. 313 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Railroe Condn~rsionof mxer Aurtln,Taxes ~cprstete corn- . 939, you stete nit& Transport CORF-y, Ino. , ioa in Cklahome 0dcilt3altltNa e e r3tenaara inmrance to potebt ita (Iprovision8 or sootion uler :%ealon of the i‘ortp- sea by the Torty-third tar c0nt0naathat sinar otion of the Interstate hot be required to file mob tlon imurenae. etate or recta, you ask the opinion of the queetioa shother euoh operator la done of Seation 13 of the Aot above eating the proteation of elnployeerof a notor oarrlrr by teking out work&en*8 aompenaatlon lasur- MOO. Seotlon 13 of the hot rofarred to, lncioferas it coaaerns the qcestlon or workuen~r aompenratlon tnruranoo, provider am r0ii0wf8 I sbilroea Com.las1oa 0r ToxaIl, m&3 a *Each motor aerrier shall also protoot his ofiployoaoby taking out wor'mea'a aoqennaetion lnsurenoo, afther as prorided by the I:‘orkmn*s Compensation Laws of the State of Texe8, or la a reliable lnearanco oompeny authorized to writs workon’ oomp.snaatlonlmureaoo epprovad bT the COn;;ai8GiOA.* The porsr'~onforrod upon the Congress by the Con- stltutlon of the United Staten to reeulato ao~%eroo batwren the atatoe, :whFhen exerted, oxalunes and aupsroeaoa atete lsglslrtion in.-roapat to the aeao matter. Congress, in exerting its poser to reeulato euch phase oi intaretato oom- ceroo, nay alrcmaoribo ite rogulatlon in such manner as to leave a Fert .of the aubjoot to atata notion. The purr088 of Con&rosa exclusively to roecleto mey be implied, but not unloas the Fedora1 Loaaure, when feSrly interpreted, 1s plain17 lnoonsiatont v:ithatete roguletion of the ae&!#izetter. cllvery t. ~Cuyahoge Vellop Failway Compenp, 292 U. 3. 57, 64 6. ct. 573, 34, 78 L. Ed. 1123, There 10 nothing iA the Foderel LlotorCarrier Aat, 49 0. IZ*C. A., foctiona 301~E27, -ronotely suggesting a purpose to rugulato the liability of erglogore engaged in la W-18 tppi0r lnteretate ao~orae to their employees.~ As Congrese hee Aot ~000 rlt to iAVeae this field 0r reeula- tlon of intoratete domerae by motor aarrlers, the author- ity or the State or Terae over thB subjeot ren;niAsunimpalr- od, and the provisions or Section 13, above quoted, are ep- pliooble to intereteta uommo~ carrier oortlfloato holders. StAto ox rol :‘;eahingMnr.otor coach Co. V. Kelly, Dlrootor or the Deportment 0r Labor and Induatrisa, (Sup. Ct. or Eeahington) 74 Tao. (24) 16. 30 trust that ‘the foregoing atiliabntl~ anairora your laquiry. Very trnly yours ATTOiILURT GENERAL OF TKXJU R) W. F'r Abrrr "-aa.
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion