OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Xonorablo Julian Xontgoarmy State ElghaapEn&err Austin, Tear Dear sir: opinion NO. o- in.f~ expense8 or ths State Elghvmy SiOn8.Oi Sellat Bill 1po.427, Aots lature, directing our attention a provislona OS the rider to Coca to trove11llg. exgmses , and, therofora,. tbat the vorned by tke primisio~ hall e&eat a State Hlghxay En- o shall be a oongotezt cloil struotlon and mlntananfa, Who ahall hold hip position until rczmmd by tka Cooloi8ElOIl. Es s!xdl rirst execute a bend payable to the State fn sxoh ~SXZI as the Cotmisdon my dears neoassary, to be upproved by the Cowxission, and ooaaitionen upoa the faithful psrr022- tXlO8 ot his dutlos. Ee shall aot with the Coazn$rsion in an advisory aapeoity, Bonorablo Julian Xontgomery, Fagr 8 wlthout votes nod shall quarterly, an- nually, and b,lennally 8,Abir.i.tto it de- tailed reports of the progreos of pub110 road oonstruotlon and statcat of ex- penditures. Be thall be allowed all travell~ ex9enees end other expenses therefOr, under the dlreOtiOn OS the de- psrtmnt, while aboent from Austin In ths perforr=anoe of duty under the di- motion or the Coznl6sI0n.~ In 1931, the followI= Aot war passed: Vhe traveling and other necessary expenses lacurred by the various offIoer6, assistants, deputies, olerks and other SE- ployees in tho vorioua' de9artnents, InstIe tutlons, board& oomIsoIons or other oub- divisions oi the State Government, In the aotive dieofiarge of their dutlen shall be such as are speoifloally fixed end appro- priated by tho Le5islstu.m In the general approprlatlone bill provIClng for the ex- pensee of the ttl;te CXfvcrment from yem to year. iThenappropriations for travel- 1~ expeensssare mde axkyallamxes or payr,ents to offiolals or ec9loyees ror the use or privately omed autoaobllea shall be on e baeis of actual nIleaSe traveled for eaoh trip or all trips oover- ed by the expense aooounts aubtittcd ror papnant or allcmmoe fro% su‘ch ap;roprl- atlone, and suoh paycent or cllcmnce shall be made at a rate not to exceed five ('54 omts for each nlle actuelly traveled, and no additional er9enre inci- dent to the operation of elch automobile shall be ello~mQ.* (Aots 1931, Porty- eeoond La@lature, p. 372, Chnpter 218, seotion 1, oodified by Vernon's a8 Arti- 018 01323, in Varnon*.s Suppleclont to the Revised Civil Statutes of $925.) The rid& aapmbad to Senate Sill No. 427, passed by the Forty-sixth Ls~slaturs, oontoins various provision8 operating as limitations on the uee of funds ap?rogriated for traveling expense8, It 18 not necessary for the ?ur- poms of thie opinion to r6vfe?t t&We lldtEitlOnS,save In the respeots noted below. Honorable Julian Montgoosry, Page S Seotlon (41, or that portion of the rider re- lating to trnvallng 4rpens44 pro~Id4s 88 r0il~at *Exoept a0 otkwlse ~p90iri05lly etmptad, the proolnlona of thlu Act shall also apply to dqmrtzient haids and menbrrs of CO~EIIS~IO~II.” Th4r9 is ao exemption of the State Highway En- gineer anywhere to be found In the Appropriations Bill. 24 think it clear that the laglslatlve Intent is EfdfeSt- ed that the provlsione of ,~the rider relative to traveling bxpenaea ehall apply not only to Wats e~9loyees, but also to Stat4 ofrIobr8. That thla was ao Intended by the Leg- islature Is aiad6 clear by the faot thet It found It neoea- sary to 8peOlfIoally exempt from the provisions of the Act relative to traveling expense8 tso of the ohiaf *ofrIcera~ of this State, to-wit, ths Governor and the Lieutenant Gov- ernor, in sootion. (g) of ths rider relating to trav4Ung ergensoas RIt is expreeoly provided that the provlslons of this Aot, with referenoe to traveling expenses, shall not apply to the Governor and the Lieutenant Gov- ernor of this State,* The a990Iric oxmptioa 0s these two 0rrIcera cf our State Covermeat lndloates clearly that It V.BSthe legialettive belief that, unless such speoltio exezptlon was mde, the Governor and the Lieutenant Govmnor, In in- curring traveling ex94z1aes, would be limited by the provi- sions of the rider relative thereto. To hold otherwIse wuld ‘be tc say that the La&s- leturs Intended that the embers of the zlehway Comleslon, while traveling on business of the State, should,be linited to $4.00 par day for rneels and lod@&j, but that their sub- ordinate officer, the State fiighway Xnglneer, While travel- I- at the expense of the State on State business, should not be linited to $4.00 per day; that the heed of tommy General*8 Departcmnt, the Attorney General, should, while traveling at the expense of the State on State busf- neas, b4 lImIted to $4.00 per day for Eeale end lodeInS, but that hI4 subordinate offloer, the First AssistEiXt At- torney General, should not be limIted to $4.00 per day; that the head of the Department of St&o, the Seoretary of State, While tB3Velw Et the 4Xp6lWO Or the Stat.4 011 Stat4 business should be limited to #4.00 per day for meals and lodging, but that hIr subordinate offio4r, the Asalstant . Honorable Julian Xoatgon;ery, Pago. 4 Seoretarp of State, should not be (10 limited. Yie do not balleos t!mt this was intended by the Le&slaturs, and, therefore, our Opinion No. q-1626 is afflmed. fn the nemorandumof authorities attached to your letter, you ham miaoonatrued Opinion No. o-1426, in ona respoot, whemin you etate that Opinion No. 0-1420 reoog- nlzes that the State Kighwsy -i?lnaar would heve a volld claim against ths State of Texas for traveling expenses ao- tually incurred in exoese of $4.00 per day. Opinion No. O-1428 dcee not so reoognlza or imply, for Artlole 6823, Vernon’s Supplamnt to the Revloed Cloil Statutes of 1925, preoentn the reoogaition ot nny aiah prl?nolple. Pourr rely truly AlTORiN?ZY OEXXRALOFTEXAS