Opinisa,l.&~. O-1706 Eb, (a) In at oourt &mald a wm- plaint lha*gtig . third rio1ati.n of mlawfully ~opwating a m&w vehicle upon a pub110 highway at l r&o of speed in exoe*s ef forty-five milH per hour k PilodT (a) Should the complaint show the fir&, meond and third off.areaT (a) tier *aa the rrnstiag ooa*ab- la legally ohargo for making aa arrest? g~&m receivid your bfter &ted ?Jwembber16, lQg9, requesting the l piiion of thi8 Doprtment upon the above 'itatodqil~rtioni. 6oation 93, of Artiolo 6271, Paml Coda of Tom, prm'idoa: '& pkrroa &l.timg uy F$ ,the prwisien,s of thim +t ~ahallk guiltp of a aisdom~tior, aud upon aeaviotloa tbrhf &all,~lm pu+hod lq . fiw tietl xemidiag i'iw, ,tiJlaia ($SO&O)%r &o flirt~.ffmaro a8d bs a fir 8ot &ko$dia~,Two +dzud &llwa (#900.00~ for khe stood .f?Wii, l r~'kt lxomding Fire &8drod,Dolkrr (#600.00) or imprirmrat i8 tke oeuntyjail not to l xow)d 8ixty (60) days, nor w nuoh firm and imprimamwat I8 the dissretio8 oftho osurt for lwh ruluequeat~offwiao thorwf’tor.” The jurimdietiow, power md authority ,d the justise.of~the prso lrwsuoh aa are fixed by the Cumtitutie8 and the ltatuton of thim State. Eoaorabl. Otto P. Moors, Pago 2 (O-1706) The COn.ti~tie8 ef TOu., Artiel. 6, 6OetiO8 19, rend. 18 part a. follow.: .Justio.. of the &mom shall h.va jUriSdiStio8 in ori&nal mattw. of all oa.a8 wher. the penalty or fina t. bo impomd bylawmay .ot 8. more thu Two F&mdr.d Ibllars, ud 18 01~11 mttorr of .ll le8*8 wher. the amount i8 c0ntr.wr.y 18 h Etu8dredDollars or lo.s, .xolusiv. of intrzv8t, of rhioh lxoluUV8 l rigirtlljuri.- diet108 is nOt giV.8 t. th8 Di.triOt Or b&q cOU%.; and .uob other jurirdiotie8, ariminl l8d 'oivil,a8 may k prsvidmd by la, luder .uoh rqulrtiou a. may b prv.oribd by law; ud appeals t. the County Court .hall Im l1l.w.d 18 ill ea.08 d.6id.d ti Justlo Courts where the judm88t Is for mar8 tha8 Twenty Dollar. lxclu.iv. lf oo.t; .8d 1~ all Sriminal .a... under Such ragulatio8 as rrmybe prararibd by law." Artiol. 60 of th. Ced. of Crkni8al ProSed& of TSu. provid..: "Jurt1.o. of th8 paoo Shall hay. juri.diotion 18 Srimi8al ~eS.8 tier. tlw fi8. to k impo.od by law May not Sxcsmd fn HUmdrud fbl1arS.S With r.f.lra.. to the juriodi.ti.8 of th. o.unty court the aa.ti- tution of T.xA., Arti. 6, gW'tiO8 16, prw1d.a 18 part a. f.1low.r "Th. County Ccurt shall hw8 originrmljurbdio- tio8 of a11 mi.dan.ansr. of which .xolu.ir. orZgi8al jurirdi.tion is mot giY.8 to the Justiw. Court as the 8.m. is BOW or may hw.aft.r k prworilmd by law, a8d ~~8th. fin t. k impo8.d shall uoeod $200.00, 0 . . Art1010 66 of th. Cod* of CrM8al Froaodura of Toxar r.ad. a. f011.w.I FTho C.u8ty Court shall haTo .rigi8al jurirdietio8 of all mi8dauetiers of rh1.h lxoluriv. origi8al jurisdio- ti.8 1. .ot gb.8 to th. ju.ttW .ourt, ud wh.8 th. fi.e t. b impo.ad shell lx.o.d Two Huadrod lhll~rs." Sooti. 86 of Artis 62 .f the ado of Crimzaal Prooodur. ef Tons pmido. ar fol1.w.c "Th. County Court *hall haw .xolu.lve original juriSdioti~8 Sf lllmiad.m.anorc, Sxoopt misdeneuors involviag .ffioialmi.oonduot, Snd ex..pt oa.e. 18 nhieh the highost pamalty or fi8.8 that may k imporod b.8. ott. PI MOorO, Pa@ 3 (Q-1706) uad.r th. lawmay 8.t .x.s.d Pn Euxdr.d D.llsrs, ud awpt; in .ou&i.r wh.r. th. is .stablilhod a l%minl d1.tri.t ..urte." Cou8ty O-I+. hav. ..8.UI-r08tjWi.di.ti.8 With jUrti.0 ..urt. of d~danquors l Fg8irabl. ,f8justi.. .~.~rt.~ lbodnrd ye State, 6 ,Cr.518. ?.p. ~2961, 801.8 f. t‘*p 5 Wm. Rip,.3018 J.=mi8gr v. Stat., 6 Grim. Rep. 2b8r b.p1i8 ~‘o ‘St‘t., 7 ;D%.. It&p.670 T8 riow of &ho fOr.g.i8g ‘Uth.ritl.8,it dll b. . ..8 th$t th. ..wty l.urt ha. lx.lurir. jurisdistio8 in misdomeuor euos whore the fir to ba imp.rod may k 18 .X..SI of Two HumdradD.lk. (#200.00), l wh u s th. pr~lty to b. imp.s.d ~bg law i8.lndo? b&h fi8. ud impti,.orm.8te H.D.w vo St&; ~(Crim.App.) ,22 S.U. (2d) 137) $JrPart. 3b-$O8 (t?~i!ao App.) 21 8.W. (td) 663; Tuttli vo St&., 1 Grim. App, 3648 Billi8gOly vo Mat., 3 Crime App. 686. Ths fart that the jurfiro aart is dried jUr#di.ti.8 i8 mird.- meuor &I.# who*. kh. *alty t. k 1wr.d by law fi.ludor imprin.8m.8t doer 80t 8..8.#U11y meu &At h8 jUStioo.,my,8Ot impri8.8 a lriri8.1. The jpstleo M y -h p r iaAulhiBAl f&r 808-paym.8t oftfi8.8 ud .ortr UdmAy Lnpriroa A orimi8al wh.r. 8..or.~ry to assort, pr.t..t ud .&r.. Ma auth- lrity 18 .a#~. whuo hi. juri8di.ti.B prop.rly lb ta i88, Tuttl. v'o stat., 1 Crime App. 364. RW ## +rg.i8g Wth.l?i+.., y.~ +'. l ti.od th‘t 1% i'sth. l pk~~oa;fthi8 @O~~mt, 18 l8.w.r t. y.~r f1r.t qu.ati.3, )hat th0 lm- p h %8 lhugi8g t ‘,thd ~tolrtt+ of ~8lawfully +imtiig,+ motor ~ki.10 &,pe8~th.publ&~.hi,glnmy.at a r&4 if .p..d i8 .~...a of forty-fiv. till.8 p.r hour must b. P11.d I8 the .eu8* oourk. ~Ih d. &t m.u to .ay that a third umplai8t wuld 8.t ~TI. fi1.d Agahst a d.fo+dut 18 th. jU.tir Burt .hargi8g a Vi.lati.8 .f ~8Jawful- ly l p.rati8g a m.ter r.hi.1. Up.8 the gubli. high-ny. at a rat. of spwd ,,SrQ..s. of fu+flw mI1~p.r hour, +t if tha ..mplai8t is fi1.d it that tb d.frdut ha. k.8 twiio pmiou.ly .o8vi.t.d of zgi$ %s., If m.h all.gati.88 l "~ r+mad., the .tiplai8t would &rg. u offoB;& .v.f ah1.h th. ,jwti.. ..+ rruld ~havoa. jpyi.di.ti.a, KW.8. tk. ..mplaiat allog.. amd th. pr.of show. prior ..8vi.t%ou for th. se+. l ffqiso, t?xa,+mhusod p.8alti.. for .o.o8d ud~ third Vio ~~tiO88la8a.t apply, a vb gt‘ti, 56 Toxo 6; ‘8d hho d.f.8dut ..88& ..&a% K.am.yr., St&to, 79 SOHO 670, a8d .th.r luth.rlti.8 .itid U8d.r Arti.1. 61 .f ih. b8.1 &do. Tith rofor.8.o to ymr ...o8d qU.sti.8, iho ..u8ty o.Urt haa mob jtirdi.$i.8 a#tb ti8.tit~ti.8 ud laws ra.t.d thoreumdorgiYW its a+ the peulty providedby th* rkatuto for u lffr.0 with which a dof.8dut t. .hargod dmtelmins th. jurbsdl.fi.+ Th. .mplal8t must sl1.g. fart. sUffi.i.8t t. .h.wth. ~.8108 of th. lff.8.o .hug.d. Umdu 8u.h .ir .ums*U..s, th. eaplai8t up.8whi.h th. i8f.rnmti.n pr.gar.d by th. .~8ty Ru. 0e.P. m..r., P.go 4 (O-1706) .ttorrq,.la barad, ud th. iaformatio8 itself rhould ‘1l.g. th. loxvio- tio8 of thr dofrdut .for th. n.a~.off8860 upo8 tm SOprate .8d prOvi8u8 ~oe~rio~# im order to bring the lA.O within thr jurirdiotiom of the l ouaty OOtUt, go. ‘uthoriti.. oitod uader Art1818 61, supnO Im uwor t. your third qUOstiO8, it II hold 18 the #ASO .f Soott v.,Et&o, 114 S.& (2d) 664, that Arti.10 803, P.~il Cad. of T.xa., giv.. the sbriff, or .thor par offi..r, authority te qr8.t A pus08 dth.ut A wuiuat wh. lp.r.t.8 A, rutrrobilo upon the publf. hi&ways i8 oYeO88 of forty-five kilos p.r hour ud to doal with him A. provided by Mslv 792, P.8‘1 Cod. of Toxu. Artiolo 1066, Cod* of Criminal Pro.odura of Tmss pr.vid.8 18 put ‘I f.llow.s 'The folJe%img too8 .h.ll b .llraod the sheriff or othor po~oo'offi.~ pUfoIIUi8g the IMO ~uvioo 18 misd.mouir l.08~ to bo t.xod Ag.18.t the dofoadr8t Q co8viotio8~ "1. F o rlxoauti8g ..oh In&at of .rrost u i~pi~s, or mAki8g .msts without rmats, #2d30.~ Frrp the cbv. .+Autos, it .pp.ars that A .oastablo is oatitlod to r.oolvo A fn of tn dollar. whom ho lxooutos the rrruf lf‘rrort, or whir8 h. m&o. amarrest without A rrrut. Our user to your third quor- tic8 is, thorofon, in tbo .ffirm.tivo, Wusti8g th.t ths Abvz. sAtisfA.torily uswrs your quostic.8, nrom.iB Yours wry truly ""/1/ I),Bnri. Davis. D. Burl. Dwl.. A..i.tuQ DBDrISrogr APPROiltD DBC. 7, 1939 APPROVKD /./ =-UP C. .lanmw Opi8icB Committ.. ATTOFBEXG2ilUBAt OF TBXM ByFmch‘irmu
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion