Eon.D.LeonEarp SecuritiesCommissioner Secretaryof State'sOffice Austin,Texas Dear Sir: opinionNo. O-1629 Re: Travhlingexpensesof Securities Commissionerto attend conference of State'sSecuritiesCommissioners in Chicago,February19th and 2Oth, 1940. We have your requestfor an opinionon the above subject,dated Februsry 14th and also e copy of tour report to the Secretaryof State, dated February23rd, whereinyou summarizeyour conclusionsrelatingto various types of securitieswhich may ba offeredfor registrationin Texas which conclusionsand recomdetions arrivedat after ccnferencewith other conferees,ale to be used in determiningthe future policiesof your department, You have advisedthe writer that this conferencewas arranged by mutmr'lagreement among the five personaattendingsame, being yourself, the SecuritiesConmissioners of the respectivestates of Minnesota,Illinois and Florida,and the field secretaryof the American InvestmentBankers Association. It is our opinionthat khe object of this conferenceis clearlya State &pose. Nor do we believethat the conferenceconstitutesa "convention" as that word is used in the generalrider to Senate Bill 427 of the 46th Lagislature. Yours very truly APPROVEDMAR. 12, 1940 ATTORNEYCERERALOFTEXAS s/GERALDc. MAN-N A!lTORNEYcZ3NEW.L OF TEXAS a/ Walter R. Koch THIS OPINIONCONSIDERED ANDAPPROVED IN LIMITFLD CONFERENCE bs Walter Pi.Koch Assistant WFX: aw
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion