education to make remittances to the several school transportation systems of Texas, as authorized in Section 10 of House Bill #933, in an amount of fifty per cant of the actual grants approved for payment for 1933-1939 and all Suture payments of such transportation grants shall be audited and adjusted for payment by the Auditor in charge of rural aid before any such payments are made. h!otion unanimously carri0d.w There is also attached to said letter the following ~sworn statamnt by State Superintendent L. A. Woods: *This is to certify that the reveral grants herein stated, aggregating $1,067,915.00 are cor- rect and are unpeld and are due and payable as shown in the resolution of the Joint Legislative Advisory Committea.~ Under date of November 21, 1939, State Superintand- ent L. A. Woods transmitted the above mentioned list of war- rants to Honorable Tom King, State Auditor and Efficiency Kxpert, requesting that ha audit the data therewith presented and give his approval or disapproval. The Honorable Tom C. King, State Auditor, answered this request on November 22, 1939, as follows: mYour letter requests that I audit the data and file presented and approve or disapprove same ror payment. “1 regret tha’necassity of returning to you your request for a partial advanoe disbursement Honorable Ceoxge U. Sheppard, Fage 4 of transportation aid funds in the amoun: or #1,067,915.00, appropriated under E. 3. 933 passed by the 46th fesular Session of the Texas Legislatuze, for compliance ‘Nit!I the Following sections or parts of the follol*:ing sections of the act: Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, end 24. “The file submitted by you with your letter of :lovember 21, 1939, is bein-; returned to you herewith without action by this department due to inadequate inlormation in the application, nor has such information been submitted to this df- fice in proper form for auditing;” On November 23, 1939, the State Superintendent noti- fied the Chairman of the Joint Legislative Advisory Committee that the State Auditor had declined to give his approval to the payment of said claims and therefore the State Superin- tendent was appealing this case to the Joint Legislative Ad- visory Committee for a decision on the matter. ‘The Chairman of’ the Joint Legislative Advisory Com- mittee replied to this letter on Kovember 24, 1939. :‘!e quote in part Iron; his letter since it suggast$ the theory upon which the Joint Legislative Advisory Committee and the State Department of Education directed the Comptroller to issue the warrants in question: n I also note that you have asked the Joint La~l~lative Advisory Comittaa, whose powers are particularly sat out in Section 1 of said Bill and in Section 17 thereof, also, to take this matter into consideration. “In view of the joint authority of said Corn- mittee and yourself to allocate and expend monies appropriated in said Bill for the purpose of more equalizing education opportunities in Texas, I as Chairman of said Committee, consider that the authority ‘granted in Section 1 is of superior au- thority to that granted the State Auditor’s De- partzent in Sect.ion 17 thereof. However, IL view of the controversy which has arisen and in ra- cognition of the appeal taken to se i d Committee, I am directed by said Committee as Chairman thereof to pass to you the folio;?-ing information: Zosorable Ccorge H. SheFyard, Page 5 *The Committee has taken up and considered the appeal in question as shown by the 1et:ar attached and arter fnil deliberation and consider- at.ion thereof apair ;:ders the pagzient. of .:l,Ce?,S;z, as shown by the attached srder passed b:? :P,e Corn-- mittee on October 10 and shown In your letter to the Comptroller under date of November 7, and you are further advised that said Joint Legislative Ad- visory Committee in all things approves your ask- in;r the Comptroller to issue warrants as hereto- fore outlined .v He shall not attempt’to review ail of House aill so. 933, however, it will be necessary to discuss in general the provisions of the Act, Xouse Eill NO. 933, Acts of the Forty-sixth Legis- lature, commonly known as the Rural Aid Equalization Law, -appropriates $6,825,827,00 for the aid of public schools meeting the raquireuents of the Act for the school year end- ing August 31, 1940, and allocates $2,160,373.00 for trans- portation aid. (Sect2ons 1 and 11). Allocations are also made for salary aid and high school tuition aid. All school districts in the State of Texas are not entitled to prtici- pate in the distribution of the money thus appropriated but the Act contains detailed qualirications, requirements, pro- visions and procedure to be Pollowed before the money therein appropriated shall be paid to the various districts. Some of the elements to be tqken into consideration in detarmin- ing the aligibillty of a school district to receive aid under this Act are that it shall coma within certain minimum and. maximum scholastic population brackets (Section 2); the school shall not be located within two and one-half miles of another school OS the same race (Section 3); the district must be voting, levying and collecting for the currant year a local maintenance school tax of not less than fifty cents on the one hundred dollars valuation (Section 6); proper applications must be filed before October 1, 1939, and ap- proved and audited and allotments made based upon such ap- plications (Sections 13, 16, 17, 23); districts must show a budgetary need for aid (Sections 10, 12 and 13) and other provisions not necessary to mention here. Section 10, which specifically refers to transporta- tion aid, reads in part as follows: Honorable George Ii.Sheppard, Pago 6 *Th e lx p enmOf 8Wh tran8QOrtatiOn 8hell be paid on the be8i8 of budgetary need a8 Indicated by apprOTed State Aid aDDliCetiOll,out Oi the fWih8 herein allocated for tran8pOrtatiO!l aid, . . ." Seotion 13 provides that *no application for aid shall be approved until all appllcatIon8 ill d on or before &ztober 1 of the current year have been oon8idsr8da and also reada in part: R Provided, (1180,that all aid grent8d out of’t~e’funds herein provided shall be alloted only on the ba8i8 of need, bh8ed upon a proper budgeting of each dietrlct asking for any type of aid. The application shall be 8worn to by the County Superintendent, president and secretary oi the board of trustees of oaoh Of the 8ChoOl8 ap- plying for aid. All aid granted out of the find8 provided 8hall be rllotted only on th8 ba8is Of need based upon an approved budget of eaoh dis- trict asking for any form of aid eroept a8 other- wise provided in thi8 AOf. All ippllcations for aid authorized herein ehall be on file with the State Department of Eduoatlon not later than Ooto- ber 1 of each year Of the biennium, end anr rchool not filing such applioation before 8uOh date of each y8ar shall Dot be 8ligibl8 for aid for th8 ourrent year and lhall not,be ooneldere’dor lpprov- ld for the type ot aid appllod for.’ It ir provided in Seotlon la thatt o . It rhall be the duty of the State Superf&~ndeot of Public InstNotioe to appoint the number ot t3eputyState Superfntendents here- Inafter authorized to make a thorou inte8tiga- tion, in per8on, of the grounda, bar ldlng equlp- ment, teaching 8t&, 8nd rinanclal condition or eaoh rchool appl ing for aid; and no aid 8hall be given unle88 ft oan be rhown thm prori- dons of thi8 Aot have been complied with, and that such 8mount of qid i8 actually needed. . .I The Legislature toreear the de8irability of making aynent to the variour 8chool district8 without extended de- Pay and provided the mrthod for 80 doing in Saotion 16 whloh , Honorablr Georgr H. Sheppard, Pago 7 read8 in part: Wet later than January 15 of eaoh year, the 8tat8 inspection 0r all Rural Aid School8 8hall be completed. Initial payment by warrant of not more than fifty per cent I5051 of the total amount al- lott8d to any on8 school shall then be made, as -inal payment8 rhall be made a percentage baai to 8uoh 8ohool8 in 8uoh manner that all 8OhOOl8 whose application8 for aid have been approv- ed, 80 that each school will reoeire the same pro- portion of aid." Section 22 oontains the following provislon8: “All applications . . . for traneportation aid coming within the general provirionr of Section 10 of thi8 Act rhall firat be considered, and if appror- ed in the manner authorized and dlreoted herein, =a11 first be paid out of thr appropriation madr for each of the year8 of the ourrent biennium In the manner and method herein direoted, and 8aihaid, lr 80 granted, Fhall be first paid out 0r the ap- propriationr, and allocation8 herein made to an amount not exceeding one hundred per oept (100%) of the approved grant therefor, and all lxoeptlon8 to the general law permitting and granting aid to the 8ev- era1 rohool dirtriotr of thi8 State 8hall be paid only if and when tho8e approved appliOation8 oanlng dthln the general prorlrionr 0r thir Act harr rir8t been paid, and ruoh eXOOptiOn8 8hall then bo allowad and admitted a8 approved, and upon approval they ahall be paid out 0r 8uOh allooationr nmalnlng WI- lx p endmd a nd th eupon n a pro rata per oaplta bari Out Of the iundr remaining unoxpondrd in laoh oi the lllooatlon8 heroin made and not otherwler. . . .