OFFlCE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Section 2 of hrticlo 111X, Fenal Cod0 of Texas, kno,.:nand cited as the "Cl-mill::CCTC Tax Lax,* pro- cozz-:;only vides r,encrally thbt any person, Sir3 or corljoretion desiring to operate , mintain, open or establish a store or mrcsntils establ~iehnent in thio St::to skl.1 rake application for a li- cense so to do In .the fom and .riannurprovided, and fui%har rcquii-es that "each ap;;lic~tion shall bo accomponiad by a filiq See OS fifty cents (5C$) for ench store or :mrca:ltilo oetablirhxent O~l~etr?d Or ii0 be O;Ml+:>ted~fOI’the j?JrpCee Cf dcrrGyinC the CO~:tr:of ud,.zinistretionof ttlis Act." " Section 3 of the above cited Act provides that if, ucon exaximtion, VVan nmlir.ation is found to be eatlnfactorv. f1i.n; and l.iccnse foes &r. krein pr9acribea,8kii and ii the -' hcivo been jxid, t50 CcuLlptrollorof rublic Accounts ahnll i r-sue ~aop~licont a llceuse for each store or zercsntila estab- lishxcnt To"orxhlch an a~;~lication Sor a license shall have bow mde." (%iphrr.sis o!ms). Section 4 of the Act provide3 that all licenses shall be issued Sor a period of the calendar geer so as to erpirc on ths 3lst day of Deccrzber af each year, and on or beforo th;?cdate a ra~e~al liceesa for the :;u~~ceding year shawl. be issued by the Co:qtrol.ler cf Lublic Accounts, u?on 'ap,?licationtharel'or, accompanied by the filing fae of Sifty cents for aach 8tOl.o. Section 5 of the Chain Store ?ict provides for the payaent,~ in addition to the above described Siline See re- quired by .'.ections2~and 4 03 tho Act, of a license fee, Crsduated accordin& to the nuzbcr of stors:O oi:ncd and operated by the llccnsee. In discussing the nature of this so-celled liceose fco, the Suprma Ccurt OS Tcxaa, in the cssr: of ZiLTt et fll vc. cooper ot al, regortcd at 110 S.'Y. (?a) '96, spoke 6s follcws: .~. ??on. Goarge R. Shopparil, Togo 3. exceed the a:!lountrealized therefrom. Pa other is a levy af a licenm fee for cnch store fro:2 v~hich mch revenue v&l1 be raalized. The 8 ct apporti one the rcvenuc boik~cen the svailabla school fuhd and the Eencral fmd, and the only feet stetcd for the existence of an mergency is that the state is bed-, ly in need of u2ditionsl revenue. The tcntetivo opinion of the Court of Civil Appeals accoqsnying thLs ccrtificste comoctly encwers this qu3st5on in the follo:.Gn~ lrmgungc: 'i:ethih'd t'ne priymrg purposa of t.haAct vms to raise revmues, alth.ouch the levy is WXiCiOilsd 8s a "licc~se fee." The e.r;ler- fiB!lCFclause rccitin~ the need of additional rcsvonue; the mousts lsviod being Sar in excese of regulatory needs, end the distribution mde cfter collec+,ion, ,ind,icatecleerly tiiet the Acty?:rrsinten~ded, primarily at li'ast, 3~ a revenue masure,~ Ye do not think it a mtter of significacco th3t the levy is called " a olicehse fee, " CS its plyP2llt f$VeS th ri,$it t0 carry on the business Y/ithout the, performnco of any other condition.'** This decision has a direct beerin upon the detor- s&nation of the instant question bocause,'in holdln$ the chain storo licesee foe levioo by Soctioh 5, Article llllb, Ymcl Code of Ycxas, to'be un occumtion tax, the chain store tax license issued by tie Co%atrollcr of Fublic AC- count e, u;jon paymnt of such license fee or' occupation tax, would be coversed squarely by the temc snd I::ovisions c/f Article 7055 nnd 7056, Vernon' s Acnotsted Civil :.tet*utes, insofar as such statut 3s nrs np,?licable to the nttmpted transfers or assi~+~ento ef the license involved h3re. Such ststutes 2roovidc as fOlloiIs: !ion. George Il. She?oard, F=Ee 4. for in the original oppl.icationr!for such licensee. EoChi?~ in this 3s~i shall be so construed as to t%UthOrixG tiY0 OP zore persone, firas, corporations or associations of personi; to follow; the saw? occu- pation under one license at the sa:is tii.33. Xhon- ever any person, first, corporation or essociation of >eri;ons follo~ir;; en occupation s&l1 be clo:ed out by leEal. iwocess, the oocupation license shall be deered an asset of soid .zrson, fir%, corporation or nssocfatio~ of reriro:ir,znd. sold as other pro- perty bel.on@! to said person, fir:;:,cor~orntion, or association; and tb.o purckas:cr thereof rhsll hsve the right to pursue the occu>%ticn nazied in said license, or trenefer it to any other person; pmvid- ed, such occuoation'lioenns I-. shal.1 under no circur,- stollcn~ -- bs tr&n:;frjyrc2(i rcora tbc!~ one t r;e.f+ -IT:ji+- fxxx1~ ours.) The underlined portion of Article 7056, T~~snon*s Annotated Civil Ztatutees, next above quoted, furnishes a speci- fio answer to your stxon6 question. Dy tlx lsttcr of the sta- tut.e an unexpired oocupation tax license such OS the one In- volved hsrc ~1s transferable or an&gable only one tice dur& the calendar '@or for which tucb liccnso is offcctiva,.and coneoquently you \i;ou ld,not be eutf-orized to recoc;nisa the validity,of a\lch second trensfcr or aseig~went. Such sec0,nd traosl'oree or assignee would be~re~~ired to pmkre a 1~0~:. license for:t!le bslence Gf the calendar year upon fom~al application, acc~+en&ed by the fil.icg fee of fifty cents, in Sectioq 2 of the Chain Store Tar Act. Kecurr1.q nCci to YOUIT first TJestion, it 13 our opinion thst'the filing fee, cf fifty cents would not be re- quirod to occor~eny en og~lfl.catlo:: or request for a ccrtifi- cota reco~nizi~ the first transfer or aasi,',n::-nt of t!le ohain store tax license; This co-czlled application is not the cpplicotion ccnt~;:.lpletod or revJircd by Section 2 of' Article lllld, Fcnal Code of TeX%G, for,the in~ucncc of a nev; license or liczansos originally issued to the prson, fir= or corporatfcn desirin;: to omrzts, naintnin, oy-n or estab- lish stores Gr 2ercantile ceta31isbzents in Texas, and vie. aI’9 not authorize: to cnlarg,a t!>n F.CO~ of Secti 2 of this Act co as to xako it co:cproh:ende ro?uent or npplicstion $TGXin(l Out Of en n;si~n:;ent Or tr2nsi'cr 0% a chain store tar ,liCm,p1, in conn:,ctl~on~Y3it.h xhic?~ thn fiiifi:: fee of fi.fty cmt s hl E olrs~dy b?:en paid. Under the holdin: of the ':.u?rc:ze. Court iii the CCIEC Gf Xui't at al'vr.. Cooper ct 31, supra, this . filing,fee of fifty cants ‘::a8h:?ld to bs a rekul3tory fee for the purpo~3 of defroyin,;,cx~encos incident to o~plications for chain st.orstax licenses, rather than a fe3 undor tkx pcwcrr of taxation. The o!:ain ?Gore t:?x License, for dich such filia,; fet, Vief3orlgin3lly paid, is, un;!er th.3 facts givtxI iA con1?3Ct.i~!1with your fj,rst c~ue~~tio!~, Outstanding, and vliU. rexin so until the end of tte calender year. Con- cequently, any en:pcnso intillent to the transfer or nssicn- ment of ~uc!2 chain store tax license is not t&en care of by the flllw f~c,of fifty cents originally paid, noris any odditiozal fi:e required for r,uch pwposes by eny lar.@ag;o which can he poir,teC to in tbo Chsla Stork :'LX ;$ct. -2 F??:pbp