3 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN ?&‘a! Xor A. Elshb I;hbf Aogeunteint Board or Caunty and Ditatrlat Road fndebtadtm a dwatln, T0xm c\ wax 3121 ?dr. 000. Aa Hight, page 8 County, 40 $8. 3. (Zd) 43, wherein the court saldr “The oommiosloners~ oourt may expend oounty road bond fund8 for improvement of oity streets forming part of county road8 where made with oity*s oonsent.* It will be noted thkt these deolaions restrict a oounty’s jurisdiotlon over the streets of an lnoorporated oitp, but that where oounty roads form a part or the city streeta, it seems ta be settled law that tha oounty has the rlKht to expend county funds for the improvement of such ;o&, am though oonstltutlng a part of a olty thorough- . You are, therefore, advised that it is our opinion thct the claim of Tarrant county is Legal, provided same complies in, al.1 other reepeota with the provisions of House Bl,. #MS, above olted. Truski~ that the foregoiq eatlefaotorily answers your inquitiy, we are Very truly yours BY (01 Clarenae E. Crowe Assistant AFI~ROT’ED(TAN, 10, lG40 (a) Gerald c. Mann ATTORNEY GEmSRAL OF TXXAS APFROVED opinion committee ,By Bii aairman
Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion
Combined Opinion