- Bo oitatlon of authority ir neoorsary to rupport the proporition that the appropriation8 made la tb above bill are to be oontrolled and expendrd under the provision8 thereof and not under the term8 of the Aot oi the Forty- riith Legislature or the application8 filed and approved for the year 193S-1939. The Act 18 clear that a rchool, to re- oeiro any aid for 19394940, must properly rile it8 appllca- tion not later @an October 1, 1939, 8how a budgetary need for the ourrent year and meet the other requirement8 bared upon the current rohool year. When the application8 are rem Honorable Ceorgr H. Sheppard, Page 8 ceived in the State Department of Education they are then inreetigated (Section 12) and none oan be approved until they have all been oonsidered (Seotlon 13). The purpoe.0 Of thi8 inYe8tigation i8 not to determlnr whether the money has already been properlJ 8pent but to serve a8 a be818 for approval or rejection of filed applicatlona, wand no aid shall be given unlese it can be shown that all provisions of this Act have been oomplied with, and that such amount of aid 18 actually needed." (Section 12). The investigation must be complete& by January 15th of each year. Then the Initial payment dot exceeding fifty per cent (5Omall be made, i.e. after the investigation Is oompleted. When the inrestigatfon ir oom leted the Department 18 prepared to ap- prove Or reject appls CatiOn8. The Legielature having ro- rlded that traneportation aid ehall be paid on the ba8P 8 of budgetary need "a8 indioated by roved State Aid gppllca- tion," and that after the invest on or licatlon8 has G completed partial payments hen beaLide viethink the legislative intent i8 clear thatpartial pa&t8 are not authoriied before the investigations are completed and applications are approved. The reoord presented to U8 doe8 not show that any appllcatlons for 1939-1940 have ever been approved and B are informed that the Deputy Stat8 Superintendent8 are now en- gaged In their inYe8tigations. It ha6 been suggested that Seotions 1 and 17, to- gether with the action taken by the Joint Legirlatlvo Advieory Caninittee,may nerve a8 a baai for the proposed a&ion; hdw- over, we do not think they are controlling of the leaues hare presented. Seotion 1 maker the appropriation and provide8 that the money ir tot -. . . be allocated and expended by the Stat8 Superintendent of Publio Inatruotlon through the Mreotor of Equalization in the State Depqrtr ment of Education and under the eupanieion and ad- Yioe of the 8ppeelalJoint Legislative Advisory Corn- aittee oompoaed or r0ii0ting memberr: . . .~ . In addition to other power8 and dutie8 they 8hall haYe appellate and final jurisdiction on all matter8 Of dispute between said Department of Education and Honorable George H. Sheppard, page 9 any applicant for aid under the protilrions and tbna8 of this Act, and until otherwise ohanged and directed all rule8 and regulation8 of the State Board Of Education shall govern the di8po- 8ltion of all application8 for aid under the pro- vision8 of this Act; and said Committee shall have no authority to make any grant or aid except thet authorized by this Act. . . .4 Seotion 17 provides: “The State Auditor’s OfflC4 18 hereby dl- rected to audit all.appllcations for aid after same have been passed on by the Director oi Equalisetion and when such application has bern approved by said director, it shall then be the duty of the State Auditor to approve, or reject 8uoh applioation. Whenever there 18 a difference between the State Auditor and the De artment of Education, th8 Joint L8gislative Adv P eory Committee ahall adjuet same on the request of either depart- ment .4 In this oonneotlon we aleo note that part of Sea- tion 12 whloh proridee: “It 8hall be the duty of thb State Superin- jeot to tlm approval of thr Joint Legislative Ad- ‘visory Coamlttee in this Aot, and tar the created best intere8t Of th8 8OhOolS iOr Who84 bensfit the funds are appropriated. . . . Provided. how- ever, that no regulation of the State Su it z State Board of Education or Joint ~~~s~a%; AdYi8ory Cuamlttee 8ha11 oonrllot with any pro- visions 0r thir Aot or any present statute. . . .4 As indloated b the sections or the Act hereinabove disouseed It ir our opin Ion that the payment of money out of this appropriation other than upon approved applications would be contrary to and inconeirtent dth the express pro- visions 0r thir Aot. arid0 from any question 0r auditing. - . ~6norsblo George 8. Sheppard, Fage 10 Clearly the provision of Section 1 plsoing the rpending of the money under the asupervi8ion and advice* of the legls- lstivr OomIaitteedoe8 not empower the oommittee to suepend the provirionr 0r the law and provide 8 different ba8i8 for payment. Likewi8e we do not think the arising of a *dir- ferenceR between the State Auditor and Department of Educa- tion, aesumlng a dlfterence a8 oontemplated by Section 17 has arisen, wa8 intended to have the effeot of expanding the power8 of the Committee to the extent that it might direct action oontrary to the express provisions of the rtatute In adjusting such ditf6rence. It ir our opinidn that the Comptroller of Fublio Accounts i8 not authorized to issue warrants in payment of the Olaim8 referred to in your letter of request in their present Status, Your0 very truly ATl’ORllEY GEHEFfAL O~mTEXAS BY Ceoil C. Cammack Assistant ccc:Im APPROVED DZC le, 1939 (8) Gerald C. Mann AlTORwY GENXUL OFlmAs APPROVED oplnlon oommitte4 BY BwB z5ziEzin
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion